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Relationship Between Mammography Readers Real-life Performance and Performance in a Test set Based Assessment Scheme in a National Breast Screening Programme

Chen, Yan; James, Jonathan J.; Cornford, Eleanor J.; Jenkins, Jacquie

Relationship Between Mammography Readers Real-life Performance and Performance in a Test set Based Assessment Scheme in a National Breast Screening Programme Thumbnail


Jonathan J. James

Eleanor J. Cornford

Jacquie Jenkins



To compare an individual’s Personal Performance in Mammographic Screening (PERFORMS) score with their Breast Screening Information System (BSIS) real-life performance data and determine which parameters in the PERFORMS scheme offer the best reflection of BSIS real-life performance metrics.

Materials and Methods

In this retrospective study, the BSIS real-life performance metrics of individual readers (n = 452) in the National Health Service Breast Screening Program (NHSBSP) in England were compared with performance in the test set–based assessment scheme over a 3-year period from 2013 to 2016. Cancer detection rate (CDR), recall rate, and positive predictive value (PPV) were calculated for each reader, for both real-life screening and the PERFORMS test. For each metric, real-life and test set versions were compared using a Pearson correlation. The real-life CDR, recall rate, and PPV of outliers were compared against other readers (nonoutliers) using analysis of variance.


BSIS real-life CDRs, recall rates, and PPVs showed positive correlations with the equivalent PERFORMS measures (P < .001, P = .002, and P < .001, respectively). The mean real-life CDR of PERFORMS outliers was 7.2 per 1000 women screened and was significantly lower than other readers (nonoutliers) where the real-life CDR was 7.9 (P = .002). The mean real-life screening PPV of PERFORMS outliers was 0.14% and was significantly lower than the nonoutlier group who had a mean PPV of 0.17% (P = .006).


The use of test set–based assessment schemes in a breast screening program has the potential to predict and identify poor performance in real life.


Chen, Y., James, J. J., Cornford, E. J., & Jenkins, J. (2020). Relationship Between Mammography Readers Real-life Performance and Performance in a Test set Based Assessment Scheme in a National Breast Screening Programme. Radiology, 2(5),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 2, 2020
Online Publication Date Sep 25, 2020
Publication Date Sep 25, 2020
Deposit Date Jun 10, 2020
Publicly Available Date Mar 26, 2021
Journal Radiology
Print ISSN 0033-8419
Publisher Radiological Society of North America
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 2
Issue 5
Public URL
Publisher URL


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