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Outputs (71)

Characterisation of a group of endogenous gammaretroviruses in the canine genome (2013)
Journal Article
Tarlinton, R. E., Barfoot, H. K., Allen, C. E., Brown, K., Gifford, R. J., & Emes, R. D. (2013). Characterisation of a group of endogenous gammaretroviruses in the canine genome. Veterinary Journal, 196(1),

Bioinformatics were used to identify and characterise 39 pol, 34 gag and five env gammaretroviruses within the canine (Canis lupus familiaris) reference genome. These endogenous retroviruses are monophyletic to the Canidae, predate the divergence of... Read More about Characterisation of a group of endogenous gammaretroviruses in the canine genome.

Fleas and smaller fleas: virotherapy for parasite infections (2013)
Journal Article
Hyman, P., Atterbury, R. J., & Barrow, P. (2013). Fleas and smaller fleas: virotherapy for parasite infections. Trends in Microbiology, 21(5),

Bacteriophages are viruses of bacteria that are used for controlling bacterial food-borne pathogens and have been proposed for more extensive usage in infection control. Protists are now recognised to harbour viruses and virus-like particles. We prop... Read More about Fleas and smaller fleas: virotherapy for parasite infections.

Association between somatic cell count early in the first lactation and the lifetime milk yield of cows in Irish dairy herds (2013)
Journal Article
Archer, S. C., Mc Coy, F., Wapenaar, W., & Green, M. J. (2013). Association between somatic cell count early in the first lactation and the lifetime milk yield of cows in Irish dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(5), 2951-2959.

Change in lifetime milk yield is an important component of the cost of diseases in dairy cows. Knowledge of the likelihood and scale of potential savings through disease prevention measures is important to evaluate how much expenditure on control mea... Read More about Association between somatic cell count early in the first lactation and the lifetime milk yield of cows in Irish dairy herds.

Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes (2013)
Journal Article
Lewis, R., Feetham, C., Gentles, L., Penny, J., Tregilgas, L., Tohami, W., Mobasheri, A., & Barrett-Jolley, R. (2013). Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes. British Journal of Pharmacology, 168(7),

Background and Purpose: Chondrocytes exist within cartilage and serve to maintain the extracellular matrix. It has been postulated that osteoarthritic (OA) chondrocytes lose the ability to regulate their volume, affecting extracellular matrix product... Read More about Benzamil sensitive ion channels contribute to volume regulation in canine chondrocytes.

Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs (2013)
Journal Article
Hansen, M., Segales, J., Fernandes, L., Grau-Roma, L., Bille-Hansen, V., Larsen, L., & Nielsen, O. (in press). Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs. Veterinary Pathology, 50(6),

Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) infection is the cause of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS). It has been speculated whether cell types permissive of replication are found in the primary lymphoid organs and whether infection of these... Read More about Detection of porcine circovirus type 2 and viral replication by in situ hybridization in primary lymphoid organs from naturally and experimentally infected pigs.

Storage and release of spermatozoa from the pre-uterine tube reservoir (2013)
Journal Article
Freeman, S., & England, G. C. (2013). Storage and release of spermatozoa from the pre-uterine tube reservoir. PLoS ONE, 8(2), Article e57006.

In mammals, after coitus a small number of spermatozoa enter the uterine tube and following attachment to uterine tube epithelium are arrested in a non-capacitated state until peri-ovulatory signalling induces their detachment. Whilst awaiting releas... Read More about Storage and release of spermatozoa from the pre-uterine tube reservoir.

Effects of Neospora caninum infection on brain microvascular endothelial cells bioenergetics (2013)
Journal Article
Elsheikha, H. M., McKinlay, C. L., Elsaied, N. A., & Smith, P. A. (2013). Effects of Neospora caninum infection on brain microvascular endothelial cells bioenergetics. Parasites and Vectors, 6(24),

Background: The brain is the most commonly affected organ during Neospora caninum infection but the mechanisms utilized by this protozoan parasite for traversal of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) are not yet understood. Herein, we investigate the cellu... Read More about Effects of Neospora caninum infection on brain microvascular endothelial cells bioenergetics.

The incidence of feline injection site sarcomas in the United Kingdom (2013)
Journal Article
Dean, R. S., Pfeiffer, D. U., & Adams, V. J. (2013). The incidence of feline injection site sarcomas in the United Kingdom. BMC Veterinary Research, 9(Januar), Article 6.


Feline injection site sarcomas (FISS) are aggressive neoplasms that have been associated with vaccination. In North America the incidence estimates have varied from 1 case of FISS per 1,000-10,000 cats vaccinated. The aim of this study... Read More about The incidence of feline injection site sarcomas in the United Kingdom.

Temporal associations between low body condition, lameness and milk yield in a UK dairy herd (2013)
Journal Article
Green, L., Huxley, J., Banks, C., & Green, M. J. (2014). Temporal associations between low body condition, lameness and milk yield in a UK dairy herd. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 113(1),

Previous work has hypothesised that cows in low body condition become lame. We tested this in a prospective longitudinal study. Body condition score (BCS), causes of lameness and milk yield were collected from a 600-cow herd over 44-months. Mixed eff... Read More about Temporal associations between low body condition, lameness and milk yield in a UK dairy herd.

Analysing the hidden curriculum: use of a cultural web (2013)
Journal Article
Mossop, L., Dennick, R., Hammond, R., & Robbé, I. (2013). Analysing the hidden curriculum: use of a cultural web. Medical Education, 47(2),

CONTEXT Major influences on learning about medical professionalism come from the hidden curriculum. These influences can contribute positively or negatively towards the professional enculturation of clinical students. The fact that there is no valid... Read More about Analysing the hidden curriculum: use of a cultural web.