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Nepal Family Cohort study: a study protocol

Kurmi, Om P.; Chaudhary, Nagendra; Delanerolle, Gayathri; Bolton, Charlotte E.; Pant, Puspa Raj; Regmi, Pramod R.; Gautam, Sanjivan; Satia, Imran; Simkhada, Padam; Kyrou, Ioannis; Sigdel, Tara Kant; Hundley, Vanora; Dali, Prashil Raj; Løkke, Anders; Lam, Kin Bong Hubert; Bennett, Derrick; Custovic, Adnan; van Teijlingen, Edwin; Gill, Paramjit; Randeva, Harpal; O'Byrne, Paul

Nepal Family Cohort study: a study protocol Thumbnail


Om P. Kurmi

Nagendra Chaudhary

Gayathri Delanerolle

Puspa Raj Pant

Pramod R. Regmi

Sanjivan Gautam

Imran Satia

Padam Simkhada

Ioannis Kyrou

Tara Kant Sigdel

Vanora Hundley

Prashil Raj Dali

Anders Løkke

Kin Bong Hubert Lam

Derrick Bennett

Adnan Custovic

Edwin van Teijlingen

Paramjit Gill

Harpal Randeva

Paul O'Byrne


INTRODUCTION: The Nepal Family Cohort study uses a life course epidemiological approach to collect comprehensive data on children's and their parents' environmental, behavioural and metabolic risk factors. These factors can affect the overall development of children to adulthood and the onset of specific diseases. Among the many risk factors, exposure to air pollution and lifestyle factors during childhood may impact lung development and function, leading to the early onset of respiratory diseases. The global incidence and prevalence of respiratory diseases are rapidly increasing, with the rate of increase in Nepal being the highest. Although the cohort will primarily focus on respiratory health, other health outcomes such as cardiovascular, metabolic and mental health will be assessed to provide a comprehensive overall health assessment. All other health outcomes are self-reported following doctor diagnosis. Some of these health outcomes will be quality controlled during the follow-up by measuring disease specific markers. Our cohort study will likely provide evidence of risk factors and policy recommendations. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Using a life-course epidemiology approach, we established a longitudinal study to address the determinants of lung health and other health outcomes from childhood to adulthood. The baseline data collection (personal data anonymised) was completed in April 2024, and 16 826 participants (9225 children and 7601 parents) from 5829 families were recruited in different geographical and climate areas (hills and plains) of Nepal. We plan to follow up all the participants every 2-3 years.Descriptive analysis will be used to report demographic characteristics and compare rural and semi-urban regions. A linear regression model will assess the association between air pollution, particularly household air pollution (HAP) exposure, and other lifestyle factors, with lung function adjusted for potential confounders. A two-stage linear regression model will help to evaluate lung development based on exposure to HAP. ETHICS: Ethical approval was obtained from the Nepal Health Research Council, Kathmandu, Nepal, and McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada. Permissions were obtained from two municipalities where the study sites are located. Parents provided signed informed consent and children their assent. DISSEMINATION: Findings will be disseminated through traditional academic pathways, including peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. We will also engage the study population and local media (ie, research blogs and dissemination events) and prepare research and policy briefings for stakeholders and leaders at the local, provincial and national levels.


Kurmi, O. P., Chaudhary, N., Delanerolle, G., Bolton, C. E., Pant, P. R., Regmi, P. R., Gautam, S., Satia, I., Simkhada, P., Kyrou, I., Sigdel, T. K., Hundley, V., Dali, P. R., Løkke, A., Lam, K. B. H., Bennett, D., Custovic, A., van Teijlingen, E., Gill, P., Randeva, H., & O'Byrne, P. (2024). Nepal Family Cohort study: a study protocol. BMJ Open, 14(11), Article e088896.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 16, 2024
Online Publication Date Nov 9, 2024
Publication Date Nov 9, 2024
Deposit Date Nov 22, 2024
Publicly Available Date Nov 26, 2024
Journal BMJ Open
Electronic ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 14
Issue 11
Article Number e088896
Public URL
Publisher URL


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