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Dr STEFAN KLUZEK's Outputs (6)

Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and development of radiographic and painful knee osteoarthritis. A community-based cohort of middle-aged women (2015)
Journal Article
Kluzek, S., Bay-Jensen, A.-C., Judge, A., Karsdal, M. A., Shorthose, M., Spector, T., Hart, D., Newton, J. L., & Arden, N. K. (2015). Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and development of radiographic and painful knee osteoarthritis. A community-based cohort of middle-aged women. Biomarkers, 20(8), 557-564.

Context and objective: We evaluated the predictive value of serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (sCOMP) levels over 20 years on the development of radiographic (RKOA) and painful knee osteoarthritis (KOA) in a longitudinal cohort of middle-aged... Read More about Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and development of radiographic and painful knee osteoarthritis. A community-based cohort of middle-aged women.

Painful knee but not hand osteoarthritis is an independent predictor of mortality over 23 years follow-up of a population-based cohort of middle-aged women (2015)
Journal Article
Kluzek, S., Sanchez-Santos, M. T., Leyland, K. M., Judge, A., Spector, T. D., Hart, D., Cooper, C., Newton, J., & Arden, N. K. (2016). Painful knee but not hand osteoarthritis is an independent predictor of mortality over 23 years follow-up of a population-based cohort of middle-aged women. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 75(10), 1749-1756.

To assess whether joint pain or radiographic osteoarthritis (ROA) of the knee and hand is associated with all-cause and disease-specific mortality in middle-aged women.

Methods: Four subgroups from the prospective community-based Chingford Cohort... Read More about Painful knee but not hand osteoarthritis is an independent predictor of mortality over 23 years follow-up of a population-based cohort of middle-aged women.

Behavioural physical activity interventions in participants with lower-limb osteoarthritis: a systematic review with meta-analysis (2015)
Journal Article
Williamson, W., Kluzek, S., Roberts, N., Richards, J., Arden, N., Leeson, P., Newton, J., & Foster, C. (2015). Behavioural physical activity interventions in participants with lower-limb osteoarthritis: a systematic review with meta-analysis. BMJ Open, 5(8), Article e007642.

Objective: To assess effectiveness of osteoarthritis interventions to promote long-term physical activity behaviour change.

Design: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Protocol registration PROSPERO CRD4201300444 5 ( Read More about Behavioural physical activity interventions in participants with lower-limb osteoarthritis: a systematic review with meta-analysis.

Is osteoarthritis a metabolic disorder? (2015)
Journal Article
Kluzek, S., Newton, J. L., & Arden, N. K. (2015). Is osteoarthritis a metabolic disorder?. British Medical Bulletin, 115(1), 111-121.


Obesity is associated with an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis (OA), even in non-weight bearing joints. High levels of adipose tissue-associated inflammation may explain this association.

Sources of data and areas of debat... Read More about Is osteoarthritis a metabolic disorder?.

Adipokines as potential prognostic biomarkers in patients with acute knee injury (2015)
Journal Article
Kluzek, S., Arden, N. K., & Newton, J. (2015). Adipokines as potential prognostic biomarkers in patients with acute knee injury. Biomarkers, 20(8), 519-525.

This review considers adipokines as predictive biomarkers for early onset post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Serum concentrations of leptin and resistin can predict radiographic changes and are elevated in early KOA, with higher leptin concent... Read More about Adipokines as potential prognostic biomarkers in patients with acute knee injury.

Acute compartment syndrome of the thigh in a rugby player (2015)
Journal Article
Smith, R. D. J., Rust-March, H., & Kluzek, S. (2015). Acute compartment syndrome of the thigh in a rugby player. BMJ Case Reports, 2015, Article bcr2015210856.

In the absence of obvious trauma, diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome (ACS) of the thigh can easily be delayed, as disproportional pain is not always present. We present a case of ACS of the anterior right thigh compartment in a healthy, semiprof... Read More about Acute compartment syndrome of the thigh in a rugby player.