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Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study (2024)
Journal Article
Wilkinson-Smith, V., Scott, M., Menys, A., Wiklendt, L., MARCIANI, L., Atkinson, D., Sansone, S., Zdanavciene, A., Coupland, C., Knowles, C., Dinning, P., Taylor, S., Gowland, P., Hoad, C., Corsetti, M., & Spiller, R. (2025). Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study. Gut, 74(1), 35-44.

Colonic motility in constipation can be assessed non-invasively using MRI.

To compare MRI with high resolution colonic manometry (HRCM) for predicting treatment response.

Part 1: 44 healthy volunteers (HV), 43... Read More about Combined magnetic resonance imaging, high resolution manometry and a randomised trial of bisacodyl versus hyoscine shows the significance of an enlarged colon in constipation: the RECLAIM study.

Tumour Heterogeneity and Disease Infiltration as Paradigms of Glioblastoma Treatment Resistance (2024)
Journal Article
Malhotra, P., & Rahman, R. (2024). Tumour Heterogeneity and Disease Infiltration as Paradigms of Glioblastoma Treatment Resistance. Onco, 4(4), 349-358.

Isocitrate dehydrogenase wild-type glioblastoma, a Grade 4 malignant brain neoplasm, remains resistant to multimodal treatment, with a median survival of 16 months from diagnosis with no geographical bias. Despite increasing appreciation of intra-tum... Read More about Tumour Heterogeneity and Disease Infiltration as Paradigms of Glioblastoma Treatment Resistance.

Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients (2024)
Journal Article
Zamfir-Taranu, A., Löscher, B.-S., Carbone, F., Hoter, A., Esteban Blanco, C., Bozzarelli, I., Torices, L., Routhiaux, K., Van den Houte, K., Bonfiglio, F., Mayr, G., Corsetti, M., Naim, H. Y., Franke, A., Tack, J., & D’Amato, M. (2024). Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients. Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Background & Aims
Limiting the dietary intake of certain carbohydrates has therapeutic effects in some but not all irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients. We investigated genetic variation in human Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (hCAZymes) genes in re... Read More about Functional Variation in Human CAZyme Genes in Relation to the Efficacy of a Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet in IBS Patients.

Development of an orthotopic medulloblastoma zebrafish model for rapid drug testing (2024)
Journal Article
van Bree, N., Oppelt, A.-S., Lindström, S., Zhou, L., Boutin, L., Coyle, B., Swartling, F. J., Johnsen, J. I., Bräutigam, L., & Wilhelm, M. (2024). Development of an orthotopic medulloblastoma zebrafish model for rapid drug testing. Neuro-Oncology,


Medulloblastoma (MB) is one of the most common malignant brain tumors in children. Current preclinical in vivo model systems for MB have increased our understanding of molecular mechanisms regulating MB development. However, they may no... Read More about Development of an orthotopic medulloblastoma zebrafish model for rapid drug testing.

The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study (2024)
Journal Article
McDonnell, T., Kalra, P. A., Vuilleumier, N., Cockwell, P., Wheeler, D. C., Fraser, S. D., Banks, R. E., & Taal, M. W. (2025). The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study. American Journal of Nephrology, 56(1), 1-12.

Introduction: The definition of CKD is broad, which neglects the heterogeneity of risk across primary renal diseases.

Methods: The National Unified Renal Translational Research Enterprise (NURTuRE)-CKD is an ongoing UK, prospective multicenter coh... Read More about The Impact of Primary Renal Diagnosis on Prognosis and the Varying Predictive Power of Albuminuria in the NURTuRE-CKD Study.

Geometric characteristics of stromal collagen fibres in breast cancer using differential interference contrast microscopy (2024)
Journal Article
Ghannam, S. F., Rutland, C. S., Allegrucci, C., Mather, M. L., Alsaleem, M., Bateman-Price, T. D., Patke, R., Ball, G., Mongan, N. P., & Rakha, E. (2025). Geometric characteristics of stromal collagen fibres in breast cancer using differential interference contrast microscopy. Journal of Microscopy, 297(2), 135-152.

Breast cancer (BC) is characterised by a high level of heterogeneity, which is influenced by the interaction of neoplastic cells with the tumour microenvironment. The diagnostic and prognostic role of the tumour stroma in BC remains to be defined. Di... Read More about Geometric characteristics of stromal collagen fibres in breast cancer using differential interference contrast microscopy.

A European consensus recommendation on the management of delayed methotrexate elimination: supportive measures, leucovorin rescue and glucarpidase treatment (2024)
Journal Article
Bielack, S. S., Soussain, C., Fox, C. P., Houillier, C., Murciano, T., Osborne, W., Zinzani, P. L., Rizzari, C., & Schwartz, S. (2024). A European consensus recommendation on the management of delayed methotrexate elimination: supportive measures, leucovorin rescue and glucarpidase treatment. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 150(10), Article 441.

High-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) is used in the treatment of a range of adult and childhood cancers. Although HDMTX can provide effective anti-tumor activity with an acceptable safety profile for most patients, delayed methotrexate elimination (DME) de... Read More about A European consensus recommendation on the management of delayed methotrexate elimination: supportive measures, leucovorin rescue and glucarpidase treatment.

Association between Nutritional Status Assessed by Body Mass Index and Crohn’s Disease Phenotype: A Nation-Wide Analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Ndzo, J., Vuyyuru, S. K., Trimble, T., Yan, K., Figueredo, G., & Moran, G. W. (in press). Association between Nutritional Status Assessed by Body Mass Index and Crohn’s Disease Phenotype: A Nation-Wide Analysis. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis,

Background & Aims:

Incidence of obesity and Crohn’s disease (CD) is increasing globally. Therefore, understanding any associations between adiposity and disease phenotype is crucial. We aimed explore the relationship between nutritional status me... Read More about Association between Nutritional Status Assessed by Body Mass Index and Crohn’s Disease Phenotype: A Nation-Wide Analysis.