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Paediatric dermatology teleconsultations: a survey of healthcare professionals in the UK

McCusker, Sarah; King Stokes, Natalie; Hunjan, Manrup; Daly, Aoife; George, Susannah; Solman, Lea; Burden-Teh, Esther

Paediatric dermatology teleconsultations: a survey of healthcare professionals in the UK Thumbnail


Sarah McCusker

Natalie King Stokes

Manrup Hunjan

Aoife Daly

Susannah George

Lea Solman


The COVID-19 pandemic catapulted dermatology services into a digital era, with the rapid introduction of teleconsultations. The UK National Health Service operational planning guidance recommends ≥ 25% of consultations are delivered remotely. There is a lack of data regarding the acceptability and effectiveness of paediatric dermatology teleconsultations. We surveyed UK healthcare professionals (HCPs) to explore their experiences of teleconsultations in paediatric dermatology, with a focus on follow-up consultations for paediatric eczema (PE), to inform a future clinical trial. There were 119 responses. Pre-pandemic, 37% provided some form of teleconsultation service, rising to 92% post-pandemic. In total, 41% (n = 49) now carry out > 25% of consultations remotely. We found 55% felt teleconsultations were less effective than face-to-face ones for PE follow-up. Eighty HCPs offered teleconsultations for PE. Among the HPCs who offered teleconsultations for PE, the most effective format for follow-up consultations was felt to be telephone with photographs (52/80, 65%). Our results demonstrate varying opinion on the effectiveness and optimal format of paediatric teleconsultations, supporting the need for further research.


McCusker, S., King Stokes, N., Hunjan, M., Daly, A., George, S., Solman, L., & Burden-Teh, E. (2023). Paediatric dermatology teleconsultations: a survey of healthcare professionals in the UK. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 48(7), 785-789.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 25, 2023
Online Publication Date Mar 31, 2023
Publication Date 2023-07
Deposit Date Apr 19, 2023
Publicly Available Date Apr 1, 2024
Journal Clinical and experimental dermatology
Print ISSN 0307-6938
Electronic ISSN 1365-2230
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 48
Issue 7
Pages 785-789
Keywords Dermatology
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Clinical and Experimental Dermatology following peer review. The version of record Sarah McCusker, Natalie King Stokes, Manrup Hunjan, Aoife Daly, Susannah George, Lea Solman, Esther Burden-Teh, Paediatric Dermatology Teleconsultations: A Survey of Health Care Professionals in the United Kingdom, Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 2023;, llad120 is available online at:


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