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ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI): ASL pipeline inventory

Fan, Hongli; Mutsaerts, Henk J. M. M.; Anazodo, Udunna; Arteaga, Daniel; Baas, Koen P. A.; Buchanan, Charlotte; Camargo, Aldo; Keil, Vera C.; Lin, Zixuan; Lindner, Thomas; Hirschler, Lydiane; Hu, Jian; Padrela, Beatriz E.; Taghvaei, Mohammad; Thomas, David L.; Dolui, Sudipto; Petr, Jan

ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI): ASL pipeline inventory Thumbnail


Hongli Fan

Henk J. M. M. Mutsaerts

Udunna Anazodo

Daniel Arteaga

Koen P. A. Baas

Aldo Camargo

Vera C. Keil

Zixuan Lin

Thomas Lindner

Lydiane Hirschler

Jian Hu

Beatriz E. Padrela

Mohammad Taghvaei

David L. Thomas

Sudipto Dolui

Jan Petr


Purpose: To create an inventory of image processing pipelines of arterial spin labeling (ASL) and list their main features, and to evaluate the capability, flexibility, and ease of use of publicly available pipelines to guide novice ASL users in selecting their optimal pipeline. Methods: Developers self‐assessed their pipelines using a questionnaire developed by the Task Force 1.1 of the ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging. Additionally, each publicly available pipeline was evaluated by two independent testers with basic ASL experience using a scoring system created for this purpose. Results: The developers of 21 pipelines filled the questionnaire. Most pipelines are free for noncommercial use (n = 18) and work with the standard NIfTI (Neuroimaging Informatics Technology Initiative) data format (n = 15). All pipelines can process standard 3D single postlabeling delay pseudo‐continuous ASL images and primarily differ in their support of advanced sequences and features. The publicly available pipelines (n = 9) were included in the independent testing, all of them being free for noncommercial use. The pipelines, in general, provided a trade‐off between ease of use and flexibility for configuring advanced processing options. Conclusion: Although most ASL pipelines can process the common ASL data types, only some (namely, ASLPrep, ASLtbx, BASIL/Quantiphyse, ExploreASL, and MRICloud) are well‐documented, publicly available, support multiple ASL types, have a user‐friendly interface, and can provide a useful starting point for ASL processing. The choice of an optimal pipeline should be driven by specific data to be processed and user experience, and can be guided by the information provided in this ASL inventory.


Fan, H., Mutsaerts, H. J. M. M., Anazodo, U., Arteaga, D., Baas, K. P. A., Buchanan, C., Camargo, A., Keil, V. C., Lin, Z., Lindner, T., Hirschler, L., Hu, J., Padrela, B. E., Taghvaei, M., Thomas, D. L., Dolui, S., & Petr, J. (2024). ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI): ASL pipeline inventory. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 91(5), 1787-1802.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 30, 2023
Online Publication Date Oct 9, 2023
Publication Date 2024-05
Deposit Date Nov 21, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 21, 2023
Journal Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Print ISSN 0740-3194
Electronic ISSN 1522-2594
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 91
Issue 5
Pages 1787-1802
Keywords open science, automated processing pipeline, cerebral blood flow, perfusion, arterial spin labeling
Public URL
Publisher URL


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