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Decolonising globalised curriculum landscapes: The identity and agency of academics

Reyes Jr., Vicente; Clancy, Sharon; Koge, Henry; Richardson, Kevin; Taylor, Phil


Vicente Reyes Jr.

Henry Koge


This article explores how academics in a higher education institution (HEI) make sense of the challenges that they encounter in a neoliberal context typified by an increasingly globalised curriculum landscape. Two key questions are explored: What are the contours of the shifting boundaries which define the ‘global curriculum’ in HEI contexts? How do academics navigate and make sense of this fluidity in an uncertain and disputed landscape? Using reflections on practice emanating from the redesign of educational courses to respond to a rapidly changing student cohort, this inquiry takes an auto-ethnographic approach, offering the perspectives of five academic staff from a UK-based HEI through the lens of their lived experiences, and acknowledging the emerging shifts in identities that they experience and the need to confront tensions in this curriculum space. We conclude that our own scrutiny of, and critical reflections on, our identity and positionality as teachers and education practitioners represent a form of decoloniality, enabling us to find ways to share what we know without excluding knowledge outside it and to welcome contributions and possibilities beyond our own experiences. In terms of how we should act, we recognise that it must be through a dialectic that does not seek cultural supremacy or sovereignty.


Reyes Jr., V., Clancy, S., Koge, H., Richardson, K., & Taylor, P. (2021). Decolonising globalised curriculum landscapes: The identity and agency of academics. London Review of Education, 19(1),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 25, 2021
Online Publication Date Aug 18, 2021
Publication Date Aug 18, 2021
Deposit Date Sep 8, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 9, 2023
Journal London Review of Education
Print ISSN 1474-8460
Electronic ISSN 1474-8479
Publisher UCL IOE Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 19
Issue 1
Keywords Education
Public URL
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