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You can trust the ladder, but you shouldn’t (2019)
Journal Article
Tallant, J. (2019). You can trust the ladder, but you shouldn’t. Theoria, 85(2), 102-118.

My claim in this paper is that, contra what I take to be the orthodoxy in the wider literature, we do trust inanimate objects—per the example in the title, there are cases where people really do trust a ladder (to hold their weight, for instance), an... Read More about You can trust the ladder, but you shouldn’t.

A service evaluation of FIT and anaemia for risk stratification in the two week wait pathway for colorectal cancer (2019)
Journal Article
Chapman, C., Bunce, J., Oliver, S., Ng, O., Tangri, A., Rogers, R., Logan, R., Humes, D., & Banerjea, A. (2019). A service evaluation of FIT and anaemia for risk stratification in the two week wait pathway for colorectal cancer. BJS Open, 3(3), 395-402.

Introduction: New national guidance on urgent referral for investigation for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) included faecal occult blood testing in 2015. We evaluated faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) and anaemia as risk stratification tools in symptomati... Read More about A service evaluation of FIT and anaemia for risk stratification in the two week wait pathway for colorectal cancer.

Transitioning Primary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Special Education Setting to a Mainstream Classroom: Successes and Difficulties (2019)
Journal Article
Dixon, R., Verenikina, I., Costley, D., & Martin, T. (2021). Transitioning Primary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Special Education Setting to a Mainstream Classroom: Successes and Difficulties. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25(5), 640-655.

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are increasingly being educated in mainstream classroom environments. Commonly students commence their education in a segregated setting, transitioning to mainstream education after a process of skills de... Read More about Transitioning Primary School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder from a Special Education Setting to a Mainstream Classroom: Successes and Difficulties.

Deep Hourglass for Brain Tumor Segmentation (2019)
Book Chapter
Benson, E., Pound, M. P., French, A. P., Jackson, A. S., & Pridmore, T. P. (2019). Deep Hourglass for Brain Tumor Segmentation. In BrainLes 2018: Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries (419-428). Springer.

The segmentation of a brain tumour in an MRI scan is a challenging task, in this paper we present our results for this problem via the BraTS 2018 challenge, consisting of 210 high grade glioma (HGG) and 75 low grade glioma (LGG) volumes for training.... Read More about Deep Hourglass for Brain Tumor Segmentation.

Three dimensional nanoscale analysis reveals aperiodic mesopores in a covalent organic framework and conjugated microporous polymer (2019)
Journal Article
Stoppiello, C. T., Isla, H., Martínez-Abadía, M., Fay, M. W., Parmenter, C. D. J., Roe, M. J., Lerma-Berlanga, B., Martí-Gastaldo, C., Mateo-Alonso, A., & Khlobystov, A. N. (2019). Three dimensional nanoscale analysis reveals aperiodic mesopores in a covalent organic framework and conjugated microporous polymer. Nanoscale, 11(6), 2848-2854.

The integrated analytical approach developed in this study offers a powerful methodology for the structural characterization of complex molecular nanomaterials. Structures of a covalent organic framework based on boronate esters (COF-5) and a conjuga... Read More about Three dimensional nanoscale analysis reveals aperiodic mesopores in a covalent organic framework and conjugated microporous polymer.

Mongoose Manor: Herpestidae remains from the Early Pleistocene Cooper’s D locality in the Cradle of Humankind, Gauteng, South Africa (2019)
Journal Article
Cohen, B., O'REGAN, H., & Steininger, C. (2019). Mongoose Manor: Herpestidae remains from the Early Pleistocene Cooper’s D locality in the Cradle of Humankind, Gauteng, South Africa. Palaeontologia Africana, 53, 97-113

Mongooses (Herpestidae) are an important component of African ecosystems, and a common constituent of southern African fossil assemblages. Despite this, mongoose fossils from the Cradle of Humankind, Gauteng, South Africa, have received relatively li... Read More about Mongoose Manor: Herpestidae remains from the Early Pleistocene Cooper’s D locality in the Cradle of Humankind, Gauteng, South Africa.

Accuracy of FibroScan Controlled Attenuation Parameter and Liver Stiffness Measurement in Assessing Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (2019)
Journal Article
Tsochatzis, E., Eddowes, P. J., Sasso, M., Allison, M., Tsochatzis, E., Anstee, Q. M., Sheridan, D., Guha, I. N., Cobbold, J. F., Deeks, J. J., Paradis, V., Bedossa, P., & Newsome, P. N. (2019). Accuracy of FibroScan Controlled Attenuation Parameter and Liver Stiffness Measurement in Assessing Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Gastroenterology, 156(6), 1717-1730.

Background & Aims: We estimated the accuracy of FibroScan vibration-controlled transient elastography controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) and liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) in assessing steatosis and fibrosis in patients with suspected NAFLD.... Read More about Accuracy of FibroScan Controlled Attenuation Parameter and Liver Stiffness Measurement in Assessing Steatosis and Fibrosis in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.

The Papacy, Reform and Intervention: International Collective Security in Restoration Italy (2019)
Book Chapter
Laven, D. (2019). The Papacy, Reform and Intervention: International Collective Security in Restoration Italy. In B. de Graaf, I. de Haan, & B. Vick (Eds.), Securing Europe after Napoleon: 1815 and the new European security culture (214-230). Cambridge University Press.

In contrast to the largely critical historiography on the Italian portion of the system established at the Congress of Vienna, this chapter argues that most Italians were happy to see the establishment of a Habsburg hegemony, in part as the main driv... Read More about The Papacy, Reform and Intervention: International Collective Security in Restoration Italy.

Albuminuria regression and all-cause mortality among insulin-treated patients with Type 2 diabetes: analysis of a large UK Primary Care cohort (2019)
Journal Article
Anyanwagu, U., Donnelly, R., & Idris, I. (2019). Albuminuria regression and all-cause mortality among insulin-treated patients with Type 2 diabetes: analysis of a large UK Primary Care cohort. American Journal of Nephrology, 49(2), 146-155.

Background: Overt albuminuria (urinary albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) >300mg/g) is an established risk factor for progression of nephropathy and total mortality. However, whether, a reduction in ACR translates into a reduction in mortality and/or car... Read More about Albuminuria regression and all-cause mortality among insulin-treated patients with Type 2 diabetes: analysis of a large UK Primary Care cohort.

Sex allocation, sex ratios and reproduction (2019)
Book Chapter
Hardy, I. C., & Boulton, R. A. (2019). Sex allocation, sex ratios and reproduction. In J. Choe (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (464-471). (2nd edition). Elsevier.

Sex allocation theory provides a powerful framework for understanding a range of reproductive behavior, including the numerical sex ratio of the progeny that parents produce. Starting with evolutionary explanations for why many species have unbiased... Read More about Sex allocation, sex ratios and reproduction.

An integrated functional Weissman estimator for conditionalextreme quantiles (2019)
Journal Article
Gardes, L., & Stupfler, G. (2019). An integrated functional Weissman estimator for conditionalextreme quantiles. Revstat Statistical Journal, 17(1), 109-144

It is well-known that estimating extreme quantiles, namely, quantiles lying beyond the range of the available data, is a nontrivial problem that involves the analysis of tail behavior through the estimation of the extreme-value index. For heavy-taile... Read More about An integrated functional Weissman estimator for conditionalextreme quantiles.

Observation of angular dependence of T1 in the human white matter at 3T (2019)
Journal Article
Knight, M., Damion, R., & Kauppinen, R. (2019). Observation of angular dependence of T1 in the human white matter at 3T. Biomedical Spectroscopy and Imaging, 7(3-4), 125-133.

Background and Objective: Multiple factors including chemical composition and microstructure influence relaxivity of tissue water in vivo. We have quantified T1 in the human white mater (WM) together with diffusion tensor imaging to study a possible... Read More about Observation of angular dependence of T1 in the human white matter at 3T.

Tumor pH and Protein Concentration Contribute to the Signal of Amide Proton Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2019)
Journal Article
Ray, K. J., Simard, M. A., Larkin, J. R., Coates, J., Kinchesh, P., Smart, S. C., Higgins, G. S., Chappell, M. A., & Sibson, N. R. (2019). Tumor pH and Protein Concentration Contribute to the Signal of Amide Proton Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Cancer Research, 79(7), 1343-1352.

Abnormal pH is a common feature of malignant tumors and has been associated clinically with suboptimal outcomes. Amide proton transfer magnetic resonance imaging (APT MRI) holds promise as a means to noninvasively measure tumor pH, yet multiple facto... Read More about Tumor pH and Protein Concentration Contribute to the Signal of Amide Proton Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET (2019)
Book Chapter
Alla-Mensah, J., Fakoush, H., McGrath, S., & Wedekind, V. (2019). Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET. In S. McGrath, M. Mulder, J. Papier, & R. Suart (Eds.), Handbook of vocational education and training: developments in the changing world of work (159-175). Springer International Publishing.

Migration is increasingly being seen as a political challenge and, thus, a policy priority. Yet the integration of migrants into labor markets is a key element of the political contestations of migration. On the one hand, successful labor market inte... Read More about Migrants in the labor market: implications for TVET.

In-situ repair/maintenance with a continuum robotic machine tool in confined space (2019)
Journal Article
Dong, X., Palmer, D., Axinte, D., & Kell, J. (2019). In-situ repair/maintenance with a continuum robotic machine tool in confined space. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 38, 313-318.

In-situ repair/maintenance is critical for the key industry sectors (e.g. aerospace, nuclear), which require prompt interventions. The paper reports on a tendon driven continuum robotic machine tool with high manoeuvrability in navigating and machini... Read More about In-situ repair/maintenance with a continuum robotic machine tool in confined space.

Young people, school engagement and perceptions of support: a mixed methods analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Ryan, L., D’Angelo, A., Kaye, N., & Lorinc, M. (2019). Young people, school engagement and perceptions of support: a mixed methods analysis. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(9), 1272-1288.

As levels of young people not in education, employment or training (NEET) remain high in the UK, there is growing concern about processes of school disengagement. Drawing on quantitative and qualitative data, we explore some factors that lead young p... Read More about Young people, school engagement and perceptions of support: a mixed methods analysis.

Developing a high-throughput SNP-based marker system to facilitate the introgression of traits from Aegilops species into bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) (2019)
Journal Article
Przewieslik-Allen, A. M., Burridge, A. J., Wilkinson, P. A., Winfield, M. O., Shaw, D. S., McAusland, L., King, J., King, I. P., Edwards, K. J., & Barker, G. L. (2019). Developing a high-throughput SNP-based marker system to facilitate the introgression of traits from Aegilops species into bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, Article 1993.

The genus Aegilops contains a diverse collection of wild species exhibiting variation in geographical distribution, ecological adaptation, ploidy and genome organization. Aegilops is the most closely related genus to Triticum which includes cultivate... Read More about Developing a high-throughput SNP-based marker system to facilitate the introgression of traits from Aegilops species into bread wheat (Triticum aestivum).

Riding the Wave of Belt and Road Initiative in Servitization: Lessons from China (2019)
Journal Article
Hua Tan, K., Guojun, J., Chung, L., Wang, C. H., Chiu, A., & Tseng, M. L. (2019). Riding the Wave of Belt and Road Initiative in Servitization: Lessons from China. International Journal of Production Economics, 211, 15-21.

In light of increasing demand in services, manufacturers are moving further downstream in order to interact and respond to customers' needs more effectively. Several authors have proposed servitization models based on the product service system (PSS)... Read More about Riding the Wave of Belt and Road Initiative in Servitization: Lessons from China.

Domesticating data: socio-legal perspectives on smart homes and good data design (2019)
Book Chapter
FLINTHAM, M., GOULDEN, M., PRICE, D., & Urquhart, L. (2019). Domesticating data: socio-legal perspectives on smart homes and good data design. In A. Daly, S. K. Devitt, & M. Mann (Eds.), Good data (343 -360). Institute of Network Cultures

In this chapter, we focus on the so-called ‘smart home’ as an archetypal group space into which the Internet of Things is spreading. As most homes are shared spaces we focus on what ‘good data’ might look like in a space that is essentially defined b... Read More about Domesticating data: socio-legal perspectives on smart homes and good data design.