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Comparison of the Effects of Hydrated Lime on the Moisture-Induced Damage of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixtures

Badal, Amar; Carvajal-Munoz, Juan S.; Airey, Gordon

Comparison of the Effects of Hydrated Lime on the Moisture-Induced Damage of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixtures Thumbnail


Amar Badal

Juan S. Carvajal-Munoz


Moisture-induced damage is one of the most prominent distresses affecting pavement structures worldwide. As a consequence, various strategies for mitigating this phenomenon have been proposed, including the use of additives to improve bitumen-aggregate bonding, engineered to mitigate/counteract the moisture damage effects. Among these, the reported benefits of various lime forms, such as hydrated lime (HL), have propelled its use (mainly in the United States from the early 70s) as widely reported in scientific literature. However, very few studies have been conducted in the United Kingdom with locally available materials, specifications and testing methods suitable for that purpose. Therefore, this study investigates the effects of HL on the moisture damage resistance of stone mastic asphalt (SMA) mixtures designed, produced and tested under local UK conditions. A set of asphalt slabs with a target 4.0% air voids content and two bitumen contents (5.6 and 6.2%) using granite aggregates were manufactured using a roller ‘slab’ compactor consisting of control mixtures (0% HL) and those with 1, 2 and 3% HL by weight of total mixture. Characterisation of the mixtures was done via the saturated ageing tensile stiffness (SATS) test to account for both the effects of ageing and moisture damage. The SATS test results showed a positive effect of the addition of HL on the moisture damage resistance, however increasing HL contents only produced marginal additional improvements. The influence of the reduction in bitumen content was negligible. Furthermore, the results indicated an optimum dosage of 1% HL for enhanced moisture damage resistance.


Badal, A., Carvajal-Munoz, J. S., & Airey, G. (2020, December). Comparison of the Effects of Hydrated Lime on the Moisture-Induced Damage of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixtures. Presented at RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials, Lyon, France (online)

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials
Start Date Dec 14, 2020
End Date Dec 16, 2020
Acceptance Date Jul 1, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 26, 2021
Publication Date Jan 1, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 31, 2022
Publicly Available Date Sep 27, 2022
Pages 465-471
Series Title RILEM Bookseries
Series Number 27
Series ISSN 2211-0852
Book Title Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials
Chapter Number 10
ISBN 9783030464547
Public URL
Publisher URL


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