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Characterising the stimulus-response function of mouse C-Low threshold mechanoreceptors to mechanical stimuliin vivo

Semizoglou, Evangelia; Lo Re, Laure; Middleton, Steven J.; Perez-Sanchez, Jimena; Tufarelli, Tommaso; Bennett, David L.; Chisholm, Kim I.


Evangelia Semizoglou

Laure Lo Re

Steven J. Middleton

Jimena Perez-Sanchez

David L. Bennett


C-low threshold mechanoreceptors (C-LTMRs) in animals (termed C-tactile (CT) fibres in humans) are a subgroup of C-fibre primary afferents, which innervate hairy skin and respond to low threshold punctate indentations and brush stimuli. These afferents respond to gentle, touch stimuli and are implicated in mediating pleasant/affective touch. These afferents have traditionally been studied using low-throughput, technically challenging approaches, including microneurography in humans and teased fibre electrophysiology in other mammals. Here we suggest a new approach to studying genetically labelled C-LTMRs using in vivo calcium imaging. We used an automated rotating brush stimulus and Von Frey filaments, applied to the hairy skin of anaesthetised mice to mirror light and affective touch. Simultaneously we visualised changes in C-LTMR activity and confirmed that these neurons are sensitive to low-threshold punctate mechanical stimuli and brush stimuli with a strong preference for slow brushing speeds. We also reveal that C-LMTRs are directionally sensitive, showing more activity when brushed against the natural orientation of the hair. We present in vivo calcium imaging of genetically labelled C-LTMRs as a useful approach that can reveal new aspects of C-LTMR physiology.


Semizoglou, E., Lo Re, L., Middleton, S. J., Perez-Sanchez, J., Tufarelli, T., Bennett, D. L., & Chisholm, K. I. Characterising the stimulus-response function of mouse C-Low threshold mechanoreceptors to mechanical stimuliin vivo

Working Paper Type Working Paper
Deposit Date Mar 25, 2024
Publicly Available Date Mar 26, 2024
Public URL
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Additional Information This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review


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