Acute gabapentin administration in healthy adults. A double-blind placebo-controlled study using transcranial magnetic stimulation and 7T 1H-MRS
Journal Article
Dyke, K., Pépés, S. E., Babourina-Brooks, B., Chen, C., Kim, S., Sigurdsson, H. P., Draper, A., Husain, M., Nachev, P., Gowland, P., Morris, P. G., & Jackson, S. R. (2021). Acute gabapentin administration in healthy adults. A double-blind placebo-controlled study using transcranial magnetic stimulation and 7T 1H-MRS. NeuroImage: Reports, 1(1), Article 100003.
Outputs (12)
Age-related differences in myeloarchitecture measured at 7 T (2020)
Journal Article
Carradus, A. J., Mougin, O., Hunt, B. A., Tewarie, P. K., Geades, N., Morris, P. G., Brookes, M. J., Gowland, P. A., & Madan, C. R. (2020). Age-related differences in myeloarchitecture measured at 7 T. Neurobiology of Aging, 96, 246-254. have used the magnetisation transfer (MT) MRI measure as a primary measure of myelination in both the grey matter (GM) of the 78 cortical automated anatomical labelling (AAL) regions of the brain, and the underlying white matter in each region, in... Read More about Age-related differences in myeloarchitecture measured at 7 T.
Modulation of orbitofrontal-striatal reward activity by dopaminergic functional polymorphisms contributes to a predisposition to alcohol misuse in early adolescence (2018)
Journal Article
Baker, T. E., Castellanos-Ryan, N., Schumann, G., Cattrell, A., Flor, H., Nees, F., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A. L., Whelan, R., Buechel, C., Bromberg, U., Orfanos, D. P., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Heinz, A., Walter, H., Brühl, R., Gowland, P. A., Paus, T., Poustka, L., …Conrod, P. J. (2019). Modulation of orbitofrontal-striatal reward activity by dopaminergic functional polymorphisms contributes to a predisposition to alcohol misuse in early adolescence. Psychological Medicine, 49(5), 801-810. Abnormalities in reward circuit function are considered a core feature of addiction. Yet, it is still largely unknown whether these abnormalities stem from chronic drug use, a genetic predisposition, or both.
Methods: In the present s... Read More about Modulation of orbitofrontal-striatal reward activity by dopaminergic functional polymorphisms contributes to a predisposition to alcohol misuse in early adolescence.
Activation induced changes in GABA: functional MRS at 7 T with MEGA-sLASER (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, C., Sigurdsson, H. P., Pépés, S. E., Auer, D. P., Morris, P. G., Morgan, P. S., Gowland, P. A., & Jackson, S. R. (2017). Activation induced changes in GABA: functional MRS at 7 T with MEGA-sLASER. NeuroImage, 156, 207-213. magnetic resonance spectroscopy (fMRS) has been used to assess the dynamic metabolic responses of the brain to a physiological stimulus non-invasively. However, only limited information on the dynamic functional response of γ-aminobutyric... Read More about Activation induced changes in GABA: functional MRS at 7 T with MEGA-sLASER.
Comparing GABA-dependent physiological measures of inhibition with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement of GABA using ultra-high-field MRI (2017)
Journal Article
Dyke, K., Pépés, S. E., Chen, C., Kim, S., Sigurdsson, H. P., Draper, A., Husain, M., Nachev, P., Gowland, P. A., Morris, P. G., & Jackson, S. R. (2017). Comparing GABA-dependent physiological measures of inhibition with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement of GABA using ultra-high-field MRI. NeuroImage, 152, 360-370. in glutamatergic (excitatory) and GABA (inhibitory) signalling within key brain networks are thought to underlie many brain and mental health disorders, and for this reason there is considerable interest in investigating how individual var... Read More about Comparing GABA-dependent physiological measures of inhibition with proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurement of GABA using ultra-high-field MRI.
Predictive utility of the NEO-FFI for later substance experiences among 16-year-old adolescents (2016)
Journal Article
Parchetka, C., Strache, N., Raffaelli, B., Gemmeke, I., Weiß, K., Artiges, E., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Bromberg, U., Buechel, C., Conrod, P., Desrivières, S., Flor, H., Frouin, V., Garavan, H., & Gowland, P. A. (in press). Predictive utility of the NEO-FFI for later substance experiences among 16-year-old adolescents. Journal of Public Health, 24,
The onset of substance use mostly occurs during adolescence. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relevance of personality on the basis of the NEO-Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) to future experiences with tobacco, alcohol an... Read More about Predictive utility of the NEO-FFI for later substance experiences among 16-year-old adolescents.
Mouse and human genetic analyses associate Kalirin with ventral striatal activation during impulsivity and with alcohol misuse (2016)
Journal Article
Peña-Oliver, Y., Carvalho, F. M., Sanchez-Roige, S., Quinlan, E. B., Jia, T., Walker-Tilley, T., Rulten, S. L., Pearl, F. M. G., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G. J., Bokde, A. L. W., Büchel, C., Conrod, P. J., Flor, H., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Heinz, A., Gowland, P. A., Paillere Martinot, M.-L., Paus, T., …Stephens, D. N. (2016). Mouse and human genetic analyses associate Kalirin with ventral striatal activation during impulsivity and with alcohol misuse. Frontiers in Genetics, 7, Article 52. is associated with a spectrum of psychiatric disorders including drug addiction. To investigate genetic associations with impulsivity and initiation of drug taking, we took a two-step approach. First, we identified genes whose expression... Read More about Mouse and human genetic analyses associate Kalirin with ventral striatal activation during impulsivity and with alcohol misuse.
Imaging gray matter with concomitant null point imaging from the phase sensitive inversion recovery sequence (2015)
Journal Article
Mougin, O., Abdel-Fahim, R., Dineen, R., Pitiot, A., Evangelou, N., & Gowland, P. (2016). Imaging gray matter with concomitant null point imaging from the phase sensitive inversion recovery sequence. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 76(5), 1512-1516.
To present an improved three-dimensional (3D) interleaved phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) sequence including a concomitantly acquired new contrast, null point imaging (NPI), to help detect and classify abnormalities in cortical g... Read More about Imaging gray matter with concomitant null point imaging from the phase sensitive inversion recovery sequence.
New evidence of factor structure and measurement invariance of the SDQ across five European nations (2015)
Journal Article
Ortuño-Sierra, J., Fonseca-Pedrero, E., Aritio-Solana, R., Velasco, A. M., de Luis, E. C., Schumann, G., Cattrell, A., Flor, H., Nees, F., Banaschewski, T., Bokde, A., Whelan, R., Buechel, C., Bromberg, U., Conrod, P., Frouin, V., Papadopoulos, D., Gallinat, J., Garavan, H., Heinz, A., …Lawrence, C. (2015). New evidence of factor structure and measurement invariance of the SDQ across five European nations. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, main purpose of the present study was to test the internal structure and to study the measurement invariance of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), self-reported version, in five European countries. The sample consisted of 3012 ado... Read More about New evidence of factor structure and measurement invariance of the SDQ across five European nations.
Neural and Cognitive Correlates of the Common and Specific Variance Across Externalizing Problems in Young Adolescence (2014)
Journal Article
Castellanos-Ryan, N., Struve, M., Whelan, R., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G., Bokde, A., Bromberg, U., Büchel, C., Flor, H., Fauth-Bühler, M., Frouin, V., Gallinat, J., Gowland, P., Heinz, A., Lawrence, C., Martinot, J.-L., Nees, F., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Rietschel, M., …Conrod, P. (2014). Neural and Cognitive Correlates of the Common and Specific Variance Across Externalizing Problems in Young Adolescence. American Journal of Psychiatry, 171(12), 1310-1319.