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Outputs (1349)

The SSC: A decade of climate-health research and future directions (2013)
Journal Article
Hondula, D. M., Vanos, J. K., & Gosling, S. N. (2014). The SSC: A decade of climate-health research and future directions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(2), 109-120.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the development of the revised Spatial Synoptic Classification, the "SSC", by Scott Sheridan. This daily weather-type classification scheme has become one of the key analytical tools implemented in a diverse r... Read More about The SSC: A decade of climate-health research and future directions.

Genetics and livestock breeding in the UK: Co-constructing technologies and heterogeneous biosocial collectivities (2013)
Journal Article
Morris, C., & Holloway, L. (2014). Genetics and livestock breeding in the UK: Co-constructing technologies and heterogeneous biosocial collectivities. Journal of Rural Studies, 33, 150-160.

Cattle and sheep breeders in the UK and elsewhere are increasingly being encouraged to use a variety of genetic technologies to help them make breeding decisions. The technology of particular interest here is 'classical' statistical genetics, which u... Read More about Genetics and livestock breeding in the UK: Co-constructing technologies and heterogeneous biosocial collectivities.

A global assessment of the effects of climate policy on the impacts of climate change (2013)
Journal Article
Arnell, N. W., Lowe, J. A., Brown, S., Gosling, S. N., Gottschalk, P., Hinkel, J., Lloyd-Hughes, B., Nicholls, R. J., Osborn, T. J., Osborne, T. M., Rose, G. A., Smith, P., & Warren, R. F. (2013). A global assessment of the effects of climate policy on the impacts of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 3(5), 512-519.

This study presents the first global-scale multi-sectoral regional assessment of the magnitude and uncertainty in the impacts of climate change avoided by emissions policies. The analysis suggests that the most stringent emissions policy considered h... Read More about A global assessment of the effects of climate policy on the impacts of climate change.

When virtual and material worlds collide: democratic fashion in the digital age (2013)
Journal Article
Crewe, L. (2013). When virtual and material worlds collide: democratic fashion in the digital age. Environment and Planning A, 45(4), 760-780.

This paper explores the impact of the digitally-mediated communications technologies on the fashion sector. It argues that material and virtual fashion worlds are perpetually intersecting social realities that co-exist relationally, simultaneously an... Read More about When virtual and material worlds collide: democratic fashion in the digital age.

Business education and the (re)production of gendered cultures of work in the City of London (2013)
Journal Article
Hall, S. (2013). Business education and the (re)production of gendered cultures of work in the City of London. Social Politics, 20(2),

This paper examines the role of business education in producing and legitimating gendered cultures of work in the City of London. By combining research on the gendered nature of service work with Bourdieu's identification of multiple forms of capital... Read More about Business education and the (re)production of gendered cultures of work in the City of London.

Seasonally resolved diatom δ18O records from the west Antarctic Peninsula over the last deglaciation (2013)
Journal Article
Swann, G. E., Pike, J., Snelling, A. M., Leng, M. J., & Williams, M. C. (2013). Seasonally resolved diatom δ18O records from the west Antarctic Peninsula over the last deglaciation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 364,

Understanding the response of the Antarctic ice sheets during the rapid climatic change that accompanied the last deglaciation has implications for establishing the susceptibility of these regions to future 21st Century warming. A unique diatom δ18O... Read More about Seasonally resolved diatom δ18O records from the west Antarctic Peninsula over the last deglaciation.

Documentary-derived chronologies of rainfall variability in Antigua, Lesser Antilles, 1770–1890 (2013)
Journal Article
Berland, A., Metcalfe, S., & Endfield, G. (2013). Documentary-derived chronologies of rainfall variability in Antigua, Lesser Antilles, 1770–1890. Climate of the Past, 9(3),

This paper presents the first extensive reconstruction of precipitation variability in the Lesser Antilles using historical documentary sources. Over 13 250 items of documentation pertaining to Antigua from the period 1769–1890 were consulted, includ... Read More about Documentary-derived chronologies of rainfall variability in Antigua, Lesser Antilles, 1770–1890.

Moral regulation: historical geography and scale (2013)
Journal Article
Legg, S., & Brown, M. (2013). Moral regulation: historical geography and scale. Journal of Historical Geography, 42,

This paper introduces a special issue on the historical geography of moral regulation and scale. The paper examines the rich and varied work of geographers on moral geographies before looking at wider work on moral regulation influenced by Michel Fou... Read More about Moral regulation: historical geography and scale.