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Outputs (75)

Controlling the preferential motion of chiral molecular walkers on a surface (2019)
Journal Article
Abbasi-Pérez, D., Sang, H., Pérez-García, L., Floris, A., Amabilino, D. B., Raval, R., Recio, J. M., & Kantorovich, L. (2019). Controlling the preferential motion of chiral molecular walkers on a surface. Chemical Science, 10(23), 5864-5874.

Molecular walkers standing on two or more “feet” on an anisotropic periodic potential of a crystal surface may perform a one-dimensional Brownian motion at the surface-vacuum interface along a particular direction in which their mobility is the large... Read More about Controlling the preferential motion of chiral molecular walkers on a surface.

3D printed scaffolds with controlled micro-/nano- porous surface topography direct chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (2019)
Journal Article
Prasopthum, A., Cooper, M., Shakesheff, K. M., & Yang, J. (2019). 3D printed scaffolds with controlled micro-/nano- porous surface topography direct chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 11(21), 18896-18906.

The effect of topography in 3D printed polymer scaffolds on stem cell differentiation is a significantly under-explored area. Compared to 2D biomaterials on which various well-defined topographies have been incorporated and been shown to direct an ar... Read More about 3D printed scaffolds with controlled micro-/nano- porous surface topography direct chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.

The nature of proton shuttling in protic ionic liquid fuel cells (2019)
Journal Article
Smith, D. E., & Walsh, D. A. (2019). The nature of proton shuttling in protic ionic liquid fuel cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 9(24), Article 1900744.

It has been proposed previously that protic ionic liquids (PILs) such as diethylmethylammonium triflate could be used as the electrolytes in nonhumidified, intermediate temperature H2 fuel cells, potentially offering the prospect of high conductivity... Read More about The nature of proton shuttling in protic ionic liquid fuel cells.

Structural basis of the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 I-domain interactions with the platelet glycoprotein Ib (2019)
Journal Article
Morgan, J., Saleem, M., Ng, R., Armstrong, C., Wong, S. S., Caulton, S. G., Fickling, A., Williams, H. E., Munday, A. D., Lopez, J. A., Searle, M. S., & Emsley, J. (2019). Structural basis of the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 I-domain interactions with the platelet glycoprotein Ib. Blood Advances, 3(9), 1450-1459.

Cell-surface receptor interactions between leukocyte integrin macrophage-1 antigen (Mac-1, also known as CR3, aMb2, CD11b/CD18) and platelet glycoprotein Iba (GPIba) are critical to vascular inflammation. To define the key residues at the binding inter... Read More about Structural basis of the leukocyte integrin Mac-1 I-domain interactions with the platelet glycoprotein Ib.

Listeria innocua Dps as a nanoplatform for bioluminescence based photodynamic therapy utilizing Gaussia princeps luciferase and zinc protoporphyrin IX (2019)
Journal Article
Al-Ani, A. W., Zhang, L., Ferreira, L., Turyanska, L., Bradshaw, T. D., & Thomas, N. R. (2019). Listeria innocua Dps as a nanoplatform for bioluminescence based photodynamic therapy utilizing Gaussia princeps luciferase and zinc protoporphyrin IX. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 20, Article 102005.

Listeria innocua DNA binding protein from starved cells (LiDps) belongs to the ferritin family and provides a promising self-assembling spherical 12-mer protein scaffold for the generation of functional nanomaterials. We report the creation of a Gaus... Read More about Listeria innocua Dps as a nanoplatform for bioluminescence based photodynamic therapy utilizing Gaussia princeps luciferase and zinc protoporphyrin IX.

Probing elusive cations: infrared spectroscopy of protonated acetic acid (2019)
Journal Article
Davies, J. A., Besley, N. A., Yang, S., & Ellis, A. M. (2019). Probing elusive cations: infrared spectroscopy of protonated acetic acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 10(9), 2108-2112.

Protonated carboxylic acids, (RCOOH)H+, are the initial intermediates in acid-catalyzed (Fischer) esterification reactions. However the identity of the isomeric form is under debate. Surprisingly, no optical spectra have been reported for any isomer... Read More about Probing elusive cations: infrared spectroscopy of protonated acetic acid.

Turning the periodic table upside down (2019)
Journal Article
Poliakoff, M., Makin, A. D. J., Tang, S. L. Y., & Poliakoff, E. (2019). Turning the periodic table upside down. Nature Chemistry, 11(5), 391-393.

The periodic table is immensely powerful for rationalizing many different properties of the chemical elements, but would turning it on its head make some important aspects easier to understand and give everyone a new perspective on chemistry?

Overcoming Water Insolubility in Flow: Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Naproxen Ester (2019)
Journal Article
Roura Padrosa, D., De Vitis, V., Contente, M., Molinari, F., & Paradisi, F. (2019). Overcoming Water Insolubility in Flow: Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Naproxen Ester. Catalysts, 9(3), Article 232.

© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Hydrolytic enantioselective cleavage of different racemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ester derivatives has been studied. An engineered esterase form Bacillus subtilis (BS2m... Read More about Overcoming Water Insolubility in Flow: Enantioselective Hydrolysis of Naproxen Ester.

Ossidoriduzioni biocatalizzate in reattori a flusso (2019)
Newspaper / Magazine
TAMBORINI, L., CONTENTE, M., & ROMANO, D. (2019). Ossidoriduzioni biocatalizzate in reattori a flusso

L’integrazione della biocatalisi con la flow chemistry può portare a procedure più produttive, controllate ed ecosostenibili. In questo contesto, abbiamo concentrato l’attenzione su reazioni redox biocatalizzate che possono essere interessanti poiché... Read More about Ossidoriduzioni biocatalizzate in reattori a flusso.

Combining continuous flow oscillatory baffled reactors and microwave heating: Process intensification and accelerated synthesis of metal-organic frameworks (2018)
Journal Article
Laybourn, A., López-Fernández, A. M., Thomas-Hillman, I., Katrib, J., Lewis, W., Dodds, C., Harvey, A. P., & Kingman, S. W. (2019). Combining continuous flow oscillatory baffled reactors and microwave heating: Process intensification and accelerated synthesis of metal-organic frameworks. Chemical Engineering Journal, 356, 170-177.

We have constructed a continuous flow oscillatory baffled reactor (CF-OBR) equipped with a homogeneous and controllable microwave applicator in an entirely novel design. This affords a new route to chemical production incorporating many of the princi... Read More about Combining continuous flow oscillatory baffled reactors and microwave heating: Process intensification and accelerated synthesis of metal-organic frameworks.