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Outputs (1352)

Imagining coastal change: reflections on making a film (2013)
Journal Article
Daniels, S., & Veale, L. (2013). Imagining coastal change: reflections on making a film. cultural geographies, 21(3),

Geography has a long, if episodic, relationship with film and film-making. In this essay we reflect on the process of making the short film Imagining Change: Coastal Conversations during the first three months of 2012. We discuss some issues arising... Read More about Imagining coastal change: reflections on making a film.

The predictive state: science, territory and the future of the Indian climate (2013)
Journal Article
Mahony, M. (2014). The predictive state: science, territory and the future of the Indian climate. Social Studies of Science, 44(1),

Acts of scientific calculation have long been considered central to the formation of the modern nation-state, yet the transnational spaces of knowledge generation and political action associated with climate change seem to challenge territorial modes... Read More about The predictive state: science, territory and the future of the Indian climate.

Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil15N:14N measurements (2013)
Journal Article
Nardoto, G. B., Quesada, C. A., Patiño, S., Saiz, G., Baker, T. R., Schwarz, M., Schrodt, F., Feldpausch, T. R., Domingues, T. F., Marimon, B. S., Marimon Junior, B.-H., Vieira, I. C., Silveira, M., Bird, M. I., Phillips, O. L., Lloyd, J., & Martinelli, L. A. (2014). Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil15N:14N measurements. Plant Ecology and Diversity, 7(1-2), 173-187.

A global assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity (2013)
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N., & Arnell, N. (2013). A global assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity. Climatic Change,

This paper presents a global scale assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity. Patterns of climate change from 21 Global Climate Models (GCMs) under four SRES scenarios are applied to a global hydrological model to estimate water re... Read More about A global assessment of the impact of climate change on water scarcity.

Legitimising data-driven models: exemplification of a newdata-driven mechanistic modelling framework (2013)
Journal Article
Mount, N. J., Dawson, C., & Abrahart, R. (2013). Legitimising data-driven models: exemplification of a newdata-driven mechanistic modelling framework. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17(7), 2827-2843.

In this paper the difficult problem of how to legitimise data-driven hydrological models is addressed using an example of a simple artificial neural network modelling problem. Many data-driven models in hydrology have been criticised for their black-... Read More about Legitimising data-driven models: exemplification of a newdata-driven mechanistic modelling framework.

Designs on the desert: camouflage, deception and the militarization of space (2013)
Journal Article
Forsyth, I. (2014). Designs on the desert: camouflage, deception and the militarization of space. cultural geographies, 21(2), 247-265.

Throughout the Second World War camouflage was employed to conceal and counterfeit the military’s presence in diverse landscape habitats; a technology designed to wipe out revealing patterns and inscribe false forms, all in order to make of enemy rec... Read More about Designs on the desert: camouflage, deception and the militarization of space.

The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation (2013)
Journal Article
Warren, R., Lowe, J. A., Arnell, N. W., Hope, C., Berry, P., Brown, S., Gambhir, A., Gosling, S. N., Nicholls, R. J., O'Hanley, J., Osborn, T. J., Osborne, T., Price, J., Raper, S. C., Rose, G., & Vanderwal, J. (2013). The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation. Climatic Change, 120(1-2), 55-70.

Quantitative simulations of the global-scale benefits of climate change mitigation are presented, using a harmonised, self-consistent approach based on a single set of climate change scenarios. The approach draws on a synthesis of output from both ph... Read More about The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation.

Abrupt transition to heightened poliomyelitis epidemicity in England and Wales, 1947–1957, associated with a pronounced increase in the geographical rate of disease propagation (2013)
Journal Article
Smallman-Raynor, M., & Cliff, A. (2014). Abrupt transition to heightened poliomyelitis epidemicity in England and Wales, 1947–1957, associated with a pronounced increase in the geographical rate of disease propagation. Epidemiology and Infection, 142(3), 577-591.

The abrupt transition to heightened poliomyelitis epidemicity in England and Wales, 1947–1957, was associated with a profound change in the spatial dynamics of the disease. Drawing on the complete record of poliomyelitis notifications in England and... Read More about Abrupt transition to heightened poliomyelitis epidemicity in England and Wales, 1947–1957, associated with a pronounced increase in the geographical rate of disease propagation.

Temporal variability of thermal refuges and water temperature patterns in an Atlantic salmon river (2013)
Journal Article
Dugdale, S. J., Bergeron, N. E., & St-Hilaire, A. (2013). Temporal variability of thermal refuges and water temperature patterns in an Atlantic salmon river. Remote Sensing of Environment, 136, 358-373.

In response to high summer river temperatures, salmonids avoid heat stress by making use of discrete units of cold water termed thermal refuges. Although recent research has documented how their spatial arrangement within a river affects salmonid dis... Read More about Temporal variability of thermal refuges and water temperature patterns in an Atlantic salmon river.