Editorial: Financialization, Space and Place
Journal Article
Hall, S., & Leyshon, A. (2013). Editorial: Financialization, Space and Place. Regional Studies, 47(6), 831-833. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.770201
Outputs (1352)
Assessing the accuracy of volunteered geographic information arising from multiple contributors to an internet based collaborative project (2013)
Journal Article
Foody, G. M., See, L., Fritz, S., Van der Velde, M., Perger, C., Schill, C., & Boyd, D. (2013). Assessing the accuracy of volunteered geographic information arising from multiple contributors to an internet based collaborative project. Transactions in GIS, 17(6), 847-860. https://doi.org/10.1111/tgis.12033The recent rise of neogeography and citizen sensing has increased the opportunities for the use of crowdsourcing as a means to acquire data to support geographical research. The value of the resulting volunteered geographic information is, however, o... Read More about Assessing the accuracy of volunteered geographic information arising from multiple contributors to an internet based collaborative project.
Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models (2013)
Journal Article
Hagemann, S., Chen, C., Clark, D. B., Folwell, S., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Hanasaki, N., Heinke, J., Ludwig, F., Voss, F., & Wiltshire, A. J. (2013). Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models. Earth System Dynamics, 4(1), 129-144. https://doi.org/10.5194/esd-4-129-2013Climate change is expected to alter the hydrological cycle resulting in large-scale impacts on water availability. However, future climate change impact assessments are highly uncertain. For the first time, multiple global climate (three) and hydrolo... Read More about Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models.
Supplementary material to "Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models" (2013)
Hagemann, S., Chen, C., Clark, D. B., Folwell, S., Gosling, S. N., Haddeland, I., Hanasaki, N., Heinke, J., Ludwig, F., Voß, F., & Wiltshire, A. J. (2013). Supplementary material to "Climate change impact on available water resources obtained using multiple global climate and hydrology models"
Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey (2013)
Journal Article
Dean, J. R., Jones, M. D., Leng, M. J., Sloane, H. J., Neil Roberts, C. N., Woodbridge, J., Swann, G. E., Metcalfe, S. E., Eastwood, W. J., & Yiǧitbaşioǧlu, H. (2013). Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey. Quaternary Science Reviews, 66, 35-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.07.014Carbonates and diatoms are rarely deposited together in lake sediments in sufficient quantities for the oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) to be investigated simultaneously from both hosts. Here, d18Ocarbonate are compared to δ18Odiatom data from the... Read More about Palaeo-seasonality of the last two millennia reconstructed from the oxygen isotope composition of carbonates and diatom silica from Nar Gölü, central Turkey.
Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal (2013)
Journal Article
Mackay, A. W., Swann, G. E., Fagel, N., Fietz, S., Leng, M. J., Morley, D., Rioual, P., & Tarasov, P. (2013). Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal. Quaternary Science Reviews, 66, 45-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.09.025Last Interglacial variability is commonly used as an analogue for variability in a future, warmer world. Pervasive cycles are increasingly apparent in Last Interglacial archives, although studies in continental regions are under-represented. Here we... Read More about Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal.
Overseeing the fortunes of the global super-rich: The nature of private wealth management in london's financial district (2013)
Book Chapter
Beaverstock, J. V., Hall, S. J., & Wainwright, T. (2013). Overseeing the fortunes of the global super-rich: The nature of private wealth management in london's financial district. In I. Hay (Ed.), Geographies of the Super-Rich (43-60). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9780857935694.00010
Geography and the Paris Academy of Sciences: politics and patronage in early 18th-century France (2013)
Journal Article
Heffernan, M. (2014). Geography and the Paris Academy of Sciences: politics and patronage in early 18th-century France. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 39(1), 62-75. https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12008This essay considers the politics and patronage of geography in early-modern France. It examines how the Paris Academy of Sciences, widely acknowledged as the 18th century's pre-eminent scientific society, came to recognise geography as an independen... Read More about Geography and the Paris Academy of Sciences: politics and patronage in early 18th-century France.
On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions (2013)
Journal Article
Torello-Raventos, M., Feldpausch, T. R., Veenendaal, E., Schrodt, F., Saiz, G., Domingues, T. F., Djagbletey, G., Ford, A., Kemp, J., Marimon, B. S., Hur Marimon Junior, B., Lenza, E., Ratter, J. A., Maracahipes, L., Sasaki, D., Sonké, B., Zapfack, L., Taedoumg, H., Villarroel, D., Schwarz, M., …Lloyd, J. (2013). On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 6(1), 101-137. https://doi.org/10.1080/17550874.2012.762812Background: There is no generally agreed classification scheme for the many different vegetation formation types occurring in the tropics. This hinders cross-continental comparisons and causes confusion as words such as ‘forest’ and ‘savanna’ have di... Read More about On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions.
Glacial discharge along the west Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene (2013)
Journal Article
Pike, J., Swann, G. E., Leng, M. J., & Snelling, A. M. (2013). Glacial discharge along the west Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene. Nature Geoscience, 6, https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo1703The causes for rising temperatures along the Antarctic Peninsula during the late Holocene have been debated, particularly in light of instrumental records of warming over the past decades. Suggested mechanisms range from upwelling of warm deep waters... Read More about Glacial discharge along the west Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene.