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Dr DAVID SCURR's Outputs (67)

Combination of (M)DSC and Surface Analysis to Study the Phase Behaviour and Drug Distribution of Ternary Solid Dispersions (2014)
Journal Article
Meeus, J., Scurr, D. J., Chen, X., Amssoms, K., Davies, M. C., Roberts, C. J., & Mooter, G. V. D. (2015). Combination of (M)DSC and Surface Analysis to Study the Phase Behaviour and Drug Distribution of Ternary Solid Dispersions. Pharmaceutical Research, 32(4), 1407-1416.

Purpose: Miscibility of the different compounds that make up a solid dispersion based formulation play a crucial role in the drug release profile and physical stability of the solid dispersion as it defines the phase behaviour of the dispersion. The... Read More about Combination of (M)DSC and Surface Analysis to Study the Phase Behaviour and Drug Distribution of Ternary Solid Dispersions.

Spectroscopic Studies of Internal Injector Deposits (IDID) Resulting from the Use of Non-Commercial Low Molecular Weight Polyisobutylenesuccinimide (PIBSI) (2014)
Journal Article
Barker, J., Reid, J., Snape, C., Scurr, D., & Meredith, W. (2014). Spectroscopic Studies of Internal Injector Deposits (IDID) Resulting from the Use of Non-Commercial Low Molecular Weight Polyisobutylenesuccinimide (PIBSI). SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 7(3), 762-770.

Copyright © 2014 SAE International. Since 2009, there has been a rise in deposits of various types found in diesel fuel injection systems. They have been identified in the filter, the injector tip and recently inside the injector. The latter internal... Read More about Spectroscopic Studies of Internal Injector Deposits (IDID) Resulting from the Use of Non-Commercial Low Molecular Weight Polyisobutylenesuccinimide (PIBSI).

Injectable and porous PLGA microspheres that form highly porous scaffolds at body temperature (2014)
Journal Article
Qutachi, O., Vetch, J. R., Gill, D., Cox, H., Scurr, D. J., Hofmann, S., Müller, R., Quirk, R. A., Shakesheff, K. M., & Rahman, C. V. (2014). Injectable and porous PLGA microspheres that form highly porous scaffolds at body temperature. Acta Biomaterialia, 10(12), 5090-5098.

Injectable scaffolds are of interest in the field of regenerative medicine because of their minimally invasive mode of delivery. For tissue repair applications, it is essential that such scaffolds have the mechanical properties, porosity and pore dia... Read More about Injectable and porous PLGA microspheres that form highly porous scaffolds at body temperature.

High throughput screening for biomaterials discovery (2014)
Journal Article
Algahtani, M. S., Alexander, M., Scurr, D. J., Hook, A. L., Anderson, D. G., Langer, R. S., Burley, J. C., & Davies, M. C. (2014). High throughput screening for biomaterials discovery. Journal of Controlled Release, 190, 115-126.

Using microarray technologies thousands of biomedical materials can be screened in a rapid, parallel and cost effective fashion to identify the optimum candidate that fulfils a specific biomedical application. High throughput surface characterization... Read More about High throughput screening for biomaterials discovery.

Thermally Switchable Polymers Achieve Controlled Escherichia coli Detachment (2014)
Journal Article
Hook, A. L., Chang, C., Scurr, D. J., Langer, R., Anderson, D. G., Williams, P., Davies, M. C., & Alexander, M. R. (2014). Thermally Switchable Polymers Achieve Controlled Escherichia coli Detachment. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3(7), 1020-1025.

The thermally triggered release of up to 96% of attached uropathogenic E. coli is achieved on two polymers with opposite changes in surface wettability upon reduction in temperature. This demonstrates that the bacterial attachment to a surface cannot... Read More about Thermally Switchable Polymers Achieve Controlled Escherichia coli Detachment.

Ambient DESI and LESA-MS analysis of proteins adsorbed to a biomaterial surface using in-situ surface tryptic digestion (2013)
Journal Article
Rao, W., Celiz, A. D., Scurr, D. J., Alexander, M. R., & Barrett, D. A. (2013). Ambient DESI and LESA-MS analysis of proteins adsorbed to a biomaterial surface using in-situ surface tryptic digestion. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24(12),

The detection and identification of proteins adsorbed onto biomaterial surfaces under ambient conditions has significant experimental advantages but has proven to be difficult to achieve with conventional measuring technologies. In this study, we pre... Read More about Ambient DESI and LESA-MS analysis of proteins adsorbed to a biomaterial surface using in-situ surface tryptic digestion.

Strategies for MCR image analysis of large hyperspectral data-sets (2012)
Journal Article
Scurr, D. J., Hook, A. L., Burley, J., Williams, P. M., Anderson, D. G., Langer, R., Davies, M. C., & Alexander, M. R. (2012). Strategies for MCR image analysis of large hyperspectral data-sets. Surface and Interface Analysis, 45(1),

Polymer microarrays are a key enabling technology for high throughput materials discovery. In this study, multivariate image analysis, specifically multivariate curve resolution (MCR), is applied to the hyperspectral time of flight secondary ion mass... Read More about Strategies for MCR image analysis of large hyperspectral data-sets.