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Outputs (142)

Rethinking therapeutic strategies in cancer: wars, fields, anomalies and monsters (2016)
Journal Article
Stewart, S., & Rauch, C. (in press). Rethinking therapeutic strategies in cancer: wars, fields, anomalies and monsters. Social Theory and Health,

This article argues that the excessive focus on cancer as an insidious living defect that needs to be destroyed has obscured the fact that cancer develops inside human beings. Therefore, in order to contribute to debates about new cancer therapies, w... Read More about Rethinking therapeutic strategies in cancer: wars, fields, anomalies and monsters.

The contribution of visual information to the perception of speech in noise with and without informative temporal fine structure (2016)
Journal Article
Stacey, P. C., Kitterick, P. T., Morris, S. D., & Sumner, C. J. (2016). The contribution of visual information to the perception of speech in noise with and without informative temporal fine structure. Hearing Research, 336, 17-28.

Understanding what is said in demanding listening situations is assisted greatly by looking at the face of a talker. Previous studies have observed that normal-hearing listeners can benefit from this visual information when a talker’s voice is presen... Read More about The contribution of visual information to the perception of speech in noise with and without informative temporal fine structure.

The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial (2016)
Journal Article
Vaz, L. R., Aveyard, P., Cooper, S., Leonardi-Bee, J., & Coleman, T. (2016). The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(10),


In non-pregnant ‘quitters’, adherence to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) increases smoking cessation. We investigated relationships between adherence to placebo or NRT patches and cessation in pregnancy, including an assessment of... Read More about The association between treatment adherence to nicotine patches and smoking cessation in pregnancy: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.

Backbone NMR reveals allosteric signal transduction networks in the β1-adrenergic receptor (2016)
Journal Article
Isogai, S., Deupi, X., Opitz, C., Heydenreich, F. M., Tsai, C.-J., Brueckner, F., Schertler, G. F., Veprintsev, D. B., & Grzesiek, S. (in press). Backbone NMR reveals allosteric signal transduction networks in the β1-adrenergic receptor. Nature, 530(7589),

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are physiologically important transmembrane signalling proteins that trigger intracellular responses upon binding of extracellular ligands. Despite recent breakthroughs in GPCR crystallography1–3, the details of li... Read More about Backbone NMR reveals allosteric signal transduction networks in the β1-adrenergic receptor.

Cohort study of the impact of direct acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C and decompensated cirrhosis (2016)
Journal Article
Foster, G. R., Irving, W. L., Cheung, M. C., Walker, A. J., Hudson, B. E., Verma, S., McLauchlan, J., Mutimer, D. J., Brown, A., Gelson, W. T., MacDonald, D. C., & Agarwal, K. (2016). Cohort study of the impact of direct acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C and decompensated cirrhosis. Journal of Hepatology, 64(6), 1224-1231.

Background and Aims: All oral direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) effectively treat chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, but the benefits in advanced liver disease are unclear. We compared outcomes in treated and untreated patients with decompensat... Read More about Cohort study of the impact of direct acting antiviral therapy in patients with chronic hepatitis C and decompensated cirrhosis.

ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’ (2016)
Journal Article
Fletcher-Smith, J. C., Walker, D.-M., Sprigg, N., James, M., Walker, M. F., Allatt, K., Mehta, R., & Pandyan, A. D. (2016). ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’. BMJ Open, 6(1), Article e010079.

Introduction Approximately 70% of patients with stroke experience impaired arm function, which is persistent and disabling for an estimated 40%. Loss of function reduces independence in daily activities and impacts on quality of life. Muscles in thos... Read More about ESCAPS study protocol: a feasibility randomised controlled trial of ‘Early electrical stimulation to the wrist extensors and wrist flexors to prevent the post-stroke complications of pain and contractures in the paretic arm’.

Antenatal magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound for predicting neonatal macrosomia: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Malin, G., Bugg, G., Takwoingi, Y., Thornton, J., & Jones, N. W. (2016). Antenatal magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound for predicting neonatal macrosomia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 123(1),


Fetal macrosomia is associated with an increased risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes.


To compare the accuracy of antenatal two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound, three-dimensional (3D) ultrasound, and magnetic... Read More about Antenatal magnetic resonance imaging versus ultrasound for predicting neonatal macrosomia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Identification of Escherichia coli ygaQ and rpmG as novel mitomycin C resistance factors implicated in DNA repair (2015)
Journal Article
Bolt, E. L., Jenkins, T., Russo, V. M., Ahmed, S., Cavey, J., & Cass, S. (2015). Identification of Escherichia coli ygaQ and rpmG as novel mitomycin C resistance factors implicated in DNA repair. Bioscience Reports,

Using the ASKA (A Complete Set of E. coli K-12 ORF Archive) library for genome-wide screening of E. coli proteins we identified that expression of ygaQ and rpmG promotemitomycin C resistance (MMCR). YgaQ mediated MMCR was independent of homolog... Read More about Identification of Escherichia coli ygaQ and rpmG as novel mitomycin C resistance factors implicated in DNA repair.

Sequence and partial functional analysis of canine Bcl-2 family proteins (2015)
Journal Article
de Brot, S., Schade, B., Croci, M., Dettwiler, M., & Guscetti, F. (2016). Sequence and partial functional analysis of canine Bcl-2 family proteins. Research in Veterinary Science, 104,

Dogs present with spontaneous neoplasms biologically similar to human cancers. Apoptotic pathways are deregulated during cancer genesis and progression and are important for therapy. We have assessed the degree of conservation of a set of canine Bcl-... Read More about Sequence and partial functional analysis of canine Bcl-2 family proteins.

Use of biochemical tests of placental function for improving pregnancy outcome (2015)
Journal Article
Heazell, A. E., Whitworth, M., Duley, L., & Thornton, J. (2015). Use of biochemical tests of placental function for improving pregnancy outcome. Cochrane Library, 2015(11), Article CD011202.


The placenta has an essential role in determining the outcome of pregnancy. Consequently, biochemical measurement of placentally-derived factors has been suggested as a means to improve fetal and maternal outcome of pregnancy.

OBJ... Read More about Use of biochemical tests of placental function for improving pregnancy outcome.