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All Outputs (67)

Electron spin coherence near room temperature in magnetic quantum dots (2015)
Journal Article
Moro, F., Turyanska, L., Wilman, J., Fielding, A. J., Fay, M. W., Granwehr, J., & Patanè, A. (2015). Electron spin coherence near room temperature in magnetic quantum dots. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 10855.

We report on an example of confined magnetic ions with long spin coherence near room temperature. This was achieved by confining single Mn 2+ spins in colloidal semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) and by dispersing the QDs in a proton-spin free matrix.... Read More about Electron spin coherence near room temperature in magnetic quantum dots.

Ligand-induced control of photoconductive gain and doping in a hybrid graphene-quantum dot transistor (2015)
Journal Article
Turyanska, L., Makarovsky, O., Svatek, S. A., Beton, P. H., Mellor, C. J., Patanè, A., Eaves, L., Thomas, N. R., Fay, M. W., Marsden, A. J., & Wilson, N. R. (2015). Ligand-induced control of photoconductive gain and doping in a hybrid graphene-quantum dot transistor. Advanced Electronic Materials, 1(7), 1500062.

In graphene devices decorated with a layer of near-infrared colloidal PbS quantum dots (QDs), the choice of the QD capping ligands and the integrity of the QD layer have a strong influence on the doping, carrier mobility, and photoresponse. By using... Read More about Ligand-induced control of photoconductive gain and doping in a hybrid graphene-quantum dot transistor.

Spin manipulation and spin-lattice interaction in magnetic colloidal quantum dots (2014)
Journal Article
Moro, F., Turyanska, L., Granwehr, J., & Patanè, A. (2014). Spin manipulation and spin-lattice interaction in magnetic colloidal quantum dots. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 90(20), Article 205428.

We report on the spin-lattice interaction and coherent manipulation of electron spins in Mn-doped colloidal PbS quantum dots (QDs) by electron spin resonance. We show that the phase memory time,TM, is limited by Mn–Mn dipolar interactions, hyperfine... Read More about Spin manipulation and spin-lattice interaction in magnetic colloidal quantum dots.

Tuneable paramagnetic susceptibility and exciton g-factor in Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals (2014)
Journal Article
Turyanska, L., Hill, R. J. A., Makarovsky, O., Moro, F., Knott, A. N., Larkin, O. J., Patanè, A., Meaney, A., Christianen, P. C. M., Fay, M. W., & Curry, R. J. (2014). Tuneable paramagnetic susceptibility and exciton g-factor in Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals. Nanoscale, 6(15), 8919-8925.

We report on PbS colloidal nanocrystals that combine within one structure solubility in physiological solvents with near-infrared photoluminescence, and magnetic and optical properties tuneable by the controlled incorporation of magnetic impurities (... Read More about Tuneable paramagnetic susceptibility and exciton g-factor in Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals.

Apoferritin-encapsulated PbS quantum dots significantly inhibit growth of colorectal carcinoma cells (2013)
Journal Article
Bradshaw, T. D., Junor, M., Patanè, A., Clarke, P., Thomas, N. R., Li, M., Mann, S., & Turyanska, L. (2013). Apoferritin-encapsulated PbS quantum dots significantly inhibit growth of colorectal carcinoma cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 45, 6254-6260.

Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) is the 3rd most common cancer worldwide, thus development of novel therapeutic strategies is imperative. Herein potent, selective dose-dependent antitumor activity of horse spleen apoferritin encapsulated PbS quantum dots (... Read More about Apoferritin-encapsulated PbS quantum dots significantly inhibit growth of colorectal carcinoma cells.

Paramagnetic, near-infrared fluorescent Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals (2013)
Journal Article
Turyanska, L., Moro, F., Knott, A. N., Fay, M. W., Bradshaw, T. D., & Patanè, A. (2013). Paramagnetic, near-infrared fluorescent Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals. Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 30(11),

Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals in aqueous solution are paramagnetic and optically active in the technologically important biological window between 1.2 and 0.8 μm. Cytoxicity studies show that exposure of human cell lines to the nanoparticles at... Read More about Paramagnetic, near-infrared fluorescent Mn-doped PbS colloidal nanocrystals.

Band-gap profiling by laser writing of hydrogen-containing III-N-Vs (2012)
Journal Article
Balakrishnan, N., Pettinari, G., Makarovsky, O., Turyanska, L., Fay, M. W., De Luca, M., Polimeni, A., Capizzi, M., Martelli, F., Rubini, S., & Patanè, A. (2012). Band-gap profiling by laser writing of hydrogen-containing III-N-Vs. Physical review B: Condensed matter and materials physics, 86(15), Article 155307.

We show that the dissociation of the N-H complex in hydrogenated III-N-Vs can be laser activated at temperatures that are significantly smaller than those (>200°C) required for thermal dissociation due to a resonant photon absorption by the N-H compl... Read More about Band-gap profiling by laser writing of hydrogen-containing III-N-Vs.