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Outputs (1446)

Assessing bilingual language proficiency with a yes/no vocabulary test: the role of form-meaning vocabulary knowledge (2025)
Journal Article
Lee, S. T., Van Heuven, W. J. B., Price, J. M., & Leong, C. X. R. (2025). Assessing bilingual language proficiency with a yes/no vocabulary test: the role of form-meaning vocabulary knowledge. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition,

Validated yes/no vocabulary tests that measure bilinguals’ language proficiency based on vocabulary knowledge have been widely used in psycholinguistic research. However, it is unclear what aspects of test takers’ vocabulary knowledge is employed in... Read More about Assessing bilingual language proficiency with a yes/no vocabulary test: the role of form-meaning vocabulary knowledge.

Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture (2025)
Journal Article
Crowe, E. M., Vorgia, D. T., & Brenner, E. (2025). Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture. Perception,

Searching for a target amongst distractors is faster when moving an aperture over the search display than when moving the search display beneath an aperture. Is this because when moving the aperture, each item is sampled at a different position, whil... Read More about Congruency between viewers’ movements and the region of the display being sampled speeds up search through an aperture.

Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension (2025)
Journal Article
Jiang, C., & Filik, R. (2025). Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension. Memory and Cognition,

Communication frequently involves discussions about real-world implausible events. Since most prior research used specific contextual cues to indicate a strong bias towards real-world knowledge violations, it remains unclear how real-world and contex... Read More about Expecting the unexpected: Examining the interplay between real-world knowledge and contextual cues during language comprehension.

Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats (2025)
Preprint / Working Paper
Loayza, J., Taylor, C., Renstrom, J., Grasmeder Allen, R., Jackson, S., & Bast, T. (2025). Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats

Tourette syndrome has been linked to reduced GABAergic inhibition, so called neural disinhibition, in the dorsal striatum. Dorsal-striatal neural disinhibition in animal models, caused by local microinfusion of GABA-A-receptor antagonists, produces s... Read More about Neuro-behavioral impact of Tourette-related striatal disinhibition in rats.

The impact of motivation on sustained attention in very preterm and term-born children: An ERP study (2025)
Journal Article
Retzler, J., Groom, M. J., Johnson, S., & Cragg, L. (2025). The impact of motivation on sustained attention in very preterm and term-born children: An ERP study. Journal of Attention Disorders,

To compare the effect of motivational features on sustained attention in children born very preterm and at term.
EEG was recorded while 34 8-to-11-year-old children born very preterm and 34 term-born peers completed two variants... Read More about The impact of motivation on sustained attention in very preterm and term-born children: An ERP study.

Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories (2025)
Journal Article
Jolley, D., Dinnick, I., Burgin, L., Ryan, S., Morgan-Finn, O., & Muncer, S. (in press). Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories. Journal of Health Psychology,

Two studies examined the link between sleep quality and conspiracy theory beliefs, as well as the underlying mechanisms. In Study 1 (n = 540), participants with poorer sleep quality over the past month reported higher conspiracy beliefs about the 201... Read More about Investigating the Link Between Sleep Quality and Belief in Conspiracy Theories.

Self-harm in women in midlife: rates, precipitating problems and outcomes following hospital presentations in the multicentre study of self-harm in England (2025)
Journal Article
Clements, C., Bickley, H., Hawton, K., Geulayov, G., Waters, K., Ness, J., Kelly, S., Townsend, E., Appleby, L., & Kapur, N. (2025). Self-harm in women in midlife: rates, precipitating problems and outcomes following hospital presentations in the multicentre study of self-harm in England. British Journal of Psychiatry,

Suicide in women in the UK is highest among those in midlife. Given the unique changes in biological, social and economic risk factors experienced by women in midlife, more information is needed to inform care.

To investigate rate... Read More about Self-harm in women in midlife: rates, precipitating problems and outcomes following hospital presentations in the multicentre study of self-harm in England.

Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control (2025)
Journal Article
Eaves, J., Gilmore, C., Hochman, S., & Cragg, L. (2025). Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control. Cognition, 256, Article 106054.

Inhibitory control is classically considered a domain-general process, yet recent findings suggest it may operate in context-specific ways. This has important implications for theories in other cognitive domains, such as mathematics, in which inhibit... Read More about Transfer of congruency effects between Stroop and multiplication tasks: Evidence that retrieval of multiplication facts requires inhibitory control.