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Advancements in Electrical Machines for Aircraft Propulsion (2025)
Journal Article
Gerada, D., Zhang, F., Jiang, J., Zhang, X., Zou, T., Xu, Z., & Gerada, C. (2025). Advancements in Electrical Machines for Aircraft Propulsion. IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications,

Electrical machines are at the center of future aircraft propulsion architectures, and their improvement is key in increasing the market uptake of cleaner transport. This paper investigates recent/ongoing improvements within the constituent technolog... Read More about Advancements in Electrical Machines for Aircraft Propulsion.

Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-Mode-Based Fault Isolation and Fault-Tolerant Control for Aircraft Electric Braking Systems (2025)
Journal Article
Zhao, Y., Wu, Z., Li, F., Yang, T., Yang, C., & Gui, W. (2025). Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-Mode-Based Fault Isolation and Fault-Tolerant Control for Aircraft Electric Braking Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 1-1.

This paper addresses the fault isolation, estimation, and fault-tolerant control scheme for the aircraft electric anti-skid braking system (EABS) in the presence of actuator and sensor faults. First, the inherently nonlinear dynamics of EABSs are rep... Read More about Design and Implementation of Fuzzy-Mode-Based Fault Isolation and Fault-Tolerant Control for Aircraft Electric Braking Systems.

Optimizing LSPR-based optical fibre refractive index sensor based on solid and hollow gold nanospheres (2025)
Journal Article
Gorbov, I., Korposh, S., Lapchuk, A., Lee, S.-W., & Erdody, S. (2025). Optimizing LSPR-based optical fibre refractive index sensor based on solid and hollow gold nanospheres. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 388, Article 116473.

In this work, we systematically study the difference between the detection of absorption and reflection signals at the varying refractive index (RI) values for gold nanospheres deposited on the tip of an optical fibre sensor. Localised surface plasmo... Read More about Optimizing LSPR-based optical fibre refractive index sensor based on solid and hollow gold nanospheres.

Distributed Control Scheme for the Coordination of Interlinking Converters in Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Multi-Microgrids (2025)
Journal Article
Martinez-Gomez, M., Orchard, M. E., Bozhko, S., Wheeler, P., & Burgos-Mellado, C. (2025). Distributed Control Scheme for the Coordination of Interlinking Converters in Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Multi-Microgrids. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, 6, 358-379.

Multiple interconnected AC and DC microgrids (MGs) are being studied by academia and industry because of their benefits despite their operational challenges. Coordinating distributed generators (DGs) is complex, so communication-based controllers are... Read More about Distributed Control Scheme for the Coordination of Interlinking Converters in Islanded Hybrid AC/DC Multi-Microgrids.

Optimization and Comparison of 1MW-Class PM Motors for Aircraft Propulsion Using Litz Wire and Hairpin Windings (2025)
Journal Article
Huynh, A. T., Huang, H., Jiang, J., Zou, T., Gerada, D., Yang, T., & Gerada, C. (2025). Optimization and Comparison of 1MW-Class PM Motors for Aircraft Propulsion Using Litz Wire and Hairpin Windings. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,

Choosing the right winding technology is key to maximizing power density and efficiency in electric aircraft propulsion. This paper presents a two-level optimization strategy to evaluate Litz wire and hairpin winding configurations in two 1 MW-class... Read More about Optimization and Comparison of 1MW-Class PM Motors for Aircraft Propulsion Using Litz Wire and Hairpin Windings.

Replacing Copper With Aluminum in Hairpin Windings Motors Intended for Utility Cars (2025)
Journal Article
Cutuli, G., Nuzzo, S., Barater, D., Zou, T., & Nategh, S. (2025). Replacing Copper With Aluminum in Hairpin Windings Motors Intended for Utility Cars. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, 1-12.

Along with efficiency and torque density, one of the key design objectives in today's traction electric machines is sustainability. This is expecially true in the automotive segment, where a transition to electrification is occurring. A sustainable e... Read More about Replacing Copper With Aluminum in Hairpin Windings Motors Intended for Utility Cars.

High Speed Synchronous Machines: Technologies and Limits (2025)
Journal Article
Di Nardo, M., Gallicchio, G., Cupertino, F., Palmieri, M., Ilkhani, M. R., Degano, M., & Gerada, C. (2025). High Speed Synchronous Machines: Technologies and Limits. IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications, 6, 93-106.

This paper presents a comprehensive comparison of high-speed synchronous machines, encompassing synchronous reluctance, its permanent magnet variant and surface permanent magnet synchronous motors. The evaluation of their maximum performance capabili... Read More about High Speed Synchronous Machines: Technologies and Limits.

Enhanced microgrid reliability through software-defined networking and extended horizon predictive control (2025)
Journal Article
Pérez, R., Rivera, M., Araya, B., Gómez, J. S., Salgueiro, Y., Restrepo, C., Wheeler, P., You, M., & Sumner, M. (2025). Enhanced microgrid reliability through software-defined networking and extended horizon predictive control. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 42, Article 101635.

The dynamic nature of power systems combined with the need for low-latency and loss-tolerant communications, presents significant challenges to maintaining system reliability and resiliency. This paper proposes a novel integration of Finite Control S... Read More about Enhanced microgrid reliability through software-defined networking and extended horizon predictive control.

Coupled Inductor-based Soft-switched Boost-Ćuk Converter for Microinverter Applications (2025)
Journal Article
Heidari, R., Ali Ghanbari, M., Adib, E., & Rivera, M. (2025). Coupled Inductor-based Soft-switched Boost-Ćuk Converter for Microinverter Applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,

In this study, a novel fully soft-switched high step-up dc-dc converter is proposed. The proposed converter comprises the integration of boost and Ćuk converters with the same input inductor and MOSFET, and series-connected output dc-link voltages. I... Read More about Coupled Inductor-based Soft-switched Boost-Ćuk Converter for Microinverter Applications.