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Preoperative brain imaging using functional near-infrared spectroscopy helps predict cochlear implant outcome in deaf adults (2019)
Journal Article
Anderson, C. A., Wiggins, I. M., Kitterick, P. T., & Hartley, D. E. (2019). Preoperative brain imaging using functional near-infrared spectroscopy helps predict cochlear implant outcome in deaf adults. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 20(5), 511–528.

Currently it is not possible to accurately predict how well a deaf individual will be able to understand speech when hearing is (re)introduced via a cochlear implant. Differences in brain organisation following deafness are thought to contribute to v... Read More about Preoperative brain imaging using functional near-infrared spectroscopy helps predict cochlear implant outcome in deaf adults.

Effects of Isosorbide Mononitrate and/or Cilostazol on Hematological Markers, Platelet Function, and Hemodynamics in Patients With Lacunar Ischaemic Stroke: Safety Data From the Lacunar Intervention-1 (LACI-1) Trial (2019)
Journal Article
Appleton, J., Blair, G. W., Flaherty, K., Law, Z., May, J., Woodhouse, L. J., Doubal, F., Sprigg, N., Bath, P. M., & Wardlow, J. M. (2019). Effects of Isosorbide Mononitrate and/or Cilostazol on Hematological Markers, Platelet Function, and Hemodynamics in Patients With Lacunar Ischaemic Stroke: Safety Data From the Lacunar Intervention-1 (LACI-1) Trial. Frontiers in Neurology, 10, 1-6.

Cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN) are candidate treatments for cerebral small vessel disease and lacunar ischaemic stroke. As both drugs may influence haemoglobin and platelet count, and haemodynamics, we sought to assess their... Read More about Effects of Isosorbide Mononitrate and/or Cilostazol on Hematological Markers, Platelet Function, and Hemodynamics in Patients With Lacunar Ischaemic Stroke: Safety Data From the Lacunar Intervention-1 (LACI-1) Trial.

ICA-based denoising for ASL perfusion imaging (2019)
Journal Article
Carone, D., Harston, G., Garrard, J., De Angeli, F., Griffanti, L., Okell, T., Chappell, M., & Kennedy, J. (2019). ICA-based denoising for ASL perfusion imaging. NeuroImage, 200, 363-372.

Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) imaging derives a perfusion image by tracing the accumulation of magnetically labeled blood water in the brain. As the image generated has an intrinsically low signal to noise ratio (SNR), multiple measurements are routi... Read More about ICA-based denoising for ASL perfusion imaging.

Tranexamic acid to improve functional status in adults with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: the TICH-2 RCT (2019)
Journal Article
Sprigg, N., Flaherty, K., Appleton, J. P., Al-Shahi Salman, R., Bereczki, D., Beridze, M., Ciccone, A., Collins, R., Dineen, R. A., Duley, L., Egea-Guerrero, J. J., England, T. J., Karlinski, M., Krishnan, K., Laska, A. C., Law, Z. K., Ovesen, C., Ozturk, S., Pocock, S. J., Roberts, I., …Bath, P. M. (2019). Tranexamic acid to improve functional status in adults with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: the TICH-2 RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 23(35), 1-48.

BACKGROUND: Tranexamic acid reduces death due to bleeding after trauma and postpartum haemorrhage. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to assess if tranexamic acid is safe, reduces haematoma expansion and improves outcomes in adults with spontaneous... Read More about Tranexamic acid to improve functional status in adults with spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: the TICH-2 RCT.

Associations between change in blood pressure and functional outcome, early events and death: results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke trial (2019)
Journal Article
Sandset, E. C., Appleton, J. P., Berge, E., Christensen, H., Gommans, J., Krishnan, K., Ntaios, G., Phillips, S., Pocock, S., Sprigg, N., Woodhouse, L. J., & Bath, P. M. (2019). Associations between change in blood pressure and functional outcome, early events and death: results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke trial. Journal of Hypertension, 37(10), 2104-2109.

Objectives: High blood pressure (BP) is associated with a poor outcome after acute stroke. Early reduction in blood pressure (BP) may be associated with fewer early adverse events and deaths, and improved functional outcome.
Methods: Analyses used d... Read More about Associations between change in blood pressure and functional outcome, early events and death: results from the Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke trial.

Effect of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated overexpression of PEPCK-M (Pck2) on Clenbuterol-induced muscle growth (2019)
Journal Article
Loczenski-Brown, D. M., Jones, S., Luckett, J., Daniel, Z., Brearley, M. C., Ebling, F. J. P., Parr, T., & Brameld, J. M. (2019). Effect of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated overexpression of PEPCK-M (Pck2) on Clenbuterol-induced muscle growth. PLoS ONE, 14(6), 1-12.

We previously identified PEPCK-M (encoded by the Pck2 gene) to be highly up-regulated in skeletal muscle of pigs treated with Ractopamine, an anabolic beta-adrenergic receptor agonist. To determine whether PEPCK-M had a causative role in modulating t... Read More about Effect of adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated overexpression of PEPCK-M (Pck2) on Clenbuterol-induced muscle growth.

Association of Midlife Cardiovascular Risk Profiles with Cerebral Perfusion at Older Ages (2019)
Journal Article
Suri, S., Topiwala, A., Chappell, M. A., Okell, T. W., Zsoldos, E., Singh-Manoux, A., Kivimäki, M., Mackay, C. E., & Ebmeier, K. P. (2019). Association of Midlife Cardiovascular Risk Profiles with Cerebral Perfusion at Older Ages. JAMA Network Open, 2(6), Article e195776.

© 2019 AMA. All rights reserved. Importance: Poor cardiovascular health is an established risk factor for dementia, but little is known about its association with brain physiology in older adults. Objective: To examine the association of cardiovascul... Read More about Association of Midlife Cardiovascular Risk Profiles with Cerebral Perfusion at Older Ages.

Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success (2019)
Journal Article
Marck, C. H., das Nair, R., Grech, L., Borland, R., & Constantinescu, C. S. (2020). Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 26(3), 266-271.

Tobacco smoking is a well-established risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS) onset, progression, and poor health outcomes in people with MS. Despite smoking being a modifiable risk factor, no research has been undertaken to understand how, or who is... Read More about Modifiable risk factors for poor health outcomes in multiple sclerosis: the urgent need for research to maximise smoking cessation success.

Management of primary pterygium with intra-lesional injection of 5 flurouracil and bevacizumab (Avastin) (2019)
Journal Article
Ghoz, N., Britton, J., Ross, A. R., Mohammed, I., Hogan, E., Said, D. G., & Dua, H. S. (2019). Management of primary pterygium with intra-lesional injection of 5 flurouracil and bevacizumab (Avastin). Eye, 33(11), 1776-1783.


To assess the efficacy of combined 5FU and Avastin injections in the treatment of primary pterygium


Sixteen eyes with primary pterygium received intralesional 5 fluorouracil and Avastin (2.5–5 mg) injections every 2 weeks... Read More about Management of primary pterygium with intra-lesional injection of 5 flurouracil and bevacizumab (Avastin).

Prediction of Stroke Risk by Detection of Hemorrhage in Carotid Plaques: Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data (2019)
Journal Article
Schindler, A., Schinner, R., Altaf, N., Hosseini, A. A., Simpson, R. J., Esposito-Bauer, L., Singh, N., Kwee, R. M., Kurosaki, Y., Yamagata, S., Yoshida, K., Miyamoto, S., Maggisano, R., Moody, A. R., Poppert, H., Kooi, M. E., Auer, D. P., Bonati, L. H., & Saam, T. (2019). Prediction of Stroke Risk by Detection of Hemorrhage in Carotid Plaques: Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, 13(2), 395-406.

The goal of this study was to compare the risk of stroke between patients with carotid artery disease with and without the presence of intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH) on magnetic resonance imaging.

IPH in carotid stenosis incr... Read More about Prediction of Stroke Risk by Detection of Hemorrhage in Carotid Plaques: Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data.

Distinct mechanisms govern recalibration to audio-visual discrepancies in remote and recent history (2019)
Journal Article
Watson, D. M., Akeroyd, M. A., Roach, N. W., & Webb, B. S. (2019). Distinct mechanisms govern recalibration to audio-visual discrepancies in remote and recent history. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 8513.

To maintain perceptual coherence, the brain corrects for discrepancies between the senses. If, for example, lights are consistently offset from sounds, representations of auditory space are remapped to reduce this error (spatial recalibration). While... Read More about Distinct mechanisms govern recalibration to audio-visual discrepancies in remote and recent history.

The effectiveness and safety of anti-fibrinolytics in patients with acute intracranial haemorrhage: statistical analysis plan for an individual patient data meta-analysis [version 3; peer review: 2 approved] (2019)
Journal Article
Ker, K., Prieto-Merino, D., Sprigg, N., Mahmood, A., Bath, P., Kang Law, Z., Flaherty, K., & Roberts, I. (2019). The effectiveness and safety of anti-fibrinolytics in patients with acute intracranial haemorrhage: statistical analysis plan for an individual patient data meta-analysis [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Research, Article 120.

Introduction: The Anti-fibrinolytics Trialists Collaboration aims to increase knowledge about the effectiveness and safety of anti-fibrinolytic treatment by conducting individual patient data (IPD) meta-analyses of randomised trials. This article pre... Read More about The effectiveness and safety of anti-fibrinolytics in patients with acute intracranial haemorrhage: statistical analysis plan for an individual patient data meta-analysis [version 3; peer review: 2 approved].

Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Godolphin, P. J., Bath, P. M., Algra, A., Berge, E., Brown, M. M., Chalmers, J., Duley, L., Eliasziw, M., Gregson, J., Greving, J. P., Hankey, G. J., Hosomi, N., Johnston, S. C., Patsko, E., Ranta, A., Sandset, P. M., Serena, J., Weimar, C., Montgomery, A. A., Knipp, S., …on behalf of the Adjudicating Outcomes in Stroke Trials Collaboration*. (2019). Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke, 50(8), 2187-2196.

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc. Background and Purpose-In randomized stroke trials, central adjudication of a trial's primary outcome is regularly implemented. However, recent evidence questions the importance of central adjudication in rando... Read More about Outcome Assessment by Central Adjudicators Versus Site Investigators in Stroke Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Antiplatelet Therapy After Noncardioembolic Stroke: An Individual Patient Data Network Meta-Analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Greving, J. P., Diener, H.-C., Reitsma, J., Bath, P., Csiba, L., Hacke, W., Kappelle, L. J., Koudstaal, P., Leys, D., Mas, J.-L., Sacco, R., & Algra, A. (2019). Antiplatelet Therapy After Noncardioembolic Stroke: An Individual Patient Data Network Meta-Analysis. Stroke, 50(7), 1812-1818.

© 2019 American Heart Association, Inc. Background and Purpose-We assessed the efficacy and safety of antiplatelet agents after noncardioembolic stroke or transient ischemic attack and examined how these vary according to patients' demographic and cl... Read More about Antiplatelet Therapy After Noncardioembolic Stroke: An Individual Patient Data Network Meta-Analysis.

The effect of intravenous iron on erythropoiesis in older people with hip fracture (2019)
Journal Article
Moppett, I., Rowlands, M., Mannings, A., Marufu, T., Sahota, O., & Yeung, J. (2019). The effect of intravenous iron on erythropoiesis in older people with hip fracture. Age and Ageing, 48(5), 751–755.

Background: Anaemia following hip fracture is common and associated with worse outcomes. Intravenous iron is a potential non-transfusion treatment for this anaemia and has been found to reduce transfusion rates in previous observational studies. Ther... Read More about The effect of intravenous iron on erythropoiesis in older people with hip fracture.

Micronutrient and amino acid losses during renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury (2019)
Journal Article
Oh, W. C., Mafrici, B., Rigby, M., Harvey, D., Sharman, A., Allen, J. C., Mahajan, R., Gardner, D. S., & Devonald, M. A. (2019). Micronutrient and amino acid losses during renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury. Kidney International Reports, 4(8), 1094-1108.

© 2019 International Society of Nephrology Introduction: Malnutrition is common in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI), particularly in those requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT). Use of RRT removes metabolic waste products and toxins, but i... Read More about Micronutrient and amino acid losses during renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury.

Effects of brain training on brain blood flow (The Cognition and Flow Study—CogFlowS): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of cognitive training in dementia (2019)
Journal Article
Beishon, L., Evley, R., Panerai, R. B., Subramaniam, H., Mukaetova-Ladinska, E., Robinson, T., & Haunton, V. (2019). Effects of brain training on brain blood flow (The Cognition and Flow Study—CogFlowS): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of cognitive training in dementia. BMJ Open, 9(5), Article e027817.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2019. Introduction Cognitive training is an emerging non-pharmacological treatment to improve cognitive and physical function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and early Alzheimer's disease (AD). Abnormal brain blo... Read More about Effects of brain training on brain blood flow (The Cognition and Flow Study—CogFlowS): protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial of cognitive training in dementia.

Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial (2019)
Journal Article
Baigent, C., Lasserson, D., Sullivan, F., Carrie, J., Rojas, J., Amoils, S., Bamford, J., Armitage, J., Rinkel, G., Lowe, G., Emberson, J., Innes, K., Dinsmore, L., Drever, J., Williams, C., Perry, D., McGill, C., Buchanan, D., Walker, A., Hutchison, A., …Thomas, K. (2019). Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial. Lancet, 393(10191), 2613-2623.

Background Antiplatelet therapy reduces the risk of major vascular events for people with occlusive vascular disease, although it might increase the risk of intracranial haemorrhage. Patients surviving the commonest subtype of intracranial haemorrhag... Read More about Effects of antiplatelet therapy after stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage (RESTART): a randomised, open-label trial.

Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial (2019)
Journal Article
Al-Shahi Salman, R., Minks, D. P., Mitra, D., Rodrigues, M. A., Bhatnagar, P., du Plessis, J. C., Joshi, Y., Dennis, M. S., Murray, G. D., Newby, D. E., Sandercock, P. A. G., Sprigg, N., Stephen, J., Sudlow, C. L. M., Werring, D. J., Whiteley, W. N., Wardlaw, J. M., White, P. M., Baigent, C., Lasserson, D., …Thomas, K. (2019). Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial. Lancet Neurology, 18(7), 643-652.

Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemor... Read More about Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial.