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Ezekiel's oracles against the nations in light of a royal ideology of warfare (2011)
Journal Article
Crouch, C. (2011). Ezekiel's oracles against the nations in light of a royal ideology of warfare. Journal of Biblical Literature, 130(3),

Over the last few decades a steady stream of scholarship has argued for a mythological background to the oracles against the nations (OANs) in the book of Ezekiel.1 Very few studies, however, have attempted to make overarching sense of Ezekiel’s use... Read More about Ezekiel's oracles against the nations in light of a royal ideology of warfare.

A Lambda Term Representation Inspired by Linear Ordered Logic (2011)
Journal Article
Abel, A., & Kraus, N. (2011). A Lambda Term Representation Inspired by Linear Ordered Logic. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 71, 1-13.

We introduce a new nameless representation of lambda terms inspired by ordered logic. At a lambda abstraction, number and relative position of all occurrences of the bound variable are stored, and application carries the additional information where... Read More about A Lambda Term Representation Inspired by Linear Ordered Logic.

Distinguishing possible mechanisms for auxin-mediated developmental control in Arabidopsis: Models with two Aux/IAA and ARF proteins, and two target gene-sets (2011)
Journal Article
Bridge, L. J., Mirams, G. R., Kieffer, M. L., King, J. R., & Kepinski, S. (2012). Distinguishing possible mechanisms for auxin-mediated developmental control in Arabidopsis: Models with two Aux/IAA and ARF proteins, and two target gene-sets. Mathematical Biosciences, 235(1), 32-44.

New models of gene transcriptional responses to auxin signalling in Arabidopsis are presented. This work extends a previous model of auxin signalling to include networks of gene-sets which may control developmental responses along auxin gradients. Ke... Read More about Distinguishing possible mechanisms for auxin-mediated developmental control in Arabidopsis: Models with two Aux/IAA and ARF proteins, and two target gene-sets.

An empirical analysis of China's dualistic economic development: 1965-2009 (2011)
Journal Article
Ercolani, M. G., & Wei, Z. (2011). An empirical analysis of China's dualistic economic development: 1965-2009. Asian Economic Papers, 10(3),

We analyze China's rapid economic development in the context of the dualistic development theory. Over the period 1965–2009, we find that China's economic growth is mainly attributable to the development of the non-agricultural (industrial and servic... Read More about An empirical analysis of China's dualistic economic development: 1965-2009.

Iodine dynamics in soils (2011)
Journal Article
Shetaya, W. H., Young, S. D., Watts, M. J., Ander, E. L., & Bailey, E. H. (2012). Iodine dynamics in soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 77, 457-473.

We investigated changes in iodine ( 129I) solubility and speciation in nine soils with contrasting properties (pH, Fe/Mn oxides, organic carbon and iodine contents), incubated for nine months at 10 and 20°C. The rate of 129I sorption was greater in s... Read More about Iodine dynamics in soils.

Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (STAK) (2011)
Journal Article
Glazebrook, C., Batty, M. J., Mullan, N., MacDonald, I., Nathan, D., Sayal, K., Smyth, A., Yang, M., Guo, B., & Hollis, C. (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (STAK). BMC Public Health, 11, Article 830.

Low levels of physical activity in children have been linked to an increased risk of obesity, but many children lack confidence in relation to exercise (exercise self-efficacy). Factors which can impact on confidence include a chronic hea... Read More about Evaluating the effectiveness of a schools-based programme to promote exercise self-efficacy in children and young people with risk factors for obesity: Steps to active kids (STAK).

MysiRNA-designer: a workflow for efficient siRNA design (2011)
Journal Article
Mysara, M., Garibaldi, J. M., & ElHefnawi, M. (2011). MysiRNA-designer: a workflow for efficient siRNA design. PLoS ONE, 6(10), Article e25642.

The design of small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a multi factorial problem that has gained the attention of many researchers in the area of therapeutic and functional genomics. MysiRNA score was previously introduced that improves the correlation of si... Read More about MysiRNA-designer: a workflow for efficient siRNA design.

Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals (2011)
Journal Article
Thurley, K., Skupin, A., Thul, R., & Falcke, M. (2011). Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals. BBA - General Subjects, 1820(8),

Ca²⁺ is a ubiquitous and versatile second messenger that transmits information through changes of the cytosolic Ca²⁺ concentration. Recent investigations changed basic ideas on the dynamic character of Ca²⁺ signals and challenge tradition... Read More about Fundamental properties of Ca²⁺ signals.

Enhancement of soil thermo-physical properties using microencapsulated phase change materials for ground source heat pump applications (2011)
Journal Article
Dehdezi, P. K., Hall, M. R., & Dawson, A. (in press). Enhancement of soil thermo-physical properties using microencapsulated phase change materials for ground source heat pump applications. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116,

Soil can be modified with Phase Change materials (PCM) in order to enhance its thermophysical properties and energy storage for ground source heat pump applications. This paper studies thermo-physical properties of soil modified with different amount... Read More about Enhancement of soil thermo-physical properties using microencapsulated phase change materials for ground source heat pump applications.

A novel synthesis and detection method for cap-associated adenosine modifications in mouse mRNA (2011)
Journal Article
Kruse, S., Zhong, S., Bodi, Z., Button, J., Alcocer, M. J., Hayes, C. J., & Fray, R. (2011). A novel synthesis and detection method for cap-associated adenosine modifications in mouse mRNA. Scientific Reports, 1, Article 126.

A method is described for the detection of certain nucleotide modifications adjacent to the 5' 7-methyl guanosine cap of mRNAs from individual genes. The method quantitatively measures the relative abundance of 2'-O-methyl and N 6.

A fresh insight into transmission of schistosomiasis: A misleading tale of biomphalaria in Lake Victoria (2011)
Journal Article
Standley, C. J., Wade, C. M., & Stothard, J. R. (2011). A fresh insight into transmission of schistosomiasis: A misleading tale of biomphalaria in Lake Victoria. PLoS ONE, 6(10), Article e26563.

Lake Victoria is a known hot-spot for Schistosoma mansoni, which utilises freshwater snails of the genus Biomphalaria as intermediate hosts. Different species of Biomphalaria are associated with varying parasite compatibility, affecting local transmi... Read More about A fresh insight into transmission of schistosomiasis: A misleading tale of biomphalaria in Lake Victoria.

Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants (2011)
Journal Article
Gibbs, D. J., Lee, S. C., Md Isa, N., Gramuglia, S., Fukao, T., Bassel, G. W., Correia, C. S., Corbineau, F., Theodoulou, F. L., Bailey-Serres, J., & Holdsworth, M. J. (2011). Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants. Nature, 479(7373), 415-418.

Plants and animals are obligate aerobes, requiring oxygen for mitochondrial respiration and energy production. In plants, an unanticipated decline in oxygen availability (hypoxia), as caused by roots becoming waterlogged or foliage submergence, trigg... Read More about Homeostatic response to hypoxia is regulated by the N-end rule pathway in plants.

Mechanism of Action of a Nanomolar Potent, Allosteric Antagonist of the Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Receptor (2011)
Journal Article
van Koppen, C. J., de Gooyer, M. E., Karstens, W.-J., Plate, R., Conti, P. G. M., van Achterberg, T. A. E., van Amstel, M. G. A., Brands, J. H. G. M., Wat, J., Berg, R. J. W., Lane, J. R. D., Miltenburg, A. M. M., & Timmers, C. M. (2012). Mechanism of Action of a Nanomolar Potent, Allosteric Antagonist of the Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Receptor. British Journal of Pharmacology, 165(7), 2314-2324.

Background and purpose  Graves' disease (GD) is an autoimmune disease in which the thyroid is overactive, producing excessive amounts of thyroid hormones, caused by TSHR-stimulating immunoglobulins (TSIs). A large proportion of GD patients also suffe... Read More about Mechanism of Action of a Nanomolar Potent, Allosteric Antagonist of the Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Receptor.

Myosin heavy chain mRNA isoforms are expressed in two distinct cohorts during C2C12 myogenesis (2011)
Journal Article
Brown, D. M., Parr, T., & Brameld, J. M. (2012). Myosin heavy chain mRNA isoforms are expressed in two distinct cohorts during C2C12 myogenesis. Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility, 32(6), 383-390.

The regulation of muscle fibre transitions has mainly been studied in vivo using conventional histological or immunohistochemical techniques. In order to investigate the molecular regulation of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform expression in cell cul... Read More about Myosin heavy chain mRNA isoforms are expressed in two distinct cohorts during C2C12 myogenesis.

Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration (2011)
Journal Article
Oliver, P. L., Finelli, M. J., Edwards, B., Bitoun, E., Butts, D. L., Becker, E. B. E., Cheeseman, M. T., Davies, B., & Davies, K. E. (2011). Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration. PLoS Genetics, 7(10), Article e1002338.

Oxidative stress is a common etiological feature of neurological disorders, although the pathways that govern defence against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neurodegeneration remain unclear. We have identified the role of oxidation resistance 1 (Ox... Read More about Oxr1 Is Essential for Protection against Oxidative Stress-Induced Neurodegeneration.

Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms (2011)
Journal Article
Olmos, B., Li, W., Hofferberth, S., & Lesanovsky, I. (2011). Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms. Physical Review A, 84(4), Article 041607(R).

We present a method for amplifying a single or scattered impurities immersed in a background gas of ultracold atoms so that they can be optically imaged and spatially resolved. Our approach relies on a Raman transfer between two stable atomic hyperfi... Read More about Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultracold atoms.

Thermoresponsive polymer colloids for drug delivery and cancer therapy (2011)
Journal Article
Abulateefeh, S. R., Spain, S. G., Aylott, J. W., Chan, W. C., Garnett, M. C., & Alexander, C. (2011). Thermoresponsive polymer colloids for drug delivery and cancer therapy. Macromolecular Bioscience, 11(12), 1722-1734.

Many difficulties in treating cancer arise from the problems in directing highly cytotoxic agents to the deseased tissues, cells and intracellular compartments. Many drug delivery systems have been devised to address this problem, including those tha... Read More about Thermoresponsive polymer colloids for drug delivery and cancer therapy.

Inner speech during silent reading reflects the reader's regional accent (2011)
Journal Article
Filik, R., & Barber, E. (2011). Inner speech during silent reading reflects the reader's regional accent. PLoS ONE, 6(10), Article e25782.

While reading silently, we often have the subjective experience of inner speech. However, there is currently little evidence regarding whether this inner voice resembles our own voice while we are speaking out loud. To investigate this issue, we comp... Read More about Inner speech during silent reading reflects the reader's regional accent.

Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary (2011)
Journal Article
Moss, I. G., Omotani, J. T., & Saffin, P. M. (2011). Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011(10),

This paper constructs the reduction of heterotic M-theory in eleven dimensions to a supergravity model on a manifold with boundary in five dimensions using a Calabi-Yau three-fold. New results are presented for the boundary terms in the action and fo... Read More about Reducing heterotic M-theory to five dimensional supergravity on a manifold with boundary.

A reconfigurable real-time compressive-sampling camera for biological applications (2011)
Journal Article
Fu, B., Pitter, M. C., & Russell, N. A. (2011). A reconfigurable real-time compressive-sampling camera for biological applications. PLoS ONE, 6(10), Article e26306.

Many applications in biology, such as long-term functional imaging of neural and cardiac systems, require continuous high-speed imaging. This is typically not possible, however, using commercially available systems. The frame rate and the recording t... Read More about A reconfigurable real-time compressive-sampling camera for biological applications.