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Outputs (662)

Who discriminates? Evidence from a trust game experiment across three societies (2023)
Journal Article
Chuah, S.-H., Gächter, S., Hoffmann, R., & Tan, J. H. W. (2023). Who discriminates? Evidence from a trust game experiment across three societies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 97, Article 102630.

What personal characteristics are associated with the extent to which individuals discriminate against particular groups? We use an incentive-compatible measure of an individual's tendency to discriminate on others’ different social identities that t... Read More about Who discriminates? Evidence from a trust game experiment across three societies.

Macroprudential policy implementation in a heterogeneous monetary union (2023)
Journal Article
Rubio, M. (2024). Macroprudential policy implementation in a heterogeneous monetary union. Oxford Economic Papers, 76(2), 351-374.

In this article, I develop a two-country new Keynesian general equilibrium model with housing and collateral constraints to explore how macroprudential policies should be conducted in a heterogeneous monetary union. I consider several types of cross-... Read More about Macroprudential policy implementation in a heterogeneous monetary union.

Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity (2023)
Journal Article
Forlani, E., Martin, R., Mion, G., & Muûls, M. (2023). Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity. Economic Journal, 133(654), 2251-2302.

We develop a novel framework that simultaneously allows recovering heterogeneity in demand, quantity TFP and markups across firms while leaving the correlation between the three dimensions unrestricted. We accomplish this by explicitly introducing de... Read More about Unraveling Firms: Demand, Productivity and Markups Heterogeneity.

On the impacts of higher tobacco taxes in Argentina: a computable general equilibrium approach (2023)
Journal Article
Cicowiez, M., Cruces, G., Falcone, G., & Puig, J. (2023). On the impacts of higher tobacco taxes in Argentina: a computable general equilibrium approach. Tobacco Control, Article 057725.

Objectives: We analyse the employment effects of increasing tobacco taxation in Argentina by building a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Methods: In line with recent changes in tobacco taxation in the country, the CGE model simulates an in... Read More about On the impacts of higher tobacco taxes in Argentina: a computable general equilibrium approach.

Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioural One-Sector Growth Models (2023)
Journal Article
Acemoglu, D., & Jensen, M. K. (2024). Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioural One-Sector Growth Models. Review of Economic Studies, 91(2), 599-640.

Rich behavioral biases, mistakes and limits on rational decision-making are often thought to make equilibrium analysis much more intractable. We establish that this is not the case in the context of one-sector growth models such as Ramsey-Cass-Koopma... Read More about Equilibrium Analysis in Behavioural One-Sector Growth Models.

Emigration and Entrepreneurial Drain (2023)
Journal Article
Anelli, M., Basso, G., Ippedico, G., & Peri, G. (2023). Emigration and Entrepreneurial Drain. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 15(2), 218-252.

Emigration of young, highly educated individuals may deprive origin countries of entrepreneurs. We identify exogenous variation in emigration from Italy by interacting past diaspora networks and current economic pull factors in destination countries.... Read More about Emigration and Entrepreneurial Drain.

Naïve Buying Diversification and Narrow Framing by Individual Investors (2023)
Journal Article
Gathergood, J., Hirshleifer, D., Leake, D., Sakaguchi, H., & Stewart, N. (2023). Naïve Buying Diversification and Narrow Framing by Individual Investors. Journal of Finance, 78(3), 1705-1741.

We provide the first tests to distinguish whether individual investors equally balance their overall portfolios (naïve portfolio diversification, NPD) or, in contrast, equally balance the values of same-day purchases of multiple assets (naïve buying... Read More about Naïve Buying Diversification and Narrow Framing by Individual Investors.

Race, Representation, and Local Governments in the US South: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act (2023)
Journal Article
Bernini, A., Facchini, G., & Testa, C. (2023). Race, Representation, and Local Governments in the US South: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act. Journal of Political Economy, 131(4), 994-1056.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 redefined race relations in the United States. Yet evidence on its effect on Black office holding remains scant. Using novel data on Black elected officials between 1962 and 1980, we assess the impact of the Voting Right... Read More about Race, Representation, and Local Governments in the US South: The Effect of the Voting Rights Act.

Let's stay together: The effects of repeat student-teacher matches on academic achievement (2023)
Journal Article
Albornoz, F., Contreras, D., & Upward, R. (2023). Let's stay together: The effects of repeat student-teacher matches on academic achievement. Economics of Education Review, 94, Article 102375.

We explore the effectiveness of repeating the student-teacher match on test scores, for the universe of 8th graders in Chile using information on all student-teacher matches across multiple subjects and years, and a national, anonymous measure of tes... Read More about Let's stay together: The effects of repeat student-teacher matches on academic achievement.