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All Outputs (8)

Societal reminiscence and decisions for a better society: A belief in progress explanation (2022)
Journal Article
Kwan, C. M., Cheng, S. Y., & Tsang, A. S. (2023). Societal reminiscence and decisions for a better society: A belief in progress explanation. Journal of Business Research, 154, Article 113365.

This research investigates how reminiscing a society's past can encourage risk taking for the society. In one field study and four experiments, we show that encountering objects or appeals linked to their society's past can lead individuals to become... Read More about Societal reminiscence and decisions for a better society: A belief in progress explanation.

The Curse of Similarity: When and How Similarity Induces Persuasion Reactance (2021)
Journal Article
Suntong, Q. I., Dai, X., Ching Canice Kwan, M., & Wyer, R. S. (2021). The Curse of Similarity: When and How Similarity Induces Persuasion Reactance. Advances in Consumer Research, 49, 273-274

Salesperson-customer similarity can positively or negatively affect persuasiveness. Consumers more likely to take a recommendation from a dissimilar (vs. similar) salesperson when purchasing a familiar product, but the reverse is true when purchasing... Read More about The Curse of Similarity: When and How Similarity Induces Persuasion Reactance.

Helping Yourself before Helping Others: How Sense of Control Promotes Charitable Behaviors (2020)
Journal Article
Xu, Q., Kwan, C. M., & Zhou, X. (2020). Helping Yourself before Helping Others: How Sense of Control Promotes Charitable Behaviors. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30(3), 486-505.

This research elucidates when distress appeals can evoke the instinct to help without turning recipients away from uncomfortable situations. Five experiments demonstrated with behavioral evidence that evoking a sense of control by irrelevant causes p... Read More about Helping Yourself before Helping Others: How Sense of Control Promotes Charitable Behaviors.

The Effect of Empty Space on Choice Deferral (2019)
Journal Article
Kwan, C. M., Gong, H., & Zhu, M. (2019). The Effect of Empty Space on Choice Deferral. Advances in Consumer Research, 47, 719

Visual space is a fundamental component in visual communications. In five experiments, we demonstrate that the blank margin of a choice set increases the extent to which consumers defer choices. Our findings show that this effect is driven by the enh... Read More about The Effect of Empty Space on Choice Deferral.

The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kwan, C. M. C., Wyer, R. S., & Dai, Z. The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents

Conceptualizing perspectives into three types-victim, involved observer and disinterested observer, we investigate how perspective influences prosocial intents via its effects on prosocial emotions. We show that taking the perspective of victims or i... Read More about The Effects of Perspective on Prosocial Emotions and Intents.

The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement (2017)
Journal Article
Kwan, C. M. C., Cheng, S., & Williams, P. (2017). The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement. Advances in Consumer Research, 45, 725-726

This research demonstrates that yearning for the society's past enhances optimism toward the future of that society, which boosts consumers' confidence and their propensity to endorse risky policies. Such effects occur only when consumers reflect on... Read More about The Effect of Societal Nostalgia on Future Optimism and Public Policy Endorsement.

Contextual Influences on Message Persuasion: The Effect of Empty Space (2017)
Journal Article
Kwan, C. M. C., Dai, X., & Wyer, R. S. (2017). Contextual Influences on Message Persuasion: The Effect of Empty Space. Journal of Consumer Research, 44(2), 448-464.

The empty space that surrounds a text message can affect the message's persuasiveness. Seven studies provide converging evidence in both field and laboratory settings that people find a message less persuasive, and are less likely to act on its impli... Read More about Contextual Influences on Message Persuasion: The Effect of Empty Space.