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Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars

Mazumder, Debarati; Xie, Jiahao; Kudrynskyi, Zakhar R; Wang, Xinjiang; Makarovsky, Oleg; Bhuiyan, Mahabub A; Kim, Hyunseok; Chang, Ting?Yuan; Huffaker, Diana L.; Kovalyuk, Zakhar D; Zhang, Lijun; Patan�, Amalia

Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars Thumbnail


Debarati Mazumder

Jiahao Xie

Xinjiang Wang

Mahabub A Bhuiyan

Hyunseok Kim

Ting?Yuan Chang

Diana L. Huffaker

Zakhar D Kovalyuk

Lijun Zhang


Controlling the propagation and intensity of an optical signal is central to several technologies ranging from quantum communication to signal processing. These require a versatile class of functional materials with tailored electronic and optical properties, and compatibility with different platforms for electronics and optoelectronics. Here, we investigate and exploit the inherent optical anisotropy and mechanical flexibility of atomically thin semiconducting layers to induce a controlled enhancement of optical signals. This enhancement is achieved by straining and bending layers of the van der Waals crystal indium selenide (InSe) onto a periodic array of Si-pillars. This enhancement has strong dependence on the layer thickness and is modelled by first-principles electronic band structure theory, revealing the role of the symmetry of the atomic orbitals and light polarization dipole selection rules on the optical properties of the bent layers. The effects described in this paper are qualitatively different from those reported in other materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides, and do not arise from a photonic cavity effect, as demonstrated before for other semiconductors. Our findings on InSe offer a route to flexible nano-photonics compatible with silicon electronics by exploiting the flexibility and anisotropic and wide spectral optical response of a two-dimensional layered material.


Mazumder, D., Xie, J., Kudrynskyi, Z. R., Wang, X., Makarovsky, O., Bhuiyan, M. A., Kim, H., Chang, T., Huffaker, D. L., Kovalyuk, Z. D., Zhang, L., & Patanè, A. (2020). Enhanced Optical Emission from 2D InSe Bent onto Si‐Pillars. Advanced Optical Materials, 8(18), Article 2000828.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 27, 2020
Online Publication Date Jun 15, 2020
Publication Date Jun 15, 2020
Deposit Date May 28, 2020
Publicly Available Date Jun 16, 2021
Journal Advanced Optical Materials
Electronic ISSN 2195-1071
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 18
Article Number 2000828
Keywords InSe, 2D excitons, enhanced luminescence, Si pillars
Public URL
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Additional Information Received: 2020-05-20; Published: 2020-06-15


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