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All Outputs (7)

The influence of magnetic vortices motion on the inverse ac Josephson effect in asymmetric arrays (2022)
Journal Article
Chesca, B., Gaifullin, M., John, D., Cox, J., Savel'ev, S., & Mellor, C. (2022). The influence of magnetic vortices motion on the inverse ac Josephson effect in asymmetric arrays. Applied Physics Letters, 121(16), Article 162601.

We report on the influence a preferential magnetic vortices motion has on the magnitude of the inverse ac Josephson effect (the appearance of dc current Shapiro steps) and the coherent operation of asymmetrical parallel arrays of YBa2Cu3O7−δ Josephso... Read More about The influence of magnetic vortices motion on the inverse ac Josephson effect in asymmetric arrays.

Reactive laser annealing of indium tin oxide: implications to crystal structure, defect composition, and plasma energy (2022)
Journal Article
Hillier, J., Patsalas, P., Karfardis, D., Cranton, W., Nabok, A., Mellor, C. J., Koutsogeorgis, D., & Kalfagiannis, N. (2022). Reactive laser annealing of indium tin oxide: implications to crystal structure, defect composition, and plasma energy. Optical Materials Express, 12(11), 4310-4327.

The mechanisms governing the modification of the optoelectronic properties of low carrier concentration indium tin oxide (ITO) during reactive laser annealing (ReLaA) are investigated. ReLA combines the advantages of reactive ambient thermal annealin... Read More about Reactive laser annealing of indium tin oxide: implications to crystal structure, defect composition, and plasma energy.

Photo-engineered optoelectronic properties of indium tin oxide via reactive laser annealing (2022)
Journal Article
Hillier, J. A., Patsalas, P., Karfaridis, D., Camelio, S., Cranton, W., Nabok, A. V., Mellor, C. J., Koutsogeorgis, D. C., & Kalfagiannis, N. (2022). Photo-engineered optoelectronic properties of indium tin oxide via reactive laser annealing. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 14986.

Transparent conductive oxides are appealing materials for optoelectronic and plasmonic applications as, amongst other advantages, their properties can be modulated by engineering their defects. Optimisation of this adjustment is, however, a complex d... Read More about Photo-engineered optoelectronic properties of indium tin oxide via reactive laser annealing.

Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride (2022)
Journal Article
Cassabois, G., Fugallo, G., Elias, C., Valvin, P., Rousseau, A., Gil, B., Summerfield, A., Mellor, C. J., Cheng, T. S., Eaves, L., Foxon, C., Beton, P., Lazzeri, M., Segura, A., & Novikov, S. (2022). Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride. Physical Review X, 12(1), Article 011057.

The light-matter interaction in bulk semiconductors is in the strong coupling regime with hybrid eigenstates, the so-called exciton-polaritons and phonon-polaritons. In two-dimensional (2D) systems, the translational invariance is broken in the direc... Read More about Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride.

Spectrally tailored hyperpixel filter arrays for efficient imaging of chemical compositions (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Taylor-Williams, M., Cousins, R., Williams, C., Bohndiek, S. E., Mellor, C. J., & Gordon, G. S. D. Spectrally tailored hyperpixel filter arrays for efficient imaging of chemical compositions. Presented at SPIE Photonics West 2022, San Francisco, United States

We present a method for designing and fabricating 'HyperPixels': pixel filter arrays with custom spectral transmission properties that enable efficient imaging of specific chromophores or fluorophores. Multispectral imaging typically targets particul... Read More about Spectrally tailored hyperpixel filter arrays for efficient imaging of chemical compositions.

Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride (2022)
Journal Article
Cassabois, G., Fugallo, G., Elias, C., Valvin, P., Rousseau, A., Gil, B., Summerfield, A., Mellor, C., Cheng, T., Eaves, L., Foxon, C., Beton, P., Lazzeri, M., Segura, A., & Novikov, S. (2022). Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride. Physical Review X, 12(1), Article 011057.

The light-matter interaction in bulk semiconductors is in the strong-coupling regime with hybrid eigenstates, the so-called exciton polaritons and phonon polaritons. In two-dimensional (2D) systems, the translational invariance is broken in the direc... Read More about Exciton and Phonon Radiative Linewidths in Monolayer Boron Nitride.

Transfering ultra-Thin metallic metasurfaces to fibre endoscope probes for advanced imaging (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fuentes-Dominguez, R., He, F., Cousins, R., Mellor, C. J., & Gordon, G. S. D. (2022, January). Transfering ultra-Thin metallic metasurfaces to fibre endoscope probes for advanced imaging. Presented at SPIE Photonics West 2022, San Francisco, California, USA

In this paper we present a method to transfer ultra-Thin polymer-encapsulated metallic metasurfaces onto optical fibers to enable ultra-Thin imaging devices. The metasurface is first produced by conventional e-beam lithography on a silicon substrate... Read More about Transfering ultra-Thin metallic metasurfaces to fibre endoscope probes for advanced imaging.