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Outputs (189)

Patients with chronic kidney disease have abnormal upper gastro-intestinal tract digestive function: a study of uremic enteropathy: small bowel dysfunction in CKD (2016)
Journal Article
Grant, C. J., Harrison, L. E., Hoad, C. L., Marciani, L., Gowland, P. A., & McIntyre, C. W. (2017). Patients with chronic kidney disease have abnormal upper gastro-intestinal tract digestive function: a study of uremic enteropathy: small bowel dysfunction in CKD. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 32(2), 372-377.

Background and Aim: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects gastrointestinal (GI) function and results in numerous adaptive and maladaptive responses. Disruption of the colonic microbiome and its attendant consequences—the loss of gut barrier integrity... Read More about Patients with chronic kidney disease have abnormal upper gastro-intestinal tract digestive function: a study of uremic enteropathy: small bowel dysfunction in CKD.

Functional reorganisation in chronic pain and neural correlates of pain sensitisation (2016)
Journal Article
Tanasescu, R., Cottam, W., Condon, L., Tench, C. R., & Auer, D. P. (2016). Functional reorganisation in chronic pain and neural correlates of pain sensitisation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 68, 120-133.

© 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Maladaptive mechanisms of pain processing in chronic pain conditions (CP) are poorly understood. We used coordinate based meta-analysis of 266 fMRI pain studies to study functional brain reorganisation in CP and expe... Read More about Functional reorganisation in chronic pain and neural correlates of pain sensitisation.

Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial (2016)
Journal Article
Murray, K., Lam, C., Rehman, S., Marciani, L., Costigan, C., Hoad, C., Lingaya, M., Banwait, R., Bawden, S., Gowland, P. A., & Spiller, R. C. (2016). Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 103(5),

Background: Poorly absorbed, fermentable carbohydrates can provoke irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms by escaping absorption in the small bowel and being rapidly fermented in the colon in some susceptible subjects. IBS patients are often anxious... Read More about Corticotrophin releasing factor increases ascending colon volume after a fructose test meal in healthy humans: a randomised control trial.

Molecular hydrogen and catalytic combustion in the production of hyperpolarized 83Kr and 129Xe MRI contrast agents (2016)
Journal Article
Rogers, N. J., Hill-Casey, F., Stupic, K. F., Six, J. S., Lesbats, C., Rigby, S. P., Fraissard, J., Pavlovskaya, G. E., & Meersmann, T. (2016). Molecular hydrogen and catalytic combustion in the production of hyperpolarized 83Kr and 129Xe MRI contrast agents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(12), 3164-3168.

Hyperpolarized (hp) 83Kr is a promising MRI contrast agent for the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases affecting the surface of the respiratory zone. However, the distinct physical properties of 83Kr that enable unique MRI contrast also complicate the pr... Read More about Molecular hydrogen and catalytic combustion in the production of hyperpolarized 83Kr and 129Xe MRI contrast agents.

Abnormal salience signaling in schizophrenia: The role of integrative beta oscillations: Salience Signaling in Schizophrenia (2016)
Journal Article
Liddle, E. B., Price, D., Palaniyappan, L., Brookes, M. J., Robson, S. E., Hall, E. L., Morris, P. G., & Liddle, P. F. (2016). Abnormal salience signaling in schizophrenia: The role of integrative beta oscillations: Salience Signaling in Schizophrenia. Human Brain Mapping, 37(4), 1361-1374.

Aberrant salience attribution and cerebral dysconnectivity both have strong evidential support as core dysfunctions in schizophrenia. Aberrant salience arising from an excess of dopamine activity has been implicated in delusions and hallucinations, e... Read More about Abnormal salience signaling in schizophrenia: The role of integrative beta oscillations: Salience Signaling in Schizophrenia.

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy discriminates the response to microglial stimulation of wild type and Alzheimer's disease models (2016)
Journal Article
Pardon, M.-C., Yanez Lopez, M., Yuchun, D., Bai, L., Marjańska, M., Brignell, C., Prior, M., Brignell, C., Parhizkar, S., Agostini, A., Auer, D. P., & Faas, H. M. (2016). Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy discriminates the response to microglial stimulation of wild type and Alzheimer's disease models. Scientific Reports, 6, 1-12.

Voxel-based, brain-wide association study of aberrant functional connectivity in schizophrenia implicates thalamocortical circuitry (2015)
Journal Article
Cheng, W., Palaniyappan, L., Li, M., Kendrick, K. M., Zhang, J., Luo, Q., Liu, Z., Yu, R., Deng, W., Wang, Q., Ma, X., Guo, W., Francis, S., Liddle, P., Mayer, A. R., Schumann, G., Li, T., & Feng, J. (2015). Voxel-based, brain-wide association study of aberrant functional connectivity in schizophrenia implicates thalamocortical circuitry. npj Schizophrenia, 1, Article 15016.

BACKGROUND: Wernicke’s concept of ‘sejunction’ or aberrant associations among specialized brain regions is one of the earliest hypotheses attempting to explain the myriad of symptoms in psychotic disorders. Unbiased data mining of all possible brain-... Read More about Voxel-based, brain-wide association study of aberrant functional connectivity in schizophrenia implicates thalamocortical circuitry.

Aerated drinks increase gastric volume and reduce appetite as assessed by MRI: a randomized, balanced, crossover trial (2015)
Journal Article
Murray, K., Placidi, E., Schuring, E. A. H., Hoad, C. L., Koppenol, W., Arnaudov, L. N., Blom, W. A. M., Pritchard, S. E., Stoyanov, S. D., Gowland, P. A., Spiller, R. C., Peters, H. P. F., & Marciani, L. (2015). Aerated drinks increase gastric volume and reduce appetite as assessed by MRI: a randomized, balanced, crossover trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 101(2), 270-278.

Temperature-ramped 129Xe spin-exchange optical pumping (2014)
Journal Article
Nikolaou, P., Coffey, A. M., Barlow, M. J., Rosen, M. S., Goodson, B. M., & Chekmenev, E. Y. (2014). Temperature-ramped 129Xe spin-exchange optical pumping. Analytical Chemistry, 86(16), 8206-8212.

We describe temperature-ramped spin-exchange optical pumping (TR-SEOP) in an automated high-throughput batch-mode 129Xe hyperpolarizer utilizing three key temperature regimes: (i) “hot”—where the 129Xe hyperpolarization rate is maximal, (ii) “warm”—w... Read More about Temperature-ramped 129Xe spin-exchange optical pumping.