The Goods and Bads in Dyadic Co-Manipulation: Identifying Conflict-Driven Interaction Behaviours in Human-Human Collaboration
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Issak, I., & Kucukyilmaz, A. (2020, April). The Goods and Bads in Dyadic Co-Manipulation: Identifying Conflict-Driven Interaction Behaviours in Human-Human Collaboration. Presented at UKRAS20 Conference: “Robots into the real world”, Lincoln, UK
One of the challenges in collaborative human-robot object transfer is the robot’s ability to infer about the interaction state and adapt to it in real time. During joint object transfer humans communicate about the interaction states through mul- tip... Read More about The Goods and Bads in Dyadic Co-Manipulation: Identifying Conflict-Driven Interaction Behaviours in Human-Human Collaboration.