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Effect of growth techniques on the structural, optical and electrical properties of indium doped TiO2thin films

Al mashary, Faisal S.; de Castro, Suelen; da Silva, Arlon Fernando; Felix, Jorlandio Francisco; Piton, Marcelo Rizzo; Avanço Galeti, Helder Vinícius; De Giovanni Rodrigues, Ariano; Galvão Gobato, Yara; Al Saqri, Noor; Henini, Mohamed; Al huwayz, Maryam M.; Albadri, Abdulrahman M.; Alyamani, Ahmed Y.; Albrathen, Hamad A.; Alhusaini, Sami A.; Aljaber, Khalid M.; Alanazi, Ali Z.; Alghamdi, Fahad S.

Effect of growth techniques on the structural, optical and electrical properties of indium doped TiO2thin films Thumbnail


Faisal S. Al mashary

Suelen de Castro

Arlon Fernando da Silva

Jorlandio Francisco Felix

Marcelo Rizzo Piton

Helder Vinícius Avanço Galeti

Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues

Yara Galvão Gobato

Noor Al Saqri

Maryam M. Al huwayz

Abdulrahman M. Albadri

Ahmed Y. Alyamani

Hamad A. Albrathen

Sami A. Alhusaini

Khalid M. Aljaber

Ali Z. Alanazi

Fahad S. Alghamdi


We have investigated the effect of the growth techniques on the structural, the electrically and optically active defects in Indium doped TiO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and sputtering techniques. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy patterns revealed both rutile and anatase phases for the sputtering samples. On the other hand, only the anatase phase was observed for the PLD samples. The photoluminescence (PL) spectra have unveiled several peaks which were explained by defect related optical transitions. Particularly, the PL bands are fully consistent with anatase/rutile TiO2 phases and the formation of In2O3 during the preparation of our samples. It was also observed that at −4 V reverse bias, the PLD samples have lower leakage currents (∼1.4 × 10−7 A) as compared to the sputtering samples (∼5.9 × 10−7 A). In addition, the PLD samples exhibited lower ideality factors and higher barrier heights as compared to those grown by sputtering. Finally, the Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) measurements have shown only one defect in the PLD samples whereas five defects have been detected in the sputtering samples. Therefore, our results provide strong evidence that the PLD technique is better suited for the growth of In-doped TiO2 thin films.


Al mashary, F. S., de Castro, S., da Silva, A. F., Felix, J. F., Piton, M. R., Avanço Galeti, H. V., De Giovanni Rodrigues, A., Galvão Gobato, Y., Al Saqri, N., Henini, M., Al huwayz, M. M., Albadri, A. M., Alyamani, A. Y., Albrathen, H. . A., Alhusaini, S. A., Aljaber, K. M., Alanazi, A. Z., & Alghamdi, F. S. (in press). Effect of growth techniques on the structural, optical and electrical properties of indium doped TiO2thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 766,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 28, 2018
Online Publication Date Jun 30, 2018
Deposit Date Jul 25, 2018
Publicly Available Date Jul 1, 2019
Journal Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Print ISSN 0925-8388
Electronic ISSN 1873-4669
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 766
Keywords In-doped TiO2, Pulsed laser deposition, Sputtering,XRD,
Photoluminescence, Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy
Public URL
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Contract Date Jul 25, 2018


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