A Framework for Optimization of Hybrid Aircraft
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Zhao, X., Sahoo, S., Kyprianidis, K., Sumsurooah, S., Valente, G., Rashed, M., Vakil, G., Hill, C. I., Jacob, C., Gobbin, A., Bardenhagen, A., Prölss, K., Sielemann, M., Rantzer, J., & Ekstedt, E. (2019, June). A Framework for Optimization of Hybrid Aircraft. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
To achieve the goals of substantial improvements in efficiency and emissions set by Flightpath 2050, fundamentally different concepts are required. As one of the most promising solutions, electrification of the aircraft primary propulsion is currentl... Read More about A Framework for Optimization of Hybrid Aircraft.