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Spectral Representation of Behaviour Primitives for Depression Analysis

Song, Siyang; Jaiswal, Shashank; Shen, Linlin; Valstar, Michel

Spectral Representation of Behaviour Primitives for Depression Analysis Thumbnail


Siyang Song

Shashank Jaiswal

Linlin Shen

Michel Valstar


Depression is a serious mental disorder affecting millions of people. Traditional clinical diagnosis methods are subjective, complicated and require extensive participation of clinicians. Recent advances in automatic depression analysis systems promise a future where these shortcomings are addressed by objective, repeatable, and readily available diagnostic tools to aid health professionals in their work. Yet there remain a number of barriers to the development of such tools. One barrier is that existing automatic depression analysis algorithms base their predictions on very brief sequential segments, sometimes as little as one frame. Another barrier is that existing methods do not take into account what the context of the measured behaviour is. In this paper, we extract multi-scale video-level features for video-based automatic depression analysis. We propose to use automatically detected human behaviour primitives as the low-dimensional descriptor for each frame. We also propose two novel spectral representations to represent video-level multi-scale temporal dynamics of expressive behaviour. Constructed spectral representations are fed to CNNs and ANNs for depression analysis. In addition to achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in depression severity estimation, we show that the task conducted by the user matters, that fusion of a combination of tasks reaches highest accuracy, and that longer tasks are more informative than shorter tasks, up to a point.


Song, S., Jaiswal, S., Shen, L., & Valstar, M. (2020). Spectral Representation of Behaviour Primitives for Depression Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 30, 2020
Online Publication Date Jan 30, 2020
Publication Date Jan 30, 2020
Deposit Date Jun 29, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jul 9, 2020
Journal IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing
Print ISSN 1949-3045
Electronic ISSN 1949-3045
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Keywords Human-Computer Interaction; Software
Public URL
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