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A Novel Method for Calculating Airgap Permeance of PM Machines Based on Equivalent Electrostatic FEA (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zou, T., Li, D., Qu, R., & Jiang, D. (2017, June). A Novel Method for Calculating Airgap Permeance of PM Machines Based on Equivalent Electrostatic FEA. Presented at 21st International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Daejeon, Korea

The detailed airgap permeance distribution of an electric machine is important information for analyzing and optimizing the machine’s performance. However, there is only analytical method to calculate permeance, and the simulation method which can be... Read More about A Novel Method for Calculating Airgap Permeance of PM Machines Based on Equivalent Electrostatic FEA.

Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices (2017)
Lucas, B., Stoll, L., Greany, T., Tsakalaki, A., & Nelson, R. (2017). Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices. Tony Little Centre for Innovation and Research in Learning at Eton College

Over the last two decades there has been growing interest in independent-state school partnerships (ISSPs). The term is currently used to refer to arrangements between two or more schools which include at least one independent and one state school. I... Read More about Independent-State School Partnerships: An initial review of evidence and current practices.

Comparison between image analysis techniques for boat shape measurements (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Catalucci, S., Marsili, R., Moretti, M., & Rossi, G. (2017, October). Comparison between image analysis techniques for boat shape measurements. Presented at IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for the Sea, Naples, Italy

The aim of this paper is to define performances and metrological characteristics of simple and economical photomodelling techniques for boat shape measurements, an innovative technique developed recently. Compared with the technique based on a Creafo... Read More about Comparison between image analysis techniques for boat shape measurements.

The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement (2017)
Journal Article
Kwan, C. M. C., Cheng, S., & Williams, P. (2017). The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement. Advances in Consumer Research, 45, 725-726

This research demonstrates that yearning for the society's past enhances optimism toward the future of that society, which boosts consumers' confidence and their propensity to endorse risky policies. Such effects occur only when consumers reflect on... Read More about The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement.

The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kwan, C. M. C., Wyer, R. S., & Dai, Z. The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents

Conceptualizing perspectives into three types-victim, involved observer and disinterested observer, we investigate how perspective influences prosocial intents via its effects on prosocial emotions. We show that taking the perspective of victims or i... Read More about The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents.

An illustrated guide to the land snails and slugs of Vietnam (2017)
Raheem, D. C., Backeljau, T., Pearce-Kelly, P., Taylor, H., Fenn, J., Sutcharit, C., Panha, S., von Oheimb, K. . C., von Oheimb, P. V., Ikebe, C., Páll-Gergely, B., Gargominy, O., Văn Hào, L., Văn Sáng, P., Văn Tứ, Đ., Thị Phòng, Đ., Naggs, M., Ablett, J., Mackenzie Dodds, J., Wade, C. M., & Naggs, F. (2017). An illustrated guide to the land snails and slugs of Vietnam

‘¿Hacia un liberalismo socialista? Los intelectuales españoles de principios del siglo XX y su crítica del liberalismo decimonónico’ (2017)
Book Chapter
ROBERTS, S. (2017). ‘¿Hacia un liberalismo socialista? Los intelectuales españoles de principios del siglo XX y su crítica del liberalismo decimonónico’. In J. Novella Suárez, J. L. Mora García, & X. Agenjo Bullón (Eds.), Laberintos del Liberalismo. Libro de las XII Jornadas Internacionales de Hispanismo Filosófico (217-235). Fundación Ignacio Larramendi, Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad de Murcia, Asociación de Hispanismo Filosófico

This chapter analyses the intellectual debates on the relationship between liberalism and socialism in early twentieth-century Spain.

Cue integration in spatial search for jointly learned landmarks but not for separately learned landmarks. (2017)
Journal Article
Du, Y., McMillan, N., Madan, C. R., Spetch, M. L., & Mou, W. (2017). Cue integration in spatial search for jointly learned landmarks but not for separately learned landmarks. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43(12), 1857-1871.

The authors investigated how humans use multiple landmarks to locate a goal. Participants searched for a hidden goal location along a line between 2 distinct landmarks on a computer screen. On baseline trials, the location of the landmarks and goal v... Read More about Cue integration in spatial search for jointly learned landmarks but not for separately learned landmarks..

A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth (2017)
Journal Article
Holden, E. C., Collis, J., Brook, B. S., & O'Dea, R. D. (2017). A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth. ANZIAM Journal, 59, 499-532.

We derive an effective macroscale description for the growth of tissue on a porous scaffold. A multiphase model is employed to describe the tissue dynamics; linearisation to facilitate a multiple-scale homogenisation provides an effective macroscale... Read More about A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth.

Designing and Delivering Interventions for Health Behavior Change in Adolescents Using Multitechnology Systems: From Identification of Target Behaviors to Implementation (2017)
Book Chapter
Condon, L. A., & Coulson, N. S. (2017). Designing and Delivering Interventions for Health Behavior Change in Adolescents Using Multitechnology Systems: From Identification of Target Behaviors to Implementation. In L. Little, E. Sillence, & A. Joinson (Eds.), Behavior Change Research and Theory: Psychological and Technological Perspectives (27-45). Academic Press.

© 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. When designing behavior change interventions it is fundamental to gain an in-depth understanding of both the target behavior(s), and the issues surrounding the implementation, adherence, and acceptance of the... Read More about Designing and Delivering Interventions for Health Behavior Change in Adolescents Using Multitechnology Systems: From Identification of Target Behaviors to Implementation.

Out of the Archives: Oxford, the SPSL, and Literae Humaniores Refugee Scholars (2017)
Book Chapter
Davies, P. (2017). Out of the Archives: Oxford, the SPSL, and Literae Humaniores Refugee Scholars. In S. Crawford, K. Ulmschneider, & J. Elsner (Eds.), Ark of Civilization: Refugee Scholars and Oxford University, 1930-1945 (77-95). Oxford University Press (OUP).

This chapter provides a broader analysis of the reception of refugee scholars by Oxford’s academic community. Drawing heavily upon the SPSL’s archive and Oxford University’s own archives, Davies considers the cases of around a dozen refugee scholars... Read More about Out of the Archives: Oxford, the SPSL, and Literae Humaniores Refugee Scholars.

Les banques islamiques sont-elles si islamiques que cela ? Conséquences en matière de fonds propres réglementaires (2017)
Journal Article
Bitar, M., & Madiès, P. (2017). Les banques islamiques sont-elles si islamiques que cela ? Conséquences en matière de fonds propres réglementaires. Revue d'Economie Financiere, 2017/1(125), 287-312.

En théorie, les banques islamiques sont des institutions qui appliquent le concept de partage de profits et de pertes (PPP). Néanmoins, la littérature montre que, dans la pratique, les banques islamiques reposent essentiellement sur des opérations co... Read More about Les banques islamiques sont-elles si islamiques que cela ? Conséquences en matière de fonds propres réglementaires.

The Criminal Is Political: Policing Politics in Real Existing Liberalism (2017)
Journal Article
Duff, K. (2017). The Criminal Is Political: Policing Politics in Real Existing Liberalism. Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 3(4), 485-502.

The familiar irony of ‘real existing socialism’ is that it never was. Socialist ideals were used to legitimize regimes that fell far short of realizing those ideals—indeed, that violently repressed anyone who tried to realize them. This paper suggest... Read More about The Criminal Is Political: Policing Politics in Real Existing Liberalism.