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Selecting the power electronic interface for a supercapattery based energy storage system
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., Asher, G., & Chen, G. Z. Selecting the power electronic interface for a supercapattery based energy storage system. Presented at PowerTech 2009

This paper presents the initial investigations in selecting the topology of the power electronic interface for an energy storage system for power levelling applications based on a novel storage device, the supercapattery. The particularities of the s... Read More about Selecting the power electronic interface for a supercapattery based energy storage system.

A current source inverter with series connected AC capacitors for photovoltaic application with grid fault ride through capability
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Photong, C., Klumpner, C., & Wheeler, P. A current source inverter with series connected AC capacitors for photovoltaic application with grid fault ride through capability. Presented at 35th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics (IECON 2009)

The current source inverter (CSI) is preferred to interface a renewable source such photovoltaics (PV) to the AC power grid because it can provide smooth current source in the DC side, which fits to the PV behaviour and also steps-up the voltage from... Read More about A current source inverter with series connected AC capacitors for photovoltaic application with grid fault ride through capability.

A power electronic controlled dump load with negligible harmonics for accurate loading used in testing small wind turbines
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., Al, B., & Hann, D. B. A power electronic controlled dump load with negligible harmonics for accurate loading used in testing small wind turbines. Presented at 2010 IEEE International Symposium in Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2010)

Permanent magnet synchronous generators (PMSG) are at the core of small scale wind power generators manufactured by a wide range of manufacturers in different configurations: vertical or horizontal axis blades, with various geometries and aerodynamic... Read More about A power electronic controlled dump load with negligible harmonics for accurate loading used in testing small wind turbines.

Modal analysis of a PMSG-based DC electrical power system in the more electric aircraft using eigenvalues sensitivity
Journal Article
Gao, F., Zheng, X., Bozhko, S., Hill, C. I., & Asher, G. (in press). Modal analysis of a PMSG-based DC electrical power system in the more electric aircraft using eigenvalues sensitivity. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 1(1),

This paper deals with the modeling and small signal stability analysis of a DC-distribution electrical power system (EPS) sourced by a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). The topology employed here is one of the main candidates for future... Read More about Modal analysis of a PMSG-based DC electrical power system in the more electric aircraft using eigenvalues sensitivity.

Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Klumpner, C., & El Boudali, A. Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels. Presented at 14th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies

This paper evaluates the technical and financial impact of installing energy storage in a house equipped with Photovoltaic (PV) panels subject to the Feed-In Tariff (FIT). An additional benefit of installing energy storage is the possibility to purch... Read More about Assessing the benefits of installing energy storage in a household equipped with photovoltaic panels.

Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Trabelsi, M., Bayhan, S., Abu-Rub, H., Ben-Brahim, L., & Zanchetta, P. Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter. Presented at IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2016)

In this paper, a finite control set Model Predictive Control (MPC) for grid-tie quasi-Z-Source (qZS) based multilevel inverter is proposed. The proposed Power Conditioning System (PCS) consists of a single-phase 2-cell Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) inverte... Read More about Finite control set model predictive control for grid-tied quasi-Z-source based multilevel inverter.

Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ala, G., Giaconia, G., Giglia, G., Di Piazza, M., Luna, M., Vitale, G., & Zanchetta, P. Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters. Presented at 17 International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering

Power density of power converter systems is becoming an increasing crucial design constraint for a wide range of technical applications. Size reduction of EMI filter in power converters is an important challenge due to its significant impact on the o... Read More about Computer aided optimal design of high power density EMI filters.

Superconducting and conventional electromagnetic launch system for civil aircraft assisted take-off
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bertola, L., Cox, T., Wheeler, P., & Garvey, S. D. Superconducting and conventional electromagnetic launch system for civil aircraft assisted take-off. Presented at IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo

This paper compares three possible linear motor topologies for an electromagnetic launch system to assist civil aircraft take-off. Assisted launch of civil aircraft has the potential of reducing the required runway length, reducing noise and emission... Read More about Superconducting and conventional electromagnetic launch system for civil aircraft assisted take-off.

Integrated output filter inductor for permanent magnet motor drives
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Raza Khowja, M., Gerada, C., Vakil, G., Wheeler, P., & Patel, C. Integrated output filter inductor for permanent magnet motor drives. Presented at IECON 2016

This paper presents a novel approach to integrate the output filter inductor in permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive system. The integrated output filter inductor is based on utilizing the motor magnetics as a filter inductance instead of... Read More about Integrated output filter inductor for permanent magnet motor drives.

A hybrid neural network/rule-based technique for on-line gesture and hand-written character recognition
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Craven, M. P., Curtis, K. M., Hayes-Gill, B. H., & Thursfield, C. A hybrid neural network/rule-based technique for on-line gesture and hand-written character recognition. Presented at Proceedings of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems

A technique is presented which combines rule-based and neural network pattern recognition methods in an integrated system in order to perform learning and recognition of hand-written characters and gestures in realtime.

The GesRec system is introd... Read More about A hybrid neural network/rule-based technique for on-line gesture and hand-written character recognition.