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Probing the heart and mind of the viewer: scientific studies of film and theatre spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917-1936 (2018)
Journal Article
Toropova, A. (2018). Probing the heart and mind of the viewer: scientific studies of film and theatre spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917-1936. Slavic Review, 76(4), 931-958.

A vast array of research institutes and cultural organizations began to study the viewer of Soviet cinema and theatre in the years following the October Revolution. These investigations called on the techniques of sociology, psychology, and physiolog... Read More about Probing the heart and mind of the viewer: scientific studies of film and theatre spectators in the Soviet Union, 1917-1936.

Selective Photoinduced Antibacterial Activity of Amoxicillin-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: From One-Step Synthesis to in Vivo Cytocompatibility (2018)
Journal Article
Silvero C., M. J., Rocca, D. M., de la Villarmois, E. A., Fournier, K., Lanterna, A. E., Pérez, M. F., Becerra, M. C., & Scaiano, J. C. (2018). Selective Photoinduced Antibacterial Activity of Amoxicillin-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: From One-Step Synthesis to in Vivo Cytocompatibility. ACS Omega, 3(1), 1220-1230.

Photoinduced antibacterial gold nanoparticles were developed as an alternative for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Thanks to the amoxicillin coating, they possess high in vivo stability, selectivity for the bacteria wall, a good renal... Read More about Selective Photoinduced Antibacterial Activity of Amoxicillin-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: From One-Step Synthesis to in Vivo Cytocompatibility.

A long goodbye to the 'good girl': An auto ethnographic account (2018)
Book Chapter
Thomson, P. (2018). A long goodbye to the 'good girl': An auto ethnographic account. In Feeling academic in the neoliberal university: Feminist flights, fights and failures (243-260). Palgrave Macmillan.

The contemporary university relies on academic staff who are ready and willing to be highly productive on a number of fronts—publish widely and for a range of audiences, publish for audit purposes, attract funding, work in interdisciplinary teams, pr... Read More about A long goodbye to the 'good girl': An auto ethnographic account.

The strength of weight-bearing bones is similar in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic elite long-distance runners (2018)
Journal Article
Piasecki, J., Ireland, A., Piasecki, M., Cameron, J., McPhee, J. S., & Degens, H. (2018). The strength of weight-bearing bones is similar in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic elite long-distance runners. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 28(5), 1559-1568.

Regular intense endurance exercise can lead to amenorrhea with possible adverse consequences for bone health. We compared whole body and regional bone strength and skeletal muscle characteristics between amenorrheic (AA: n = 14) and eumenorrheic (EA:... Read More about The strength of weight-bearing bones is similar in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic elite long-distance runners.

Experiences of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: systematic review and concept analysis (2018)
Journal Article
Tomlin, J., Bartlett, P., & Völlm, B. (2018). Experiences of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: systematic review and concept analysis. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 57,

Mentally disordered offenders may be sent to secure psychiatric hospitals. These settings can resemble carceral spaces, employing high levels of security restricting resident autonomy, expression and social interaction. However, research exploring th... Read More about Experiences of restrictiveness in forensic psychiatric care: systematic review and concept analysis.

A review of the stable isotope bio-geochemistry of the global silicon cycle and its associated trace elements (2018)
Journal Article
Sutton, J. N., André, L., Cardinal, D., Conley, D. J., de Souza, G. F., Dean, J. R., Dodd, J., Ehlert, C., Ellwood, M. J., Frings, P. J., Grasse, P., Hendry, K., Leng, M. J., Michalopoulos, P., Panizzo, V. N., & Swann, G. E. (2018). A review of the stable isotope bio-geochemistry of the global silicon cycle and its associated trace elements. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, Article 112.

Silicon (Si) is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust and is an important nutrient in the ocean. The global Si cycle plays a critical role in regulating primary productivity and carbon cycling on the continents and in the oceans. Deve... Read More about A review of the stable isotope bio-geochemistry of the global silicon cycle and its associated trace elements.

Web-Based Decision Aid to Assist Help-Seeking Choices for Young People Who Self-Harm: Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial (2018)
Journal Article
Rowe, S. L., Patel, K., French, R. S., Henderson, C., Ougrin, D., Slade, M., & Moran, P. (2018). Web-Based Decision Aid to Assist Help-Seeking Choices for Young People Who Self-Harm: Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial. JMIR Mental Health, 5(1), Article e10.

Background: Adolescents who self-harm are often unsure how or where to get help. We developed a web-based personalised decision aid (DA), designed to support young people in decision-making about seeking help for their self-harm.
Objective: Our aim... Read More about Web-Based Decision Aid to Assist Help-Seeking Choices for Young People Who Self-Harm: Outcomes From a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial.

Variation in grain Zn concentration, and the grain ionome, in field-grown Indian wheat (2018)
Journal Article
Khokhar, J. S., Sareen, S., Tyagi, B. S., Singh, G., Wilson, L., King, I. P., Young, S. D., & Broadley, M. R. (2018). Variation in grain Zn concentration, and the grain ionome, in field-grown Indian wheat. PLoS ONE, 13(1), Article e0192026.

Wheat is an important dietary source of zinc (Zn) and other mineral elements in many countries. Dietary Zn deficiency is widespread, especially in developing countries, and breeding (genetic biofortification) through the HarvestPlus programme has rec... Read More about Variation in grain Zn concentration, and the grain ionome, in field-grown Indian wheat.

Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive quality assessment of cereal grains (2018)
Journal Article
Caporaso, N., Whitworth, M. B., & Fisk, I. D. (2018). Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive quality assessment of cereal grains. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 53(8), 667-687.

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) combines spectroscopy and imaging, providing information about the chemical properties of a material and their spatial distribution. It represents an advance of traditional Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy. The present wor... Read More about Near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging for non-destructive quality assessment of cereal grains.

Gender inequalities in the City of London advertising industry (2018)
Journal Article
Wang, A., & Crewe, L. (2018). Gender inequalities in the City of London advertising industry. Environment and Planning A, 50(3), 671-688.

This paper explores gender relations in the City of London advertising industry. It argues that the gender imbalance in the highest ranking positions and the stifled career progression of women in the industry are a result of social, structural and i... Read More about Gender inequalities in the City of London advertising industry.

Lytic xylan oxidases from wood-decay fungi unlock biomass degradation (2018)
Journal Article
Couturier, M., Ladevèze, S., Sulzenbacher, G., Ciano, L., Fanuel, M., Moreau, C., Villares, A., Cathala, B., Chaspoul, F., Frandsen, K. E., Labourel, A., Herpoël-Gimbert, I., Grisel, S., Haon, M., Lenfant, N., Rogniaux, H., Ropartz, D., Davies, G. J., Rosso, M.-N., Walton, P. H., …Berrin, J.-G. (2018). Lytic xylan oxidases from wood-decay fungi unlock biomass degradation. Nature Chemical Biology, 14(3), 306-310.

Wood biomass is the most abundant feedstock envisioned for the development of modern biorefineries. However, the cost-effective conversion of this form of biomass into commodity products is limited by its resistance to enzymatic degradation. Here we... Read More about Lytic xylan oxidases from wood-decay fungi unlock biomass degradation.

Gentlemen, heroes, real men, disabled men: explorations at the intersections of disability and masculinity in contemporary China (2018)
Journal Article
Dauncey, S. (2018). Gentlemen, heroes, real men, disabled men: explorations at the intersections of disability and masculinity in contemporary China. NAN Nü, 19(2),

This article advances new perspectives on disability culture in contemporary China. Using gender – specifically masculinity – as an “intersection,” it addresses key questions that both help to explain, but also further trouble, the way in which the “... Read More about Gentlemen, heroes, real men, disabled men: explorations at the intersections of disability and masculinity in contemporary China.

A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of cenicriviroc for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with fibrosis (2018)
Journal Article
Friedman, S. L., Ratziu, V., Harrison, S. A., Abdelmalek, M. F., Aithal, G. P., Caballeria, J., Francque, S., Farrell, G., Kowdley, K. V., Craxi, A., Simon, K., Fischer, L., Melchor-Khan, L., Vest, J., Wiens, B. L., Vig, P., Seyedkazemi, S., Goodman, Z., Wong, V. W.-S., Loomba, R., …Lefebvre, E. (2018). A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of cenicriviroc for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with fibrosis. Hepatology, 67(5),

The aim of this study was to evaluate cenicriviroc (CVC), a dual antagonist of C-C chemokine receptor types 2 and 5, for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) with liver fibrosis.
A randomized, double-blind, multinational phase 2b study e... Read More about A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of cenicriviroc for treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with fibrosis.

The archaeometry and archaeology of ancient Chinese glass: a review (2018)
Journal Article
Henderson, J., An, J., & Ma, H. (2018). The archaeometry and archaeology of ancient Chinese glass: a review. Archaeometry, 60(1),

This paper provides a new review of archaeometric research carried out on glass found in China, set in an archaeological context, from its earliest occurrence, to the Song dynasty. It is set within a broad geographical context taking the terrestrial... Read More about The archaeometry and archaeology of ancient Chinese glass: a review.

Classical Reception and Children's Literature: Greece, Rome and Childhood Transformation (2018)
Hodkinson, O., & Lovatt, H. (Eds.). (2018). Classical Reception and Children's Literature: Greece, Rome and Childhood Transformation. I.B. Tauris

This volume presents research on the reception of the Classical world in children's literature, from the nineteenth century to the present day. It brings together contributions from scholars in Classics, English, History of Art and Education to discu... Read More about Classical Reception and Children's Literature: Greece, Rome and Childhood Transformation.

Exploring the current and future role of the pharmacists in osteoporosis screening and management in Malaysia (2018)
Journal Article
Toh, L., Lai, P., Othman, S., Shah, A., Dang, C., Low, B., Wong, K., & Anderson, C. (2018). Exploring the current and future role of the pharmacists in osteoporosis screening and management in Malaysia. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 40(2), 450-457.

Background Several studies have found that pharmacists can assist in screening and prevention of osteoporosis by referring patients for bone mineral density scans and counselling on lifestyle changes. In Malaysia, screening osteoporosis in all elderl... Read More about Exploring the current and future role of the pharmacists in osteoporosis screening and management in Malaysia.

Water solubility enhancement of pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives via miniaturized polymer-drug microarrays (2018)
Journal Article
Sanna, M., Sicilia, G., Alazzo, A., Singh, N., Musumeci, F., Schenone, S., Spriggs, K., Burley, J. C., Garnett, M., Taresco, V., & Alexander, C. (in press). Water solubility enhancement of pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives via miniaturized polymer-drug microarrays. ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 9(3),

A miniaturized assay was optimized to evaluate the enhanced apparent water solubility of pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives used extensively as anticancer drug scaffolds. The applied amount of drugs used in the reported strategy ranged from 5-10 μ... Read More about Water solubility enhancement of pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyrimidine derivatives via miniaturized polymer-drug microarrays.

Prototypical actions with objects are more easily imagined than atypical actions (2018)
Journal Article
Madan, C. R., Ng, A., & Singhal, A. (2018). Prototypical actions with objects are more easily imagined than atypical actions. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(3), 314-320.

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. Tool use is an important facet of everyday life, though sometimes it is necessary to use tools in ways that do not fit within their typical functions. Here we asked participants to imagi... Read More about Prototypical actions with objects are more easily imagined than atypical actions.