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Essential guide to acute care (2020)
Cooper, N., Cramp, P., Forrest, K., & Patel, R. (2020). Essential guide to acute care. (3rd edition). Wiley

The best-selling Essential Guide to Acute Care contains everything you need to know about acute care that you can’t find in a standard textbook. The third edition has been extensively revised and updated, presenting new oxygen guidelines, updated evi... Read More about Essential guide to acute care.

Using Insights From Sports Psychology to Improve Self-Efficacy during Management Of Acutely Unwell Patients by Recently-Qualified Doctors : A Mixed-Methods Study (2020)
Journal Article
Church, H. R., Murdoch-Eaton, D., & Sandars, J. (2021). Using Insights From Sports Psychology to Improve Self-Efficacy during Management Of Acutely Unwell Patients by Recently-Qualified Doctors : A Mixed-Methods Study. Academic Medicine, 96(5), 695-700.


Doctors experience a range of negative reactions when managing acutely unwell patients. These may manifest as emotions or behaviors. Without appropriate coping strategies, these emotions and behaviors can impede optimal clinical performa... Read More about Using Insights From Sports Psychology to Improve Self-Efficacy during Management Of Acutely Unwell Patients by Recently-Qualified Doctors : A Mixed-Methods Study.

Diagnostic stability and outcome after first episode psychosis (2020)
Journal Article
Gale-Grant, O., Dazzan, P., Lappin, J. M., Donoghue, K., Reininghaus, U., Croudace, T., Jones, P. B., Murray, R. M., Fearon, P., Doody, G. A., Morgan, C., & Heslin, M. (2021). Diagnostic stability and outcome after first episode psychosis. Journal of Mental Health, 30(1), 104-112.

Background – Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia are often assigned other psychiatric diagnoses during their lives. The significance of changing diagnosis has not been widely studied.

Aims - Our aim was to examine the association between dia... Read More about Diagnostic stability and outcome after first episode psychosis.

PERFORM: Performance Enhancing Routines for Optimising Readiness using Metacognition For the Management of Acutely Unwell Patients (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
SANDARS, J., CHURCH, H., & MURDOCH-EATON, D. (2020, September). PERFORM: Performance Enhancing Routines for Optimising Readiness using Metacognition For the Management of Acutely Unwell Patients. Presented at AMEE 2020, Virtual Online Conference

Introduction: The stress experienced by healthcare professionals during complex, time-critical clinical encounters can impair clinical performance and produces suboptimal patient care. This is particularly true for junior doctors when managing acutel... Read More about PERFORM: Performance Enhancing Routines for Optimising Readiness using Metacognition For the Management of Acutely Unwell Patients.

Can Near-Peer Facilitated Small Group Learning Encourage the Development of Self- Regulated Learning Skills in Undergraduate Medical Students? (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maud, A., Graham, A., & Church, H. (2020, September). Can Near-Peer Facilitated Small Group Learning Encourage the Development of Self- Regulated Learning Skills in Undergraduate Medical Students?. Paper presented at AMEE 2020, Virtual Online Conference

Background: Literature suggests that undergraduate medical students lack Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) skills, including goal-setting, monitoring progress and reflection, which are required for professional practice and lifelong learning. This resear... Read More about Can Near-Peer Facilitated Small Group Learning Encourage the Development of Self- Regulated Learning Skills in Undergraduate Medical Students?.

Development and decay of procedural skills in surgery: A systematic review of the effectiveness of simulated-based medical education interventions (2020)
Journal Article
Higgins, M., Madan, C., & Patel, R. (2021). Development and decay of procedural skills in surgery: A systematic review of the effectiveness of simulated-based medical education interventions. The Surgeon, 19(4), e67-e77.

Changes to surgical training programmes in the UK has led to a reduction in theatre time for trainees, and an increasing reliance on simulation to provide procedural experience. Whilst simulation offers opportunity for repetitive practice, t... Read More about Development and decay of procedural skills in surgery: A systematic review of the effectiveness of simulated-based medical education interventions.

The challenge of online learning for medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Sandars, J., & Patel, R. (2020). The challenge of online learning for medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Medical Education, 11, 169-170.

The global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education systems across the world has led to major and rapid changes in the provision of higher and medical education, with increasing delivery of the curriculum by online approaches. A recent synthesis... Read More about The challenge of online learning for medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Neurological Signs at the First Psychotic Episode as Correlates of Long-Term Outcome: Results From the AESOP-10 Study (2020)
Journal Article
Ferruccio, N. P., Tosato, S., Lappin, J. M., Heslin, M., Donoghue, K., Giordano, A., Lomas, B., Reininghaus, U., Onyejiaka, A., Chan, R. C. K., Croudace, T., Jones, P. B., Murray, R. M., Fearon, P., Doody, G. A., Morgan, C., & Dazzan, P. (2021). Neurological Signs at the First Psychotic Episode as Correlates of Long-Term Outcome: Results From the AESOP-10 Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 47(1), 118–127.

Minor neurological signs are subtle deficits in sensory integration, motor coordination, and sequencing of complex motor acts present in excess in the early stages of psychosis. Still, it remains unclear whether at least some of these signs represent... Read More about Neurological Signs at the First Psychotic Episode as Correlates of Long-Term Outcome: Results From the AESOP-10 Study.

Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol (2020)
Journal Article
O’Beirne, C., Doody, G., Agius, S., Warren, A., & Krstic, L. (2020). Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, 18(12), 2640-2646.

Objective: The objective of this review is to characterize the experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom (UK). Introduction: Most Widening Participation research in the UK is focused on me... Read More about Experiences of Widening Participation students in undergraduate medical education in the United Kingdom: A qualitative systematic review protocol.

Twelve tips for rapidly migrating to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020)
Journal Article
Sandars, J., Correia, R., Dankbaar, M., de Jong, P., Goh, P. S., Hege, I., Masters, K., Oh, S.-Y., Patel, R., Goh, J. P., Premkumar, K., Webb, A., & Pusic, M. (2020). Twelve tips for rapidly migrating to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. MedEdPublish, 9(1), Article 82.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a massive adaptation in health professions education, with a shift from in-person learning activities to a sudden heavy reliance on internet-mediated education. Some health professions schools will have already h... Read More about Twelve tips for rapidly migrating to online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Using a self-regulated learning-enhanced video feedback educational intervention to improve junior doctor prescribing (2020)
Journal Article
Patel, R., Green, W., Shahzad, M. W., Church, H., & Sandars, J. (2020). Using a self-regulated learning-enhanced video feedback educational intervention to improve junior doctor prescribing. Medical Teacher, 42(8), 886-895.

Introduction: Medical school graduates in the UK consistently report feeling underprepared for the task of prescribing when embarking on practice. The effective application of self-regulated learning (SRL) approaches and feedback on complex tasks are... Read More about Using a self-regulated learning-enhanced video feedback educational intervention to improve junior doctor prescribing.

The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability (2020)
Journal Article
Richmond, A., Cooper, N., Gay, S., Atiomo, W., & Patel, R. (2020). The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability. Medical Education, 54(8), 709-719.

Clinical reasoning refers to the cognitive processes used by individuals as they formulate a diagnosis or treatment plan. Clinical reasoning is dependent on formal and experiential knowledge. Developing the ability to acquire and recall k... Read More about The student is key: a realist review of educational interventions to develop analytical and non-analytical clinical reasoning ability.

Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach. (2019)
Journal Article
Hodgson, J. C., Tremlin, R., & Hudson, J. M. (2019). Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach. Neuropsychology, 33(8), 1101-1110.

Objective: The concept of overlapping neural networks supporting both speech production and fine motor praxis is well accepted; however, few studies have explored the lateralized behavioral characteristics of both functions when performed simultaneou... Read More about Disrupting the speech motor network: Exploring hemispheric specialization for verbal and manual sequencing using a dual-task approach..

Mapping the undergraduate dermatology curriculum – a useful tool towards implementation of national recommendations (2019)
Journal Article
Sharma, M., Scorer, M., Kent, D., Murphy, R., & Doody, G. (2020). Mapping the undergraduate dermatology curriculum – a useful tool towards implementation of national recommendations. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 45(3), 337-339.

Despite the high prevalence of skin complaints in primary and secondary care, dermatology undergraduate (UG) education remains inconsistent across medical schools. The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) published a revised national undergrad... Read More about Mapping the undergraduate dermatology curriculum – a useful tool towards implementation of national recommendations.

Do we need a core-curriculum for medical students? A scoping review (2019)
Journal Article
Sharma, M., Murphy, R., & Doody, G. A. (2019). Do we need a core-curriculum for medical students? A scoping review. BMJ Open, 9(8), Article e027369.

The General Medical Council (GMC) recommends medical schools to develop and implement curricula enabling students to achieve the required learning outcomes. UK medical schools follow the GMC’s Outcomes for Graduates, which are generic. GM... Read More about Do we need a core-curriculum for medical students? A scoping review.

Symptom remission at 12-weeks strongly predicts long-term recovery from the first episode of psychosis (2019)
Journal Article
Dazzan, P., Lappin, J. M., Heslin, M., Donoghue, K., Lomas, B., Reininghaus, U., Onyejiaka, A., Croudace, T., Jones, P. B., Murray, R. M., Fearon, P., Doody, G. A., & Morgan, C. (2020). Symptom remission at 12-weeks strongly predicts long-term recovery from the first episode of psychosis. Psychological Medicine, 50(9), 1452-1462.

Background: To determine the baseline individual characteristics that predicted symptom recovery and functional recovery at 10-years following a first episode of psychosis.
Methods: AESOP-10 is a 10-year follow up of an epidemiological, naturalistic... Read More about Symptom remission at 12-weeks strongly predicts long-term recovery from the first episode of psychosis.