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Outputs (115)

Neural Network Differential Equations For Ion Channel Modelling (2021)
Journal Article
Lei, C. L., & Mirams, G. R. (2021). Neural Network Differential Equations For Ion Channel Modelling. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 708944.

Mathematical models of cardiac ion channels have been widely used to study and predict the behaviour of ion currents. Typically models are built using biophysically-based mechanistic principles such as Hodgkin-Huxley or Markov state transitions. Thes... Read More about Neural Network Differential Equations For Ion Channel Modelling.

Black hole scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings (2021)
Journal Article
Antoniou, G., Lehébel, A., Ventagli, G., & Sotiriou, T. P. (2021). Black hole scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings. Physical Review D, 104(4), Article 044002.

Spontaneous scalarization is a gravitational phenomenon in which deviations from general relativity arise once a certain threshold in curvature is exceeded, while being entirely absent below that threshold. For black holes, scalarization is known to... Read More about Black hole scalarization with Gauss-Bonnet and Ricci scalar couplings.

SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK university students: Lessons from September-December 2020 and modelling insights for future student return (2021)
Journal Article
Enright, J., Hill, E. M., Stage, H. B., Bolton, K. J., Nixon, E. J., Fairbanks, E. L., Tang, M. L., Brooks-Pollock, E., Dyson, L., Budd, C. J., Hoyle, R. B., Schewe, L., Gog, J. R., & Tildesley, M. J. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK university students: Lessons from September-December 2020 and modelling insights for future student return. Royal Society Open Science, 8(8), Article 210310.

In this paper, we present work on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in UK higher education settings using multiple approaches to assess the extent of university outbreaks, how much those outbreaks may have led to spillover in the community, and the expected ef... Read More about SARS-CoV-2 infection in UK university students: Lessons from September-December 2020 and modelling insights for future student return.

Prospective examination of mental health in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic (2021)
Preprint / Working Paper
Jia, R., Knight, H., Ayling, K., Coupland, C., Corner, J., Denning, C., Ball, J., Bolton, K., Morling, J. R., Figueredo, G., Morris, D. E., Tighe, P., Villalon, A., Blake, H., & Vedhara, K. Prospective examination of mental health in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic

Background The impact of changing social restrictions on the mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic warrants exploration.

Aims To prospectively examine changes to university students’ mental health during the pandemic.

Methods S... Read More about Prospective examination of mental health in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Single quantum emitter Dicke enhancement (2021)
Journal Article
Tufarelli, T., Friedrich, D., Groß, H., Hamm, J., Hess, O., & Hecht, B. (2021). Single quantum emitter Dicke enhancement. Physical Review Research, 3(3), Article 033103.

Coupling N identical emitters to the same field mode is well-established method to enhance light matter interaction. However, the resulting √ N-boost of the coupling strength comes at the cost of a "linearized" (effectively semi-classical) dynamics.... Read More about Single quantum emitter Dicke enhancement.

The risk for a new COVID-19 wave and how it depends on R 0, the current immunity level and current restrictions (2021)
Journal Article
Britton, T., Trapman, P., & Ball, F. (2021). The risk for a new COVID-19 wave and how it depends on R 0, the current immunity level and current restrictions. Royal Society Open Science, 8(7), Article 210386.

The COVID-19 pandemic has hit different regions differently. The current disease-induced immunity level î in a region approximately equals the cumulative fraction infected, which primarily depends on two factors: (i) the initial potential for COVID-1... Read More about The risk for a new COVID-19 wave and how it depends on R 0, the current immunity level and current restrictions.

Determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress in a polar fibre-reinforced elastic plate subjected to pure bending (2021)
Journal Article
Soldatos, K. P. (2021). Determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress in a polar fibre-reinforced elastic plate subjected to pure bending. Acta Mechanica, 232, 3881-3896.

This communication provides initial information and understanding of the manner in which a newly developed theoretical mechanism (Soldatos in Int J Solids Struct 202:217–225, 2020) is applied in specific boundary value problems met in polar linear el... Read More about Determination of the spherical part of the couple-stress in a polar fibre-reinforced elastic plate subjected to pure bending.

Bayesian Calibration of Electrophysiology Models Using Restitution Curve Emulators (2021)
Journal Article
Coveney, S., Corrado, C., Oakley, J. E., Wilkinson, R. D., Niederer, S. A., & Clayton, R. H. (2021). Bayesian Calibration of Electrophysiology Models Using Restitution Curve Emulators. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, Article 693015.

Calibration of cardiac electrophysiology models is a fundamental aspect of model personalization for predicting the outcomes of cardiac therapies, simulation testing of device performance for a range of phenotypes, and for fundamental research into c... Read More about Bayesian Calibration of Electrophysiology Models Using Restitution Curve Emulators.

A continuum theory for mineral solid solutions undergoing chemo-mechanical processes (2021)
Journal Article
Clavijo, S. P., Espath, L., Sarmiento, A., & Calo, V. M. (2022). A continuum theory for mineral solid solutions undergoing chemo-mechanical processes. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 34(1), 17-38.

Recent studies on metamorphic petrology as well as microstructural observations suggest the influence of mechanical effects upon chemically active metamorphic minerals. Thus, the understanding of such a coupling is crucial to describe the dynamics of... Read More about A continuum theory for mineral solid solutions undergoing chemo-mechanical processes.

A direction preserving discretization for computing phase-space densities (2021)
Journal Article
Chappell, D., Crofts, J. J., Richter, M., & Tanner, G. (2021). A direction preserving discretization for computing phase-space densities. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(4), B884-B906.

Ray flow methods are an efficient tool to estimate vibro-acoustic or electromagnetic energy transport in complex domains at high-frequencies. Here, a Petrov-Galerkin discretization of a phase-space boundary integral equation for transporting wave ene... Read More about A direction preserving discretization for computing phase-space densities.