New insights into biometeorology
Journal Article
Gosling, S. N. (2014). New insights into biometeorology. International Journal of Biometeorology, 58(2), 101-102.
Outputs (1353)
Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact (2014)
Journal Article
Arnell, N., Brown, S., Gosling, S. N., Hinkel, J., Huntingford, C., Lloyd-Hughes, B., Lowe, J., Osborn, T., Nicholls, R., & Zelazowski, P. (2016). Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact. Climatic Change, 134(3), 475-487. there is a strong policy interest in the impacts of climate change corresponding to different degrees of climate change, there is so far little consistent empirical evidence of the relationship between climate forcing and impact. This is bec... Read More about Global-scale climate impact functions: the relationship between climate forcing and impact.
An international anomaly? Sovereignty, the League of Nations, and India's princely geographies (2014)
Journal Article
Legg, S. (2014). An international anomaly? Sovereignty, the League of Nations, and India's princely geographies. Journal of Historical Geography, 43, paper examines India's experiences as the only non-self-governing member of the League of Nations as a means of addressing the broader question: where was the international? As the only non-self-governing member of the League, India's new intern... Read More about An international anomaly? Sovereignty, the League of Nations, and India's princely geographies.
Sensitivity analysis for comparison, validation and physical-legitimacy of neural network-based hydrological models (2014)
Journal Article
Dawson, C., Mount, N. J., Abrahart, R., & Louis, J. (2014). Sensitivity analysis for comparison, validation and physical-legitimacy of neural network-based hydrological models. Journal of Hydroinformatics, 16(2), paper addresses the difficult question of how to perform meaningful comparisons between neural network-based hydrological models and alternative modelling approaches. Standard, goodness-of-fit metric approaches are limited since they only assess... Read More about Sensitivity analysis for comparison, validation and physical-legitimacy of neural network-based hydrological models.
Reproducing the City of London’s institutional landscape: the role of education and the learning of situated practices by early career elites (2014)
Journal Article
Faulconbridge, J. R., & Hall, S. (2014). Reproducing the City of London’s institutional landscape: the role of education and the learning of situated practices by early career elites. Environment and Planning A, 46(7), this paper we argue that postgraduate education forms an important, but hitherto neglected, element in the distinctive institutional landscape of the City of London.
In particular, and drawing on research into early-career financial and legal eli... Read More about Reproducing the City of London’s institutional landscape: the role of education and the learning of situated practices by early career elites.
The ecosystem approach as a framework for understanding knowledge utilisation (2014)
Journal Article
Haines-Young, R., & Potschin, M. (2014). The ecosystem approach as a framework for understanding knowledge utilisation. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 32(2), Ecosystem Approach is used to analyse four case studies from England to determine what kind of ecosystem knowledge was used by people, and how it shaped their arguments. The results are reported across decisions making venues concerned with: inno... Read More about The ecosystem approach as a framework for understanding knowledge utilisation.
UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work package 7: Operationalising scenarios in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on (2014)
Haines-Young, R., Tratalos, J., Birkinshaw, S. J., Butler, S., Gosling, S. N., Hull, S., Kass, G., Lewis, E., Lum, R., Norris, K., Potschin, M., & Walmsley, S. (2014). UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work package 7: Operationalising scenarios in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. UNEP-WCMCSummary
Study aims and approach
An aim of the UK NEA Follow-on (UK NEAFO) is to develop and communicate the evidence base of
the UK NEA and make it relevant to decision and policy making. It also provides an important
opportunity for those workin... Read More about UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work package 7: Operationalising scenarios in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on.
Current energy resources in Kazakhstan and the future potential of renewables: a review (2014)
Journal Article
Karatayev, M., & Clarke, M. L. (2014). Current energy resources in Kazakhstan and the future potential of renewables: a review. Energy Procedia, 59, is rich in natural resources including coal, oil, natural gas and uranium and has significant renewable potential from wind, solar, hydro and biomass. In spite of this, the country is currently dependent upon fossil fuels for power generat... Read More about Current energy resources in Kazakhstan and the future potential of renewables: a review.
Commentary 2: The devil is in the detail – lies, damned lies and accounting for the value of banking [part of Book review symposium: Locating banks, tracking money] (2014)
Journal Article
Leyshon, A. (2014). Commentary 2: The devil is in the detail – lies, damned lies and accounting for the value of banking [part of Book review symposium: Locating banks, tracking money]. Progress in Human Geography, 38(2), applicable
The IPCC and the geographies of credibility (2014)
Journal Article
Mahony, M. (2014). The IPCC and the geographies of credibility