Correlating gastric emptying of amphotericin B and paracetamol solid lipid nanoparticles with changes in particle surface chemistry
Journal Article
Amekyeh, H., Billa, N., & Roberts, C. J. (2017). Correlating gastric emptying of amphotericin B and paracetamol solid lipid nanoparticles with changes in particle surface chemistry. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 517(1-2),
Oral delivery of pharmaceuticals requires that they retain their physical and chemical attributes during transit within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, for the manifestation of desired therapeutic profiles. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are used... Read More about Correlating gastric emptying of amphotericin B and paracetamol solid lipid nanoparticles with changes in particle surface chemistry.