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Dr KIM CHISHOLM's Outputs (7)

In vivo calcium imaging reveals directional sensitivity of C-low threshold mechanoreceptors (2025)
Journal Article
Semizoglou, E., Lo Re, L., Middleton, S. J., Perez‐Sanchez, J., Tufarelli, T., Bennett, D. L., & Chisholm, K. I. (2025). In vivo calcium imaging reveals directional sensitivity of C-low threshold mechanoreceptors. Journal of Physiology, 603(4), 895-908.

C-low threshold mechanoreceptors (C-LTMRs) in animals (termed C-tactile (CT) fibres in humans) are a subgroup of C-fibre primary afferents, which innervate hairy skin and respond to low-threshold punctate indentations and brush stimuli. These afferen... Read More about In vivo calcium imaging reveals directional sensitivity of C-low threshold mechanoreceptors.

Characterising the stimulus-response function of mouse C-Low threshold mechanoreceptors to mechanical stimuliin vivo (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Semizoglou, E., Lo Re, L., Middleton, S. J., Perez-Sanchez, J., Tufarelli, T., Bennett, D. L., & Chisholm, K. I. Characterising the stimulus-response function of mouse C-Low threshold mechanoreceptors to mechanical stimuliin vivo

C-low threshold mechanoreceptors (C-LTMRs) in animals (termed C-tactile (CT) fibres in humans) are a subgroup of C-fibre primary afferents, which innervate hairy skin and respond to low threshold punctate indentations and brush stimuli. These afferen... Read More about Characterising the stimulus-response function of mouse C-Low threshold mechanoreceptors to mechanical stimuliin vivo.

Assessing spontaneous sensory neuron activity usingin vivocalcium imaging (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Ingram, S. L., Chisholm, K. I., Wang, F., De Koninck, Y., Denk, F., & Goodwin, G. L. Assessing spontaneous sensory neuron activity usingin vivocalcium imaging

Heightened spontaneous activity in sensory neurons is often reported in individuals living with chronic pain. It is possible to study this activity in rodents using electrophysiology, but these experiments require great skill and can be prone to bias... Read More about Assessing spontaneous sensory neuron activity usingin vivocalcium imaging.

Enhancing research culture in academia: a spotlight on early career researchers (2023)
Journal Article
Chisholm, K. I., & Finelli, M. J. (2023). Enhancing research culture in academia: a spotlight on early career researchers. BMC Neuroscience, 24(1), Article 46.

This editorial highlights common challenges faced by early career researchers (ECRs) who play a crucial role in our research community. We propose that enhancing the experiences of ECRs will yield benefits to the entire scientific community and we gi... Read More about Enhancing research culture in academia: a spotlight on early career researchers.

Tuning in C-nociceptors to reveal mechanisms in chronic neuropathic pain (2018)
Journal Article
R, J., B, N., L, S., K, C., M, S., G, L., M, K., C, K., R, S., R, C., S, M., M, S., & R, R. (2018). Tuning in C-nociceptors to reveal mechanisms in chronic neuropathic pain. Annals of Neurology, 83(5), 945-957.

Objective: Develop and validate a low-intensity sinusoidal electrical stimulation paradigm to preferentially activate C-fibers in human skin. Methods: Sinusoidal transcutaneous stimulation (4Hz) was assessed psychophysically in healthy volunteers (n... Read More about Tuning in C-nociceptors to reveal mechanisms in chronic neuropathic pain.

Large Scale In Vivo Recording of Sensory Neuron Activity with GCaMP6 (2018)
Journal Article
Chisholm, K., Khovanov, N., Lopes, D. M., La Russa, F., & McMahon, S. B. (2018). Large Scale In Vivo Recording of Sensory Neuron Activity with GCaMP6. eNeuro, 5(1), Article ENEURO.0417-17.2018.

Greater emphasis on the study of intact cellular networks in their physiological environment has led to rapid advances in intravital imaging of the central nervous system (CNS), while the peripheral system remains largely unexplored. To assess large... Read More about Large Scale In Vivo Recording of Sensory Neuron Activity with GCaMP6.

Mitochondrial function and dynamics imaged in vivo (2016)
Book Chapter
Chisholm, K., Peters, F., Schiza, D. G., Sadeghian, M., & Smith, K. (2016). Mitochondrial function and dynamics imaged in vivo. In A. K. Reeve, E. M. Simcox, M. R. Duchen, & D. M. Turnbull (Eds.), Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Disorders (329-345). Springer.

The previous chapters have described the extraordinary depth of knowledge of mitochondrial biology revealed by in vitro observations where the environment can be closely controlled. However, in recent years there has been increased interest in the st... Read More about Mitochondrial function and dynamics imaged in vivo.