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Comparative effectiveness of various exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices: A systematic review and network meta-analysis (2025)
Journal Article
Ibrahim, A. A. E., McWilliams, D. F., Smith, S. L., Chaplin, W. J., Salimian, M., Georgopoulos, V., Kouraki, A., & Walsh, D. A. (2025). Comparative effectiveness of various exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 68(4), Article 101894.

Background: Central sensitisation (CS) increases musculoskeletal pain. Quantitative sensory testing (QST) or self-report questionnaires might indicate CS. Indices of CS might be suppressed by exercise, although the optimal exercise regimen remains un... Read More about Comparative effectiveness of various exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

Contribution of inflammation markers and quantitative sensory testing (QST) indices of central sensitisation to rheumatoid arthritis pain (2024)
Journal Article
Georgopoulos, V., Smith, S., McWilliams, D. F., Ferguson, E., Wakefield, R., Platts, D., Ledbury, S., Wilson, D., & Walsh, D. A. (2024). Contribution of inflammation markers and quantitative sensory testing (QST) indices of central sensitisation to rheumatoid arthritis pain. Arthritis Research and Therapy, 26(1), Article 175.

Background: Pain, the primary complaint in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is multifaceted, and may be driven by inflammatory disease activity and central sensitisation. We aimed to ascertain what proportion of RA pain severity is explained by markers of... Read More about Contribution of inflammation markers and quantitative sensory testing (QST) indices of central sensitisation to rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Mechanisms of manipulation: a systematic review of the literature on immediate anatomical structural or positional changes in response to manually delivered high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation (2024)
Journal Article
Young, K. J., Leboeuf-Yde, C., Gorrell, L., Bergström, C., Evans, D. W., Axén, I., Chance-Larsen, K., Gagey, O., Georgopoulos, V., Goncalves, G., Harris, C., Harsted, S., Kerry, R., Lee, E., McCarthy, C., Nim, C., Nyirö, L., Schweinhardt, P., & Vogel, S. (2024). Mechanisms of manipulation: a systematic review of the literature on immediate anatomical structural or positional changes in response to manually delivered high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 32(1), Article 28.

Background: Spinal manipulation (SM) has been claimed to change anatomy, either in structure or position, and that these changes may be the cause of clinical improvements. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate and synthesise the peer-revi... Read More about Mechanisms of manipulation: a systematic review of the literature on immediate anatomical structural or positional changes in response to manually delivered high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation.

Validation of a questionnaire for central nervous system aspects of joint pain: the CAP questionnaire (2024)
Journal Article
McWilliams, D., Georgopoulos, V., Patel, J., Millar, B., Smith, S., & Walsh, D. (2024). Validation of a questionnaire for central nervous system aspects of joint pain: the CAP questionnaire. Rheumatology, 63(12), 3306-3314.


Neuropathic-like pain, fatigue, cognitive difficulty, catastrophizing, anxiety, sleep disturbance, depression and widespread pain associate with a single factor in people with knee pain. We report the Central Aspects of Pain questionnai... Read More about Validation of a questionnaire for central nervous system aspects of joint pain: the CAP questionnaire.

A modern way to teach and practice manual therapy (2024)
Journal Article
Kerry, R., Young, K. J., Evans, D. W., Lee, E., Georgopoulos, V., Meakins, A., McCarthy, C., Cook, C., Ridehalgh, C., Vogel, S., Banton, A., Bergström, C., Mazzieri, A. M., Mourad, F., & Hutting, N. (2024). A modern way to teach and practice manual therapy. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 32(1), Article 17.

Background: Musculoskeletal conditions are the leading contributor to global disability and health burden. Manual therapy (MT) interventions are commonly recommended in clinical guidelines and used in the management of musculoskeletal conditions. Tra... Read More about A modern way to teach and practice manual therapy.

The interrater and test–retest reliability of 3 modalities of quantitative sensory testing in healthy adults and people with chronic low back pain or rheumatoid arthritis (2023)
Journal Article
Brady, S. M., Georgopoulos, V., Veldhuijzen van Zanten, J. J., Duda, J. L., Metsios, G. S., Kitas, G. D., Fenton, S. A., Walsh, D. A., & McWilliams, D. F. (2023). The interrater and test–retest reliability of 3 modalities of quantitative sensory testing in healthy adults and people with chronic low back pain or rheumatoid arthritis. PAIN Reports, 8(6), Article e1102.

Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST) modalities used to assess central pain mechanisms require different protocols in people with different musculoskeletal conditions.

We aimed to explore the possible effects of musculo... Read More about The interrater and test–retest reliability of 3 modalities of quantitative sensory testing in healthy adults and people with chronic low back pain or rheumatoid arthritis.

Influence of central aspects of pain on self-management in people with chronic low back pain (2023)
Journal Article
Georgopoulos, V., McWilliams, D. F., Hendrick, P., & Walsh, D. A. (2023). Influence of central aspects of pain on self-management in people with chronic low back pain. Patient Education and Counseling, 121, Article 108109.

Objective: This observational study investigated whether central aspects of pain are associated with self-management domains in individuals with chronic low back pain (CLBP) undertaking a pain management program. Methods: Individuals with CLBP provid... Read More about Influence of central aspects of pain on self-management in people with chronic low back pain.

P073 Comparative effectiveness of different exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices in humans: A systematic review and network meta-analysis (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abd Elkhabir, A. A., McWilliams, D. F., Smith, S., Chaplin, W., Salimian, M., Georgopoulos, V., Kouraki, A., & Walsh, D. A. (2023, April). P073 Comparative effectiveness of different exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices in humans: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Presented at British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference 2023, Manchester


Exercise has shown a promising effect in reducing central sensitisation (CS), but it is unknown which exercise type is the most effective. This review aimed to rank and compare the effectiveness of different exercise interventions... Read More about P073 Comparative effectiveness of different exercise interventions on central sensitisation indices in humans: A systematic review and network meta-analysis.

Reply on: International, multidisciplinary Delphi consensus recommendations on non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia (2023)
Journal Article
Kundakci, B., Hall, M., Atzeni, F., Branco, J., Buskila, D., Clauw, D., Crofford, L. J., Fitzcharles, M. A., Georgopoulos, V., Gerwin, R. D., Kosek, E., Macfarlane, G. J., Neal, C., Rudin, N. J., Ryan, S., da Silva, J. A., Taylor, A. M., Turk, D. C., Whibley, D., Doherty, M., …Abhishek, A. (2023). Reply on: International, multidisciplinary Delphi consensus recommendations on non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 59, Article 152162.

Reproducible microbiome composition signatures of anxiety and depressive symptoms (2023)
Journal Article
Kouraki, A., Kelly, A., Vijay, A., Gohir, S., Astbury, S., Georgopoulos, V., Millar, B., Walsh, D. A., Ferguson, E., Menni, C., & Valdes, A. M. (2023). Reproducible microbiome composition signatures of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 21, 5326-5336.

The gut microbiome is a significant contributor to mental health, with growing evidence linking its composition to anxiety and depressive disorders. Gut microbiome composition is associated with signs of anxiety and depression both in clinically diag... Read More about Reproducible microbiome composition signatures of anxiety and depressive symptoms.

International, multidisciplinary Delphi consensus recommendations on non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia (2022)
Journal Article
Kundakci, B., Hall, M., Atzeni, F., Branco, J. C., Buskila, D., Clauw, D., Crofford, L. J., Fitzcharles, M. A., Georgopoulos, V., Gerwin, R. D., Kosek, E., Macfarlane, G. J., Neal, C., Rudin, N. J., Ryan, S., da Silva, J. A., Taylor, A., Turk, D. C., Whibley, D., Doherty, M., …Taylor, A. M. (2022). International, multidisciplinary Delphi consensus recommendations on non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 57, Article 152101.

Objectives: To develop evidence-based expert recommendations for non-pharmacological treatments for pain, fatigue, sleep problems, and depression in fibromyalgia. Methods: An international, multidisciplinary Delphi exercise was conducted. Authors of... Read More about International, multidisciplinary Delphi consensus recommendations on non-pharmacological interventions for fibromyalgia.

Harmonising knee pain patient-reported outcomes: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) and individual participant data (IPD) (2022)
Journal Article
Georgopoulos, V., Smith, S., McWilliams, D. F., Steultjens, M. P. M., Williams, A., Price, A., Valdes, A. M., Vincent, T. L., Watt, F. E., & Walsh, D. A. (2023). Harmonising knee pain patient-reported outcomes: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) and individual participant data (IPD). Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 31(1), 83-95.

Objective: In order to facilitate data pooling between studies, we explored harmonisation of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) in people with knee pain due to osteoarthritis or knee trauma, using the Patient Acceptable Symptom State scores (P... Read More about Harmonising knee pain patient-reported outcomes: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) and individual participant data (IPD).

An observational study of centrally facilitated pain in individuals with chronic low back pain (2022)
Journal Article
Georgopoulos, V., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Smith, S., McWilliams, D. F., Hendrick, P., & Walsh, D. A. (2022). An observational study of centrally facilitated pain in individuals with chronic low back pain. PAIN Reports, 7(3), Article e1003.

Central pain facilitation can hinder recovery in people with chronic low back pain (CLBP). The aim of this observational study was to investigate whether indices of centrally facilitated pain are associated with pain outcomes in a hospital-based coho... Read More about An observational study of centrally facilitated pain in individuals with chronic low back pain.

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Georgopoulos, V., Perry, T., Smith, S., McWilliams, D., Gohir, S., Valdes, A., Steultjens, M., Woodburn, J., Vincent, T., Watt, F., & Walsh, D. CAN CONTINUOUS KNEE PAIN OUTCOME MEASURES BE HARMONISED?

The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Georgopoulos, V., Smith, S., McWilliams, D., Vincent, T., Watt, F., & Walsh, D. The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Presented at Osteoarthritis Society International World Congress, Virtual

Purpose: Knee pain is highly prevalent, most commonly attributed to osteoarthritis in older people, and in younger people often due to internal derangements. Knee pain can be measured using numerical patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Several... Read More about The patient acceptable symptom state for knee pain - a systematic literature review and meta-analysis.

Indices of central sensitisation can predict effective self-management in individuals with chronic low back pain (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Georgopoulos, V. (2020, September). Indices of central sensitisation can predict effective self-management in individuals with chronic low back pain. Poster presented at IASP Virtual Series on Pain & Expo, online

Background and aims: Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the most prevalent reasons people seek healthcare assistance worldwide. Guidelines for managing CLBP prioritise the development of self-management strategies, for example through cognitive b... Read More about Indices of central sensitisation can predict effective self-management in individuals with chronic low back pain.

Pain distant from the index site and sensitization in people with knee pain and low back pain (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Georgopoulos, V., Frowd, N., Swaithes, L., Stocks, J., Fernandes, G. S., Valdes, A., McWilliams, D., Zhang, W., Doherty, M., Ferguson, E., & Walsh, D. (2020, April). Pain distant from the index site and sensitization in people with knee pain and low back pain. Presented at OARSI 2020 World Congress, Vienna, Austria

Quantitative sensory testing and predicting outcomes for musculoskeletal pain, disability, and negative affect: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2019)
Journal Article
Georgopoulos, V., Akin-Akinyosoye, K., Zhang, W., McWilliams, D. F., Hendrick, P., & Walsh, D. A. (2019). Quantitative sensory testing and predicting outcomes for musculoskeletal pain, disability, and negative affect: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PAIN, 160(9), 1920-1932.

Hypersensitivity due to central pain mechanisms can influence recovery and lead to worse clinical outcomes, but the ability of quantitative sensory testing (QST), an index of sensitisation, to predict outcomes in chronic musculoskeletal disorders rem... Read More about Quantitative sensory testing and predicting outcomes for musculoskeletal pain, disability, and negative affect: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Do maladaptive beliefs delay whiplash associated disorders (WAD): A systematic review (2018)
Journal Article
Gabriela Macias, E., Georgopoulos, V., & Taylor, A. (2018). Do maladaptive beliefs delay whiplash associated disorders (WAD): A systematic review. Edorium Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation, 4(1), 1-14.

The purpose of the study is to try to establish if maladaptive beliefs effect recovery times and poor outcomes in whiplash associated disorders (WAD). In May 2017 the following databases were searched from their inception until June 2017: SPORT Discu... Read More about Do maladaptive beliefs delay whiplash associated disorders (WAD): A systematic review.