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Professor ALASDAIR CAIRNS's Outputs (26)

Investigating the Effect of Lubricating Oil Volatility and Ash Content on the Emission of Sub-23 nm Particles (2025)
Journal Article
Lagana, S., Pfau, S. A., Haffner-Staton, E., La Rocca, A., & Cairns, A. (2025). Investigating the Effect of Lubricating Oil Volatility and Ash Content on the Emission of Sub-23 nm Particles. Applied Sciences, 15(4), Article 2212.

As the world transitions to decarbonized fuels, understanding the impact of engine oil on emissions remains crucial. Lubricant-derived particulate emissions can influence air quality and regulatory compliance in future transport. Researchers have pre... Read More about Investigating the Effect of Lubricating Oil Volatility and Ash Content on the Emission of Sub-23 nm Particles.

Optimizing photovoltaic thermal systems with wavy collector Tube: A response Surface-Based design study with desirability analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Kazemian, A., Khosravi, K., Sen, S., Talebizadehsardari, P., Cairns, A., & Ma, T. (2025). Optimizing photovoltaic thermal systems with wavy collector Tube: A response Surface-Based design study with desirability analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 258(A), Article 124475.

A comprehensive simulation model and predictive analysis are employed to investigate the performance of a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system with a wavy collector tube. Response surface methodology and desirability analysis are utilized to develop a r... Read More about Optimizing photovoltaic thermal systems with wavy collector Tube: A response Surface-Based design study with desirability analysis.

Comparing physical and chemical properties of soot from laboratory tests and heavy-duty engines used in field operations (2024)
Journal Article
Pacino, A., La Rocca, A., Smith, J., Berryman, J., Fowell, M., Cairns, A., & Fay, M. W. (2024). Comparing physical and chemical properties of soot from laboratory tests and heavy-duty engines used in field operations. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 18(1), Article 04-18-01-0002.

Morphology, nanostructure, and composition of soot extracted from the oil sump of different heavy-duty engines operated under dynamometer and field conditions were investigated. Soot characteristics were then compared to a carbon black sample. Soot w... Read More about Comparing physical and chemical properties of soot from laboratory tests and heavy-duty engines used in field operations.

Experimental Comparison of Spark and Jet Ignition Engine Operation with Ammonia/Hydrogen Co-Fuelling (2024)
Journal Article
Ambalakatte, A., Cairns, A., Geng, S., Varaei, A., Hegab, A., Harrington, A., Hall, J., & Bassett, M. (2024). Experimental Comparison of Spark and Jet Ignition Engine Operation with Ammonia/Hydrogen Co-Fuelling. SAE Technical Papers, 2024, Article 01-2099.

Ammonia (NH3) is emerging as a potential fuel for longer range decarbonised heavy transport, predominantly due to favourable characteristics as an effective hydrogen carrier. This is despite generally unfavourable combustion and toxicity attributes,... Read More about Experimental Comparison of Spark and Jet Ignition Engine Operation with Ammonia/Hydrogen Co-Fuelling.

Research and innovation identified to decarbonise the maritime sector (2024)
Journal Article
Ling-Chin, J., Simpson, R., Cairns, A., Wu, D., Xie, Y., Song, D., Kashkarov, S., Molkov, V., Moutzouris, I., Wright, L., Tricoli, P., Dansoh, C., Panesar, A., Chong, K., Liu, P., Roy, D., Wang, Y., Smallbone, A., & Roskilly, A. P. (2024). Research and innovation identified to decarbonise the maritime sector. Green Energy and Sustainability, 4(1), Article 1.

The maritime sector requires technically, environmentally, socially, and economically informed pathways to decarbonise and eliminate all emissions harmful to the environment and health. This is extremely challenging and complex, and a wide range of t... Read More about Research and innovation identified to decarbonise the maritime sector.

Design and optimization of a household photovoltaic/thermal collector with serpentine tube: Energy and exergy analysis (2024)
Journal Article
Alsharifi, T., Mahdi, J. M., Togun, H., Taqi Al-Najjar, H. M., Ben Khedher, N., Cairns, A., & Talebizadehsardari, P. (2024). Design and optimization of a household photovoltaic/thermal collector with serpentine tube: Energy and exergy analysis. Applied Thermal Engineering, 246, Article 122983.

Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) collectors that simultaneously generate electricity and heat have promise for sustainable energy production. However, their performance depends strongly on four key design parameters. These are: panel aspect ratio,... Read More about Design and optimization of a household photovoltaic/thermal collector with serpentine tube: Energy and exergy analysis.

Evaluation of ammonia-gasoline co-combustion in a modern spark ignition research engine (2023)
Journal Article
Ambalakatte, A., Geng, S., Cairns, A., Harrington, A., Hall, J., & Bassett, M. (2023). Evaluation of ammonia-gasoline co-combustion in a modern spark ignition research engine. Carbon Neutrality, 2(1), Article 35.

Ammonia (NH3) is emerging as a potential favoured fuel for longer range decarbonised heavy transport, particularly in the marine sector, predominantly due to highly favourable characteristics as an effective hydrogen carrier. This is despite generall... Read More about Evaluation of ammonia-gasoline co-combustion in a modern spark ignition research engine.

Evaluation of Ammonia Co-fuelling in Modern Four Stroke Engines (2023)
Journal Article
Ambalakatte, A., Hegab, A., Geng, S., Cairns, A., Harrington, A., Hall, J., & Bassett, M. (2024). Evaluation of Ammonia Co-fuelling in Modern Four Stroke Engines. Johnson Matthey Technology Review, 68(3), 396-411.

Ammonia is emerging as a promising alternative fuel for longer range decarbonised heavy transport, particularly in the marine sector due to highly favourable characteristics as an effective hydrogen carrier. This is despite generally unfavourable co... Read More about Evaluation of Ammonia Co-fuelling in Modern Four Stroke Engines.

2D and 3D TEM Characterisation of Benzene and Ethylene Soot (2023)
Journal Article
Lagana, S., La Rocca, A., Cairns, A., Fay, M. W., Apicella, B., Ciajolo, A., & Russo, C. (in press). 2D and 3D TEM Characterisation of Benzene and Ethylene Soot. Fuels, 4(2), 174-185.

Flame-generated soot particles from two different fuels, benzene (B) and ethylene (E), at different ageing conditions, were analysed to assess their morphological and structural features. Samples were collected at 6, 10 and 14 mm from the nozzle loca... Read More about 2D and 3D TEM Characterisation of Benzene and Ethylene Soot.

Hydrogen storage in liquid hydrogen carriers: recent activities and new trends (2023)
Journal Article
Ulucan, T. H., Akhade, S. A., Ambalakatte, A., Autrey, T., Cairns, A., Chen, P., Cho, Y. W., Gallucci, F., Gao, W., Grinderslev, J. B., Grubel, K., Jensen, T. R., de Jongh, P. E., Kothandaraman, J., Lamb, K. E., Lee, Y.-S., Makhloufi, C., Ngene, P., Olivier, P., Webb, C. J., …Weidenthaler, C. (2023). Hydrogen storage in liquid hydrogen carriers: recent activities and new trends. Progress in Energy, 5(1), Article 012004.

Efficient storage of hydrogen is one of the biggest challenges towards a potential hydrogen economy. Hydrogen storage in liquid carriers is an attractive alternative to compression or liquefaction at low temperatures. Liquid carriers can be stored co... Read More about Hydrogen storage in liquid hydrogen carriers: recent activities and new trends.

Investigating the Effect of Volatiles on Sub-23 nm Particle Number Measurements for a Downsized GDI Engine with a Catalytic Stripper and Digital Filtering (2022)
Journal Article
Pfau, S. A., Haffner-Staton, E., La Rocca, A., & Cairns, A. (2022). Investigating the Effect of Volatiles on Sub-23 nm Particle Number Measurements for a Downsized GDI Engine with a Catalytic Stripper and Digital Filtering. Fuels, 3(4), 682-697.

Recent efforts of both researchers and regulators regarding particulate emissions have focused on the contribution and presence of sub-23 nm particulates. Despite being previously excluded from emissions legislation with the particle measurement prog... Read More about Investigating the Effect of Volatiles on Sub-23 nm Particle Number Measurements for a Downsized GDI Engine with a Catalytic Stripper and Digital Filtering.

Automated particle recognition for engine soot nanoparticles (2022)
Journal Article
Haffner-Staton, E., Avanzini, L., La Rocca, A., Pfau, S. A., & Cairns, A. (2022). Automated particle recognition for engine soot nanoparticles. Journal of Microscopy, 288(1), 28-39.

A pre-trained convolution neural network based on residual error functions (ResNet) was applied to the classification of soot and non-soot carbon nanoparticles in TEM images. Two depths of ResNet, one 18 layers deep and the other 50 layers deep, were... Read More about Automated particle recognition for engine soot nanoparticles.

A Comprehensive Design Guideline of Hairpin Windings for High Power Density Electric Vehicle Traction Motors (2022)
Journal Article
Zou, T., Gerada, D., La Rocca, A., Moslemin, M., Cairns, A., Cui, M., Bardalai, A., Zhang, F., & Gerada, C. (2022). A Comprehensive Design Guideline of Hairpin Windings for High Power Density Electric Vehicle Traction Motors. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 8(3), 3578-3593.

The rapidly increasing demand on power density levels of electric vehicle (EV) drive systems is pushing the boundaries of traction motor performance. Hairpin windings are becoming a popular option for EV motors due to their reduced DC losses and impr... Read More about A Comprehensive Design Guideline of Hairpin Windings for High Power Density Electric Vehicle Traction Motors.

Linking operating conditions of a GDI engine to the nature and nanostructure of ultrafine soot particles (2022)
Journal Article
Pfau, S. A., Rocca, A. L., Haffner-Staton, E., Fay, M. W., & Cairns, A. (2022). Linking operating conditions of a GDI engine to the nature and nanostructure of ultrafine soot particles. Combustion and Flame, 245, 112315.

Sub-23 nm particulate emissions from internal combustion engines have become a topic of interest for research and legislative regulations in recent years. Many studies focused on electrical mobility measurements of soot particles, but few works emplo... Read More about Linking operating conditions of a GDI engine to the nature and nanostructure of ultrafine soot particles.

Plasma electrolytic oxidation thermal barrier coating for reduced heat losses in IC engines (2021)
Journal Article
Hegab, A., Dahuwa, K., Islam, R., Cairns, A., Khurana, A., Shrestha, S., & Francis, R. (2021). Plasma electrolytic oxidation thermal barrier coating for reduced heat losses in IC engines. Applied Thermal Engineering, 196, Article 117316.

The work involved the development and on-engine testing of a new “thermo-swing” barrier coating for reduced wall heat transfer and increased thermal efficiency in future diesel engines utilizing aluminium alloy pistons. Such swing coatings, of low th... Read More about Plasma electrolytic oxidation thermal barrier coating for reduced heat losses in IC engines.

The use of active jet ignition to overcome traditional challenges of pre-chamber combustors under low load conditions (2020)
Journal Article
Bunce, M., Cairns, A., & Blaxill, H. (2021). The use of active jet ignition to overcome traditional challenges of pre-chamber combustors under low load conditions. International Journal of Engine Research, 22(11), 3325-3339.

The need for advanced combustion technologies for use in future highly efficient powertrains in the automotive sector is well understood. Pre-chamber combustors, a technology with numerous historic examples, are fast becoming a major area of research... Read More about The use of active jet ignition to overcome traditional challenges of pre-chamber combustors under low load conditions.

Investigating the impact of copper leaching on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions in HPCR diesel engines (2019)
Journal Article
La Rocca, A., Ferrante, A., Haffner-Staton, E., Cairns, A., Weilhard, A., Sans, V., Carlucci, A. P., & Laforgia, D. (2020). Investigating the impact of copper leaching on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions in HPCR diesel engines. Fuel, 263, Article 116719.

© 2019 Elsevier Ltd Copper leaching in diesel fuel and its impact on combustion and emission characteristics of a Direct Injection High Pressure Common Rail (DI HPCR) diesel engine was investigated. This work was performed using a single cylinder Ric... Read More about Investigating the impact of copper leaching on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions in HPCR diesel engines.

A study of hydrous ethanol combustion in an optical central direct injection spark ignition engine (2019)
Journal Article
Koupaie, M. M., Cairns, A., Vafamehr, H., & Lanzanova, T. D. M. (2019). A study of hydrous ethanol combustion in an optical central direct injection spark ignition engine. Applied Energy, 237, 258-269.

The aim of this experimental work was to improve understanding of the influence of hydrous ethanol on combustion in an engine demonstrating a tendency for biased flame migration towards the hotter exhaust walls as often reported for typical modern pe... Read More about A study of hydrous ethanol combustion in an optical central direct injection spark ignition engine.

Cyclically resolved flame and flow imaging in an alcohol fuelled SI engine (2018)
Journal Article
Moslemin Koupaie, M., Cairns, A., Xia, J., Vafamehr, H., & Lanzanova, T. (2019). Cyclically resolved flame and flow imaging in an alcohol fuelled SI engine. Fuel, 237, 874-887.

The work was concerned with improving understanding of the interaction of the bulk in-cylinder flow with turbulent premixed flame propagation when using varied fuels including iso-octane, ethanol or butanol. The experiments were performed in a single... Read More about Cyclically resolved flame and flow imaging in an alcohol fuelled SI engine.

Study on pollutants formation under knocking combustion conditions using an optical single cylinder SI research engine (2018)
Journal Article
Karvountzis-Kontakiotis, A., Vafamehr, H., Cairns, A., & Peckham, M. (2018). Study on pollutants formation under knocking combustion conditions using an optical single cylinder SI research engine. Energy, 158, 899-910.

The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the pollutants formation and cyclic emission variability under knocking combustion conditions. A great number of studies extensively describe the phenomenon of knock and its combustion characterist... Read More about Study on pollutants formation under knocking combustion conditions using an optical single cylinder SI research engine.