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A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth

Holden, Elizabeth C.; Collis, Joseph; Brook, Bindi S.; O'Dea, Reuben D.


Elizabeth C. Holden

Joseph Collis


We derive an effective macroscale description for the growth of tissue on a porous scaffold. A multiphase model is employed to describe the tissue dynamics; linearisation to facilitate a multiple-scale homogenisation provides an effective macroscale description, which incorporates dependence on the microscale structure and dynamics. In particular, the resulting description admits both interstitial growth and active cell motion. This model comprises Darcy flow, and differential equations for the volume fraction of cells within the scaffold and the concentration of nutrient, required for growth. These are coupled with Stokes-type cell problems on the microscale, incorporating dependence on active cell motion and pore scale structure. The cell problems provide the permeability tensors with which the macroscale flow is parameterised. A subset of solutions is illustrated by numerical simulations.


Holden, E. C., Collis, J., Brook, B. S., & O'Dea, R. D. (2017). A multiphase multiscale model for nutrient limited tissue growth. ANZIAM Journal, 59, 499-532.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 25, 2018
Online Publication Date May 23, 2018
Publication Date 2017
Deposit Date Sep 28, 2020
Journal ANZIAM Journal
Print ISSN 1446-1811
Publisher Cambridge University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 59
Pages 499-532
Public URL