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Mr ADRIAN HAZZARD's Outputs (9)

GeoTracks: adaptive music for everyday journeys (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Greenhalgh, C., Hazzard, A., McGrath, S., & Benford, S. GeoTracks: adaptive music for everyday journeys. Presented at ACM Multimedia 2016

Listening to music on the move is an everyday activity for many people. This paper proposes geotracks and geolists, music tracks and playlists of existing music that are aligned and adapted to specific journeys. We describe how everyday walking journ... Read More about GeoTracks: adaptive music for everyday journeys.

^muzicode$: composing and performing musical codes (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Greenhalgh, C., Benford, S., & Hazzard, A. ^muzicode$: composing and performing musical codes. Presented at Audio Mostly 2016

We present muzicodes, an approach to incorporating machine-readable ‘codes’ into music that allows the performer and/or composer to flexibly define what constitutes a code, and to perform around it. These codes can then act as triggers, for example t... Read More about ^muzicode$: composing and performing musical codes.

Audio in place: media, mobility & HCI: creating meaning in space (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chamberlain, A., Bødker, M., Hazzard, A., & Benford, S. (2016, September). Audio in place: media, mobility & HCI: creating meaning in space. Presented at 18th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI 2016)

Audio-based content, location and mobile technologies can offer a multitude of interactional possibilities when combined in innovative and creative ways. It is important not to underestimate impact of the interplay between location, place and sound.... Read More about Audio in place: media, mobility & HCI: creating meaning in space.

An ethnographic exploration of studio production practice (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McGrath, S., Hazzard, A., Chamberlain, A., & Benford, S. An ethnographic exploration of studio production practice. Presented at 2nd AES Workshop on Intelligent Music Production

Tools for music production range from full scale digital production workstations to context-driven plugins. There are a number of inherent challenges to address in supporting users at different stages of work and at different levels of technical skil... Read More about An ethnographic exploration of studio production practice.

Harnessing the digital records of everyday things (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Darzentas, D., Hazzard, A., Brown, M., Flintham, M., & Benford, S. Harnessing the digital records of everyday things. Presented at Design Research Society 2016

We address how, framed by the Internet of Things, digitally-enabled physical objects may acquire rich digital records throughout their lifetimes, and how these might enhance their value, meaning and utility. We reflect on emerging findings from two c... Read More about Harnessing the digital records of everyday things.

Designing for exploratory play with a hackable digital musical instrument (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
McPherson, A. P., Chamberlain, A., Hazzard, A., McGrath, S., & Benford, S. (2016, June). Designing for exploratory play with a hackable digital musical instrument. Presented at ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS 2016), Brisbane, QLD, Australia

This paper explores the design of digital musical instruments (DMIs) for exploratory play. Based on Gaver's principles of ludic design, we examine the ways in which people come to terms with an unfamiliar musical interface. We describe two workshops... Read More about Designing for exploratory play with a hackable digital musical instrument.

Designing brutal multiplayer video games (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marshall, J., Linehan, C., & Hazzard, A. Designing brutal multiplayer video games. Presented at 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016

Non-digital forms of play that allow players to direct brute force directly upon each other, such as martial arts, boxing and full contact team sports,are very popular. However, inter-player brutality has largely been unexplored as a fe... Read More about Designing brutal multiplayer video games.

Interpersonal touch as a game interaction method (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Marshall, J., Linehan, C., Tennent, P., & Hazzard, A. Interpersonal touch as a game interaction method. Presented at Proxemic Mobile Collocated Interactions Workshop at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2016

Interpersonal touch is a key element of social behaviour, yet is largely ignored in HCI. In this paper, we describe two games which explore two extremes of interpersonal touch, and discuss key research questions relating to them.

Accountable artefacts: The case of the Carolan Guitar (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benford, S., Hazzard, A., Chamberlain, A., Glover, K., Greenhalgh, C., Xu, L., Hoare, M., & Darzentas, D. (2016, May). Accountable artefacts: The case of the Carolan Guitar. Presented at CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Jose, California, USA

We explore how physical artefacts can be connected to digital records of where they have been, who they have encountered and what has happened to them, and how this can enhance their meaning and utility. We describe how a travelling technology probe... Read More about Accountable artefacts: The case of the Carolan Guitar.