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Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme

O'Dowd, Emma L; Lee, Richard W; Akram, Ahsan R; Bartlett, Emily C; Bradley, Stephen H; Brain, Kate; Callister, Matthew E J; Chen, Yan; Devaraj, Anand; Eccles, Sinan R; Field, John K; Fox, Jesme; Grundy, Seamus; Janes, Sam M; Ledson, Martin; MacKean, Melanie; Mackie, Anne; McManus, Kieran G; Murray, Rachael L; Nair, Arjun; Quaife, Samantha L; Rintoul, Robert; Stevenson, Anne; Summers, Yvonne; Wilkinson, Louise S; Booton, Richard; Baldwin, David R; Crosbie, Philip


Emma L O'Dowd

Richard W Lee

Ahsan R Akram

Emily C Bartlett

Stephen H Bradley

Kate Brain

Matthew E J Callister

Anand Devaraj

Sinan R Eccles

John K Field

Jesme Fox

Seamus Grundy

Sam M Janes

Martin Ledson

Melanie MacKean

Anne Mackie

Kieran G McManus

Arjun Nair

Samantha L Quaife

Robert Rintoul

Anne Stevenson

Yvonne Summers

Louise S Wilkinson

Richard Booton

David R Baldwin

Philip Crosbie


Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT was recommended by the UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC) in September, 2022, on the basis of data from trials showing a reduction in lung cancer mortality. These trials provide sufficient evidence to show clinical efficacy, but further work is needed to prove deliverability in preparation for a national roll-out of the first major targeted screening programme. The UK has been world leading in addressing logistical issues with lung cancer screening through clinical trials, implementation pilots, and the National Health Service (NHS) England Targeted Lung Health Check Programme. In this Policy Review, we describe the consensus reached by a multiprofessional group of experts in lung cancer screening on the key requirements and priorities for effective implementation of a programme. We summarise the output from a round-table meeting of clinicians, behavioural scientists, stakeholder organisations, and representatives from NHS England, the UKNSC, and the four UK nations. This Policy Review will be an important tool in the ongoing expansion and evolution of an already successful programme, and provides a summary of UK expert opinion for consideration by those organising and delivering lung cancer screenings in other countries.


O'Dowd, E. L., Lee, R. W., Akram, A. R., Bartlett, E. C., Bradley, S. H., Brain, K., Callister, M. E. J., Chen, Y., Devaraj, A., Eccles, S. R., Field, J. K., Fox, J., Grundy, S., Janes, S. M., Ledson, M., MacKean, M., Mackie, A., McManus, K. G., Murray, R. L., Nair, A., …Crosbie, P. (2023). Defining the road map to a UK national lung cancer screening programme. Lancet Oncology, 24(5), e207-e218.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 9, 2023
Online Publication Date May 2, 2023
Publication Date 2023-05
Deposit Date May 4, 2023
Journal The Lancet Oncology
Print ISSN 1470-2045
Electronic ISSN 1474-5488
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 5
Pages e207-e218
Keywords Oncology
Public URL
Publisher URL