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High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells

Svatek, Simon A.; Bueno-Blanco, Carlos; Lin, Der-Yuh; Kerfoot, James; Mac�as, Carlos; Zehender, Marius H.; Tob�as, Ignacio; Garc�a-Linares, Pablo; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Beton, Peter; Antol�n, Elisa

High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells Thumbnail


Simon A. Svatek

Carlos Bueno-Blanco

Der-Yuh Lin

James Kerfoot

Carlos Mac�as

Marius H. Zehender

Ignacio Tob�as

Pablo Garc�a-Linares

Takashi Taniguchi

Kenji Watanabe

Elisa Antol�n


The conversion efficiency of ultra-thin solar cells based on layered materials has been limited by their open-circuit voltage, which is typically pinned to a value under 0.6 V. Here we report an open-circuit voltage of 1.02 V in a 120 nm-thick vertically stacked homojunction fabricated with substitutionally doped MoS2. This high open-circuit voltage is consistent with the band alignment in the MoS2 homojunction, which is more favourable than in widely-used TMDC heterostructures. It is also attributed to the high performance of the substitutionally doped MoS2, in particular the p-type material doped with Nb, which is demonstrated by the observation of electroluminescence from tunnelling graphene/BN/MoS2 structures in spite of the indirect nature of bulk MoS2. We find that illuminating the TMDC/metal contacts decreases the measured open-circuit voltage in MoS2 van der Waals homojunctions because they are photoactive, which points to the need of developing low-resistance, ohmic contacts to doped MoS2 in order to achieve high efficiency in practical devices. The high open-circuit voltage demonstrated here confirms the potential of layered transition-metal dichalcogenides for the development of highly efficient, ultra-thin solar cells.


Svatek, S. A., Bueno-Blanco, C., Lin, D.-Y., Kerfoot, J., Macías, C., Zehender, M. H., Tobías, I., García-Linares, P., Taniguchi, T., Watanabe, K., Beton, P., & Antolín, E. (2021). High open-circuit voltage in transition metal dichalcogenide solar cells. Nano Energy, 79, Article 105427.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 17, 2020
Online Publication Date Sep 25, 2020
Publication Date Jan 1, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 23, 2020
Publicly Available Date Sep 26, 2021
Journal Nano Energy
Print ISSN 2211-2855
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 79
Article Number 105427
Keywords Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; General Materials Science
Public URL
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