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All Outputs (83)

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the willingness of older adults to participate in physiology research: views from past and potential volunteers (2021)
Journal Article
Deane, C. S., Gates, A., Traviss-Turner, G. D., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., Atherton, P. J., & Phillips, B. E. (2021). Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the willingness of older adults to participate in physiology research: views from past and potential volunteers. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 46(9), 1147-1151.

We explored the views of older (≥65 years) past and potential volunteers in regard to participating in physiology research during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using an online questionnaire and focus groups, we found that past volunteers (n=55) were more li... Read More about Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on the willingness of older adults to participate in physiology research: views from past and potential volunteers.

Myokine Responses to Exercise in a Rat Model of Low/High Adaptive Potential (2021)
Journal Article
Farrash, W. F., Phillips, B. E., Britton, S. L., Qi, N., Koch, L. G., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). Myokine Responses to Exercise in a Rat Model of Low/High Adaptive Potential. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 12, 1-10.

Introduction: Assuming myokines underlie some of the health benefits of exercise, we hypothesised that ‘high responder trainer’ (HRT) rats would exhibit distinct myokine profiles to ‘low responder trainers’ (LRT), reflecting distinct health and adapt... Read More about Myokine Responses to Exercise in a Rat Model of Low/High Adaptive Potential.

The physiological impact of high‐intensity interval training in octogenarians with comorbidities (2021)
Journal Article
Blackwell, J. E., Gharahdaghi, N., Brook, M. S., Watanabe, S., Boereboom, C. L., Doleman, B., Lund, J. N., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., Atherton, P. J., Williams, J. P., & Phillips, B. E. (2021). The physiological impact of high‐intensity interval training in octogenarians with comorbidities. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 12(4), 866-879.

Declines in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and fat-free mass (FFM) with age are linked to mortality, morbidity and poor quality of life. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to improve CRF and FFM in many groups, but it... Read More about The physiological impact of high‐intensity interval training in octogenarians with comorbidities.

Combined in vivo muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown measurement: a ‘Combined Oral Stable Isotope Assessment of Muscle (COSIAM)’ approach (2021)
Journal Article
Cegielski, J., Wilkinson, D. J., Brook, M. S., Boereboom, C., Phillips, B. E., Gladman, J. F. R., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). Combined in vivo muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown measurement: a ‘Combined Oral Stable Isotope Assessment of Muscle (COSIAM)’ approach. GeroScience, 43(6), 2653-2665.

Optimising approaches for measuring skeletal muscle mass and turnover that are widely applicable, minimally invasive and cost effective is crucial in furthering research into sarcopenia and cachexia. Traditional approaches for measurement of muscle p... Read More about Combined in vivo muscle mass, muscle protein synthesis and muscle protein breakdown measurement: a ‘Combined Oral Stable Isotope Assessment of Muscle (COSIAM)’ approach.

A collagen extraction and deuterium oxide stable isotope tracer method for the quantification of bone collagen synthesis rates in vivo (2021)
Journal Article
Civil, R., Brook, M. S., Elliott-Sale, K. J., Santos, L., Varley, I., Lensu, S., Kainulainen, H., Koch, L. G., Britton, S. L., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., Sale, C., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). A collagen extraction and deuterium oxide stable isotope tracer method for the quantification of bone collagen synthesis rates in vivo. Physiological Reports, 9(10), Article e14799.

Atrophy Resistant vs. Atrophy Susceptible skeletal muscles: “aRaS” as a novel experimental paradigm to study the mechanisms of human disuse atrophy (2021)
Journal Article
Hardy, E., Inns, T., Wilkinson, D., Piasecki, M., Atherton, P., Phillips, B., Bass, J. J., Morris, R., Spicer, A., Sale, C., & Smith, K. (2021). Atrophy Resistant vs. Atrophy Susceptible skeletal muscles: “aRaS” as a novel experimental paradigm to study the mechanisms of human disuse atrophy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 653060.

Objective: Disuse atrophy (DA) describes inactivity-induced skeletal muscle loss, through incompletely defined mechanisms. An intriguing observation is that individual muscles exhibit differing degrees of atrophy, despite exhibiting similar anatomica... Read More about Atrophy Resistant vs. Atrophy Susceptible skeletal muscles: “aRaS” as a novel experimental paradigm to study the mechanisms of human disuse atrophy.

Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline (2021)
Journal Article
Shur, N. F., Creedon, L., Skirrow, S., Atherton, P. J., MacDonald, I. A., Lund, J., & Greenhaff, P. L. (2021). Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline. Ageing Research Reviews, 68, Article 101344.

In the United Kingdom (UK), it is projected that by 2035 people aged >65 years will make up 23 % of the population, with those aged >85 years accounting for 5% of the total population. Ageing is associated with progressive changes in muscle metabolis... Read More about Age-related changes in muscle architecture and metabolism in humans: The likely contribution of physical inactivity to age-related functional decline.

Lifelong exercise is associated with more homogeneous motor unit potential features across deep and superficial areas of vastus lateralis (2021)
Journal Article
Jones, E. J., Piasecki, J., Ireland, A., Stashuk, D. W., Atherton, P. J., Phillips, B. E., McPhee, J. S., & Piasecki, M. (2021). Lifelong exercise is associated with more homogeneous motor unit potential features across deep and superficial areas of vastus lateralis. GeroScience, 43(4), 1555-1565.

Motor unit (MU) expansion enables rescue of denervated muscle fibres helping to ameliorate age-relatedmuscle atrophy, with evidence to suggest master athletes are more successful at this remodelling. Electrophysiological data has suggested MUs locate... Read More about Lifelong exercise is associated with more homogeneous motor unit potential features across deep and superficial areas of vastus lateralis.

Factors associated with electrical stimulation‐induced performance fatigability are dependent upon stimulation location (2021)
Journal Article
Inns, T. B., McCormick, D., Greig, C. A., Atherton, P. J., Phillips, B. E., & Piasecki, M. (2021). Factors associated with electrical stimulation‐induced performance fatigability are dependent upon stimulation location. Experimental Physiology, 106(4), 828-836.

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) is increasingly viewed as a central tenet to minimise muscle loss during periods of disuse/illness – typically applied directly over a muscle belly. Peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) is afforded less atten... Read More about Factors associated with electrical stimulation‐induced performance fatigability are dependent upon stimulation location.

A collagen hydrolysate/milk protein-blend stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to an isoenergetic milk protein-blend containing a greater quantity of essential amino acids in older men (2021)
Journal Article
Brook, M., Scaife, P., Bass, J., Cegielski, J., Watanabe, S., Wilkinson, D., Smith, K., Phillips, B., & Atherton, P. (2021). A collagen hydrolysate/milk protein-blend stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to an isoenergetic milk protein-blend containing a greater quantity of essential amino acids in older men. Clinical Nutrition, 40(6), 4456-4464.

Background & aims: Nutritional composition is key for skeletal muscle maintenance into older age. Yet the acute effects of collagen protein blended with other protein sources, in relation to skeletal muscle anabolism, are ill-defined. We investigated... Read More about A collagen hydrolysate/milk protein-blend stimulates muscle anabolism equivalently to an isoenergetic milk protein-blend containing a greater quantity of essential amino acids in older men.

A novel dietary intervention reduces circulatory branched-chain amino acids by 50%: A pilot study of relevance for obesity and diabetes (2020)
Journal Article
Ramzan, I., Taylor, M., Phillips, B., Wilkinson, D., Smith, K., Hession, K., Idris, I., & Atherton, P. (2021). A novel dietary intervention reduces circulatory branched-chain amino acids by 50%: A pilot study of relevance for obesity and diabetes. Nutrients, 13(1), Article 95.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Elevated circulating branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs; isoleucine, leucine, and valine) are associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Reducing circulatory BCAAs by dietary restrictio... Read More about A novel dietary intervention reduces circulatory branched-chain amino acids by 50%: A pilot study of relevance for obesity and diabetes.

The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo (2020)
Journal Article
Bass, J. J., Kazi, A. A., Deane, C. S., Nakhuda, A., Ashcroft, S. P., Brook, M. S., Wilkinson, D. J., Phillips, B. E., Philp, A., Tarum, J., Kadi, F., Andersen, D., Garcia, A. M., Smith, K., Gallagher, I. J., Szewczyk, N. J., Cleasby, M. E., & Atherton, P. J. (2021). The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo. Journal of Physiology, 599(3), 963-979.

Key points: Reduced vitamin D receptor (VDR) expression prompts skeletal muscle atrophy. Atrophy occurs through catabolic processes, namely the induction of autophagy, while anabolism remains unchanged. In response to VDR-knockdown mitochondrial func... Read More about The mechanisms of skeletal muscle atrophy in response to transient knockdown of the vitamin D receptor in vivo.

Molecular and neural adaptations to neuromuscular electrical stimulation; Implications for ageing muscle (2020)
Journal Article
Guo, Y., Phillips, B. E., Atherton, P. J., & Piasecki, M. (2021). Molecular and neural adaptations to neuromuscular electrical stimulation; Implications for ageing muscle. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 193, Article 111402.

One of the most notable effects of ageing is an accelerated decline of skeletal muscle mass and function, resulting in various undesirable outcomes such as falls, frailty, and all-cause mortality. The loss of muscle mass directly leads to functional... Read More about Molecular and neural adaptations to neuromuscular electrical stimulation; Implications for ageing muscle.

Influence of sex on the age‐related adaptations of neuromuscular function and motor unit properties in elite masters athletes (2020)
Journal Article
Piasecki, J., Inns, T. B., Bass, J. J., Scott, R., Stashuk, D. W., Phillips, B. E., Atherton, P. J., & Piasecki, M. (2021). Influence of sex on the age‐related adaptations of neuromuscular function and motor unit properties in elite masters athletes. Journal of Physiology, 599(1), 193-205.

Motor unit (MU) remodelling acts to minimise loss of muscle fibres following denervation in older age, which may be more successful in masters athletes. Evidence suggests performance and neuromuscular function decline with age in this population, alt... Read More about Influence of sex on the age‐related adaptations of neuromuscular function and motor unit properties in elite masters athletes.

Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age (2020)
Journal Article
Sayda, M. H., Phillips, B. E., Williams, J. P., Greenhaff, P. L., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age. Nutrients, 12(10), Article 3029.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Leucine, isoleucine and valine (i.e., the branched chain amino acids, BCAA) play a key role in the support and regulation of tissue protein regulation and also as energy substrates. However, p... Read More about Associations between plasma branched chain amino acids and health biomarkers in response to resistance exercise training across age.

Overexpression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy (2020)
Journal Article
Bass, J. J., Nakhuda, A., Deane, C. S., Brook, M. S., Wilkinson, D. J., Phillips, B. E., Philp, A., Tarum, J., Kadi, F., Andersen, D., Garcia, A. M., Smith, K., Gallagher, I. J., Szewczyk, N. J., Cleasby, M. E., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Overexpression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Molecular Metabolism, 42, Article 101059.

The Vitamin D receptor (VDR) has been positively associated with skeletal muscle mass, function and regeneration. Mechanistic studies have focused upon loss of the receptor, with in vivo whole-body knockout models demonstrating reduced myo... Read More about Overexpression of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

Molecular Transducers of Human Skeletal Muscle Remodeling under Different Loading States (2020)
Journal Article
Stokes, T., Timmons, J. A., Crossland, H., Tripp, T. R., Murphy, K., McGlory, C., Mitchell, C. J., Oikawa, S. Y., Morton, R. W., Phillips, B. E., Baker, S. K., Atherton, P. J., Wahlestedt, C., & Phillips, S. M. (2020). Molecular Transducers of Human Skeletal Muscle Remodeling under Different Loading States. Cell Reports, 32(5), Article 107980.

Loading of skeletal muscle changes the tissue phenotype reflecting altered metabolic and functional demands. In humans, heterogeneous adaptation to loading complicates the identification of the underpinning molecular regulators. A within-person diffe... Read More about Molecular Transducers of Human Skeletal Muscle Remodeling under Different Loading States.

Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle (2020)
Journal Article
Abdulla, H., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Limb, M., Jandova, T., Bass, J. J., Rankin, D., Cegielski, J., Sayda, M., Crossland, H., Williams, J. P., Smith, K., Idris, I., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle. Aging Cell, 19(9), Article e13202.

© 2020 The Authors. Aging Cell published by Anatomical Society and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Background: Despite its known insulin-independent effects, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) role in muscle protein turnover has not been explored under fed-stat... Read More about Glucagon-like peptide 1 infusions overcome anabolic resistance to feeding in older human muscle.

Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes (2020)
Journal Article
Crossland, H., Piasecki, J., McCormick, D., Phillips, B. E., Wilkinson, D. J., Smith, K., McPhee, J. S., Piasecki, M., & Atherton, P. J. (2020). Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes. AJP - Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 319(2), R184-R194.

Recent large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have independently identified a set of genetic loci associated with lean body mass (LBM) and handgrip strength (HGS). Evaluation of these candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may be usef... Read More about Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single nucleotide polymorphisms in elite masters athletes.