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Dr LISA KAMMERLING's Outputs (3)

Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip (2023)
Journal Article
Vassey, M., Ma, L., Kämmerling, L., Mbadugha, C., Trindade, G. F., Figueredo, G. P., Pappalardo, F., Hutchinson, J., Markus, R., Rajani, S., Hu, Q., Winkler, D. A., Irvine, D. J., Hague, R., Ghaemmaghami, A. M., Wildman, R., & Alexander, M. R. (2023). Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip. Matter, 6(3), 887-906.

To design effective immunomodulatory implants, innate immune cell interactions at the surface of biomaterials need to be controlled and understood. The architectural design freedom of two-photon polymerization is used to produce arrays of surface-mou... Read More about Innate immune cell instruction using micron-scale 3D objects of varied architecture and polymer chemistry: The ChemoArchiChip.

Immune-instructive materials as new tools for immunotherapy (2021)
Journal Article
Fisher, L. E., Kämmerling, L., Alexander, M. R., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2022). Immune-instructive materials as new tools for immunotherapy. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 74, 194-203.

Immune instructive materials, are materials with the ability to modulate or mimic the function of immune cells, provide exciting opportunities for developing new therapies in many areas including medical devices, chronic inflammation, cancer, and aut... Read More about Immune-instructive materials as new tools for immunotherapy.

Mitigating the foreign body response through ‘immune-instructive’ biomaterials (2021)
Journal Article
Kämmerling, L., Fisher, L. E., Antmen, E., Simsek, G. M., Rostam, H. M., Vrana, N. E., & Ghaemmaghami, A. M. (2021). Mitigating the foreign body response through ‘immune-instructive’ biomaterials. Journal of Immunology and Regenerative Medicine, 12, Article 100040.

Biomaterials are routinely used in clinical applications. A key to the clinical success of implanted biomaterials is not eliciting detrimental immune responses. In this article, we provide an overview of immune responses to biomaterials,... Read More about Mitigating the foreign body response through ‘immune-instructive’ biomaterials.