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All Outputs (15)

Local cryptic diversity in salinity adaptation mechanisms in the wild outcrossing Brassica fruticulosa (2024)
Journal Article
Busoms, S., da Silva, A. C., Escolà, G., Abdilzadeh, R., Curran, E., Bollmann-Giolai, A., Bray, S., Wilson, M., Poschenrieder, C., & Yant, L. (2024). Local cryptic diversity in salinity adaptation mechanisms in the wild outcrossing Brassica fruticulosa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(40), Article e2407821121.

It is normally supposed that populations of the same species should evolve shared mechanisms of adaptation to common stressors due to evolutionary constraint. Here, we describe a system of within-species local adaptation to coastal habitats, Brassica... Read More about Local cryptic diversity in salinity adaptation mechanisms in the wild outcrossing Brassica fruticulosa.

Identification of QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture associated with nitrate nutrition in hexaploid wheat (2022)
Journal Article
GRIFFITHS, M., ATKINSON, J. A., Gardiner, L. J., SWARUP, R., POUND, M. P., WILSON, M. H., BENNETT, M. J., & WELLS, D. M. (2022). Identification of QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture associated with nitrate nutrition in hexaploid wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 21(4), 917-932.

The root system architecture (RSA) of a crop has a profound effect on the uptake of nutrients and consequently the potential yield. However, little is known about the genetic basis of RSA and resource adaptive responses in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.... Read More about Identification of QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture associated with nitrate nutrition in hexaploid wheat.

Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa (2021)
Journal Article
Alcock, T. D., Thomas, C. L., Ó Lochlainn, S., Pongrac, P., Wilson, M., Moore, C., Reyt, G., Vogel-Mikuš, K., Kelemen, M., Hayden, R., Wilson, L., Stephenson, P., Østergaard, L., Irwin, J. A., Hammond, J. P., King, G. J., Salt, D. E., Graham, N. S., White, P. J., & Broadley, M. R. (2021). Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa. Plant Physiology, 186(3), 1616-1631.

Magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca) are essential mineral nutrients poorly supplied in many human food systems. In grazing livestock, Mg and Ca deficiencies are costly welfare issues. Here, we report a Brassica rapa loss-of-function schengen3 (sgn3) muta... Read More about Magnesium and calcium overaccumulate in the leaves of a schengen3 mutant of Brassica rapa.

Arabidopsis antibody resources for functional studies in plants (2020)
Journal Article
Oh, J., Wilson, M., Hill, K., Leftley, N., Hodgman, C., Bennett, M. J., & Swarup, R. (2020). Arabidopsis antibody resources for functional studies in plants. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 21945.

© 2020, The Author(s). Here we report creation of a unique and a very valuable resource for Plant Scientific community worldwide. In this era of post-genomics and modelling of multi-cellular systems using an integrative systems biology approach, bett... Read More about Arabidopsis antibody resources for functional studies in plants.

Low-cost automated vectors and modular environmental sensors for plant phenotyping (2020)
Journal Article
Bagley, S. A., Atkinson, J. A., Hunt, H., Wilson, M. H., Pridmore, T. P., & Wells, D. M. (2020). Low-cost automated vectors and modular environmental sensors for plant phenotyping. Sensors, 20(11), Article 3319.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. High-throughput plant phenotyping in controlled environments (growth chambers and glasshouses) is often delivered via large, expensive installations, leading to limited access and the increase... Read More about Low-cost automated vectors and modular environmental sensors for plant phenotyping.

Transcriptional plasticity buffers genetic variation in zinc homeostasis (2019)
Journal Article
Pita-Barbosa, A., Ricachenevsky, F. K., Wilson, M., Dottorini, T., & Salt, D. E. (2019). Transcriptional plasticity buffers genetic variation in zinc homeostasis. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 19482.

In roots of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zn can be either loaded into the xylem for translocation to the shoot or stored in vacuoles. Vacuolar storage is achieved through the action of the Zn/Cd transporter HMA3 (Heavy Metal Atpase 3). The Col-0 accession h... Read More about Transcriptional plasticity buffers genetic variation in zinc homeostasis.

Identification of nitrogen-dependent QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture in hexaploid wheat (2019)
Griffiths, M., Atkinson, J. A., Gardiner, L.-J., Swarup, R., Pound, M. P., Wilson, M. H., Bennett, M. J., & Wells, D. M. (2019). Identification of nitrogen-dependent QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture in hexaploid wheat

The root system architecture (RSA) of a crop has a profound effect on the uptake of nutrients and consequently the potential yield. However, little is known about the genetic basis of RSA and resource dependent response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.... Read More about Identification of nitrogen-dependent QTL and underlying genes for root system architecture in hexaploid wheat.

The auxin-regulated CrRLK1L kinase ERULUS controls cell wall composition during root hair tip growth (2018)
Journal Article
Schoenaers, S., Balcerowicz, D., Breen, G., Hill, K., Zdanio, M., Mouille, G., Holman, T. J., Oh, J., Wilson, M. H., Nikonorova, N., Vu, L. D., De Smet, I., Swarup, R., De Vos, W. H., Pintelon, I., Adriaensen, D., Grierson, C., Bennett, M. J., & Vissenberg, K. (2018). The auxin-regulated CrRLK1L kinase ERULUS controls cell wall composition during root hair tip growth. Current Biology, 28(5), 722-732.e6.

© 2018 Elsevier Ltd Root hairs facilitate a plant's ability to acquire soil anchorage and nutrients. Root hair growth is regulated by the plant hormone auxin and dependent on localized synthesis, secretion, and modification of the root hair tip cell... Read More about The auxin-regulated CrRLK1L kinase ERULUS controls cell wall composition during root hair tip growth.

Deep machine learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping (2017)
Journal Article
Pound, M. P., Atkinson, J. A., Townsend, A. J., Wilson, M. H., Griffiths, M., Jackson, A. S., Bulat, A., Tzimiropoulos, G., Wells, D. M., Murchie, E. H., Pridmore, T. P., & French, A. P. (2017). Deep machine learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping. GigaScience, 6(10), Article gix083.

© The Author 2017. In plant phenotyping, it has become important to be able to measure many features on large image sets in order to aid genetic discovery. The size of the datasets, now often captured robotically, often precludes manual inspection, h... Read More about Deep machine learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping.

Supporting data for "Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping" (2016)
(2016). Supporting data for "Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping". [Data].

In plant phenotyping, it has become important to be able to measure many features on large image sets in order to aid genetic discovery. The size of the datasets, now often captured robotically, often precludes manual inspection; hence the motivation... Read More about Supporting data for "Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping".

Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis (2016)
Journal Article
Mellor, N. L., Band, L. R., Pěnčík, A., Novak, O., Rashed, A., Holman, T., Wilson, M. H., Voss, U., Bishopp, A., King, J. R., Ljung, K., Bennett, M. J., & Owen, M. R. (2016). Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(39), 11022-11027.

Auxin is a key hormone regulating plant growth and development. We combine experiments and mathematical modeling to reveal how auxin levels are maintained via feedback regulation of genes encoding key metabolic enzymes. We describe how regulation of... Read More about Dynamic regulation of auxin oxidase and conjugating enzymes AtDAO1 and GH3 modulates auxin homeostasis.

Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping (2016)
Preprint / Working Paper
Pound, M. P., Burgess, A. J., Wilson, M. H., Atkinson, J. A., Griffiths, M., Jackson, A. S., Bulat, A., Tzimiropoulos, G., Wells, D. M., Murchie, E. H., Pridmore, T. P., & French, A. P. Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping

Deep learning is an emerging field that promises unparalleled results on many data analysis problems. We show the success offered by such techniques when applied to the challenging problem of image-based plant phenotyping, and demonstrate state-of-th... Read More about Deep Machine Learning provides state-of-the-art performance in image-based plant phenotyping.

Multi-omics analysis identifies genes mediating the extension of cell walls in the Arabidopsis thaliana root elongation zone (2015)
Journal Article
Wilson, M. H., Holman, T. J., Sørensen, I., Cancho-Sanchez, E., Wells, D. M., Swarup, R., Knox, J. P., Willats, W. G., Ubeda-Tomás, S., Holdsworth, M. J., Bennett, M. J., Vissenberg, K., & Hodgman, T. C. (2015). Multi-omics analysis identifies genes mediating the extension of cell walls in the Arabidopsis thaliana root elongation zone. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 3(FEB), Article 10.

Plant cell wall composition is important for regulating growth rates, especially in roots. However, neither analyses of cell wall composition nor transcriptomes on their own can comprehensively reveal which genes and processes are mediating growth an... Read More about Multi-omics analysis identifies genes mediating the extension of cell walls in the Arabidopsis thaliana root elongation zone.

Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones (2015)
Journal Article
Lavenus, J., Goh, T., Guyomarc’h, S., Hill, K., Lucas, M., Voß, U., Kenobi, K., Wilson, M. H., Farcot, E., Hagen, G., Guilfoyle, T. J., Fukaki, H., Laplaze, L., & Bennett, M. J. (2015). Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones. Plant Cell, 27(5), 1368-1388.

A large number of genes involved in lateral root (LR) organogenesis have been identified over the last decade using forward and reverse genetic approaches in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nevertheless, how these genes interact to form a LR regulatory network... Read More about Inference of the Arabidopsis lateral root gene regulatory network suggests a bifurcation mechanism that defines primordia flanking and central zones.

Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex (2014)
Journal Article
Band, L. R., Wells, D. M., Fozard, J. A., Ghetiu, T., French, A. P., Pound, M. P., Wilson, M. H., Yu, L., Li, W., Hijazi, H. I., Oh, J., Pearce, S. P., Perez-Amador, M. A., Yun, J., Kramer, E., Alonso, J. M., Godin, C., Vernoux, T., Hodgman, T. C., Pridmore, T. P., …Bennett, M. J. (2014). Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex. Plant Cell, 26(3), 862-875.

Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development. Within the root tip, auxin distribution plays a crucial role specifying developmental zones and coordinating tropic responses. Determining how the organ-scale auxin pattern is regulated at the... Read More about Systems Analysis of Auxin Transport in the Arabidopsis Root Apex.