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The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer

Dietz, Christina; Yang, Qian; Ford, Rebecca

The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer Thumbnail


Christina Dietz


Temporal sensory profiles are increasingly assessed ‘by modality’ to investigate complex profiles and multisensory properties of foods and beverages. Panellists’ noise in temporal data caused by differences in oral and cognitive processing cannot entirely be removed by training or strict experimental setups. Therefore, time standardisation can be applied to align onsets of sensations and standardise temporal data. This paper compared raw temporal data collected in a preceding study performed by a trained expert panel (n = 10) using a TCATA by modality approach with the same data time standardised either by modality or with merged modalities. Binary data, durations and citation proportions were evaluated and subjected to Repeated Measures (RM-) Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA), and Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) to investigate the differences between sensory properties and dynamic profiles. Time standardisation with merged modalities was able to reduce some noise related to panel repeatability from the raw data while also improving panel agreement indices in the taste and mouthfeel data. Time standardisation by modality reduced some of the panel heterogeneity, but distorted patterns in the flavour data. The main reason for distorted patterns in single sample data and resulting sample discrimination was the different impact of time standardisation on samples described by quickly fading versus long lasting sensations. No substantial effects were observed on the samples’ overall profiles in their sensory space. Time standardisation by modality could not reduce panellists’ noise in the data. Only a slight noise reduction was achieved in the time standardised data with merged modalities supporting the use of the raw data for further analyses. The findings indicated several differences between raw and time standardised data and highlighted advantages and disadvantages of pre-processing TCATA by modality data obtained to describe samples inducing complex, multisensory sensations.


Dietz, C., Yang, Q., & Ford, R. (2022). The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer. Food Quality and Preference, 98, Article 104506.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 20, 2021
Online Publication Date Dec 22, 2021
Publication Date Jun 1, 2022
Deposit Date Dec 21, 2021
Publicly Available Date Dec 23, 2022
Journal Food Quality and Preference
Print ISSN 0950-3293
Electronic ISSN 0950-3293
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 98
Article Number 104506
Keywords Temporal-Check-All-That-Apply; TCATA by modality, Data pre-processing; Time standardisation; 33 Multiple sips; Dynamic perception 34; ANOVA, Analysis of Variance; CVA, Canonical Variate Analysis; fin, finish; HULU, Bittering 42 product containing hulupones; HSD, Honest Significance Difference; im, in mouth; ISO, Bittering product containing 43 commercially isomerised iso-alpha-acids; MANOVA, Multivariate Analysis of Variance; MFA, Multiple Factor 44 Analysis; NISO, Bittering product containing naturally isomerised iso-alpha-acids; ns, not selected; QDA, Quantitative 45 Descriptive Analysis; RM, Repeated Measures; RV, regression vector; sw, swallowed; TCATA, Temporal Check-All- 46 That-Apply; TDS, Temporal Dominance of Sensations 47
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Additional Information This article is maintained by: Elsevier; Article Title: The impact of time standardising TCATA by modality data on the multisensory profile of beer; Journal Title: Food Quality and Preference; CrossRef DOI link to publisher maintained version:


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